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Sunday, June 29, 2014

John Kerry Makes Transgender Ambassadors a Top Priority in Burning America

Do you know what "ROFLMAO" stands for?

Well, if you're not of the tech generation you may not know it stands for "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off."

And just that is our reaction to Secretary of State John Kerry's new mission in the dying social construct known as America. Kerry gave a speech before the GLIFFA, which is the Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies, he remarked that it was mandatory for his state department to fill the ranks with homosexuals and "transgendered" people (don't worry, we're still trying to figure that one out ourselves).

Before we get to his comments, why is it that homosexualists feel the need to acronomyze themselves? LTGBT(WXYZ) and now GLIFFA? What role in "diplomacy" does sexuality or mental illness in the case of transvestites have?


"So I am very proud of the progress that we are now making even in appointing LGBT ambassadors. I worked with the committee here at the State Department – with the D Committee, and I worked with the White House. And as a result, Ted Osius, sitting here, whom I’ve known a long time, and his family I know, will be the first openly LGBT officer nominated to serve as an ambassador in Asia. And on confirmation, he’s going to join five openly gay ambassadors who are now serving their country. I’m working hard to ensure that by the end of my tenure, we will have lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors in our ranks as well.


  1. I feel left out. What about asexuals like me? Don't we get representation?

  2. I am embarrassed for our country. What a joke we must be to the rest of the world.

  3. It's good to know that this horrific excuse of an administration is focused on the stuff that really matters. This is ludicrous, disgraceful and embarrassing. Our "leaders" have all gone insane. What in the hell has happened to my once-great country?

  4. At one point I just wanted to get away from Socialist here in Salisbury.. now I want to get away from the USA. I am embarrassed for our country, this administration and the idiots running it are just UFB...

  5. Wait - so if a STRAIGHT person applies for one of those positions and does not get it - since Kerry has made this statement - they can file for DISCRIMINATION!!!!!

  6. Kerry has zero foreign policy success stories to tell, so change the subject to something open-minded brain dead liberals will embrace. What a horse's face!

  7. Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah —from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

  8. Was Ambassador Stevens gay? Not sure but if so see how that worked out for him

  9. And here I thought LGBT was an appliance company.

  10. So now we must actively search for applicants who have had their schlongs removed or their whowho's filled in to be ambassadors. Wow. We aren't looking for the right people, we just want to make sure your junk has been rearranged. It has-great, you're hired.

  11. So does mean our mayor will be going into foreign service? That might not be too bad, maybe they would send him(her?) to some middle east country. they behead queer (they called them selves that on tv queer eye for the straight guy)people in some of those countrys.

  12. Please send the Transgender and/or transsexual ambassadors to the middle east. Please let Kerry, Obama, Holder, and any other open minded Administration members escort them. As a matter of fact, if there are any trans-women that want to be men, Obama and Kerry should fork over their balls since they are not using them. John Kerry may well be the dumbest person on the planet. Criticize Obama all you want but he is accomplishing his mission in a more dramatic fashion than I would have ever dreamed. Hope you BO voters are happy when we see a US collapse and a new socialist world order.


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