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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Report exposes Perdue as a top U.S. dumper of toxic chemicals: By Ray Wallace

Research from Environment America shows that 2012 was a bigger year for toxic chemical dumping than most of us could have imagined.

Industrial facilities across the U.S. dumped more than 206 million pounds of toxic chemicals into waterways in 2012, according to the “Wasting Our Waterways” report....

Of the top 10 parent-companies releasing the largest amount of toxins, four are corporate agribusiness companies: Tyson, Cargill Inc., Perdue Farms Inc. and Pilgrims Pride Corp.

-- From “Report Exposes Companies That Dumped 206 Million Pounds of Toxic Chemicals Into U.S. Waterways,” by Brandon Baker, at this June 23, 2014 EcoWatchsite:



  1. I have said it over and over again, but all the shore folks blast me for talking bad about their beloved Purdue the poisoner. Well, here it is, and this guy didn't get paid to bury the truth, or cover it up! The chicken lobby buys their way out of trouble in Washington, well, maybe now the EPA can shut down Purdue and allow the Chesapeake to recover. tell Jim Purdue to go and drink the slim his plants dump!

  2. I see no proof of any so called toxic chemicals . A lot of talk
    about toxic chemicals , so define which are toxic .
    Most toxic things come from congress , every word they say is toxic , every word Obama says is toxic. We do have proof of this!!
    He has killed America in 5 years.

  3. Just because this guy wrote an article does that make it true? Is every article everyone writes true? Where is the proof? Do you really think you EPA would let these chicken companies do ANYTHING illegal? You might not agree with how they make their money but I do not think the EPA would allow them to do what this article implies. As much as our government loves to impose fines I find it unlikely they would pass up this opportunity.

  4. Oh please 9:50-You need to get out and see how it works in the real word most importantly the world of Capital Hill. The EPA is nothing more than a lap dog for big corps. It's they who are behind all the regulations. It was founded by Nixon as a way for his big corp buddied to skirt the anti trust/monopoly laws. The big corps pretend to be outraged but the reality is they control the EPA. When regs are put in place and implemented it eliminates the weaker smaller companies. The democrats have embraced the EPA because it is their goal as well as big business to have only a handful of large corps controlling all trade, commerce and services.

  5. 9:50 think about it, your an EPA investigator, your making $30,000 a year, mortgage, car payment, college fund for kids, IRA for your wife and you, insurance, food, insurance, gas, and other bills.
    Now your at Purdue and discover a lot of bad things. Jim Purdue offers you $50,000 to just rewrite what you found...... Pretty easy to figure out what you would do is it not?

    1. Do you really think this happens? If you do you are delusional.

  6. All this negative propaganda by tree huggers and democrats.

    Why are you even publishing this garbage!

  7. Sheeple. Prove it is NOT true.

  8. I am not a democrat 11:15. You are not going to get any more to the right than me. You can bet your last dollar on that one. I will admit to being a bit of a tree hugger, because I wasn't born yesterday and if you or anyone else thinks for one second that big corps care about the environment then you are grossly uninformed. It's all about the almighty dollar and you would best be served to not ever forget it. It would benefit you immensely. To the politicians we are nothing more than peons whose only purpose is to spend money and make money for corps which in turn fund the politicians and make them rich with insider trading tips and other ways. Don't believe for one second politicians care that children are dying from cancer and other diseases virtually unheard of decades ago. They care about their own pocket books and their power-that's it that's all.
    Read up on the Delaney Clause. It was abolished in 1996 by the democratically controlled EPA at the time. It had prohibited carcinogens in processed foods.

  9. Everything is toxic to these quacks.

  10. 12:14-Having no children myself I would hope than any parent (any worth a dam anyway) would assume that everything IS toxic.
    It was laughable when all these so called concerned parents were outraged that their child was breathing second hand smoke all the while shoving down the kid's throat "food" laden with chemicals. If you don't think these chemicals interfere with the human body's molecular systems then you are sadly mistaken. You can ask any medical doctor esp those involved in treating cancer patients and every single one will tell you, it's not the food we eat but what's been added to it that has caused the cancer rates to explode.
    I was in school from late sixties through early 80's. Not one classmate was diagnosed nor had any kind of disease or condition all throughout my school years. Now every school has children with something including cancer.

  11. Perdue and every other company has EPA inspections...most annually. They must be within state and federal guidelines or their would be fines and or closures.

  12. 1. EPA and all it's little epa's deceive and lie on a regular basis. Their purpose is to CONTROL everything we do personally and corporately and "relieve" us of our hard earned income.
    2. Read the latest report and story about the Chesapeake Bay "cleaning up" nicely. Big improvement.
    3. Leave Perdue alone. They do a lot of good for our region, are fair in wages and employment and perks.
    4. Please just stop spouting lies and go away for good. We don't like your lies and you need to get a real life.

  13. It would be so nice to be able to step out my door and not smell the stink of curdled blood, moldy feathers, stinking guts and other offensive smells coming from Purdue! I really wish they would close the plant here in Salisbury, the smell is so bad!
    We need to go back to growing food crops not birds!

  14. 7:22, I'd be willing to bet that Perdue was there first, then you moved in next door.

    Get it?

  15. Back in the early 1980's Frank Perdue was a 1st class passenger on a flight returning from France. Dinner was a choice of chicken or filet mignon. Everyone except for Perdue, requested the filet. It was noticed that Perdue didn't eat the chicken, and someone commented that it must not have been Perdue brand, to which a very socially as well as very politically connecte elderly billionairess several times over, who resided in Middleburg VA, replied "I guess he doesn't eat that shit either."

  16. I tend to agree that Perdue is a major cause of Salisbury/Wicomico county's decline. It's extends into Worcester and Somerset as well. The chicken farms are and continue to be bought up by a lot of Asians who do have a lower standard of living so they allow the residence/residences on the farms to become rundown eyesores.
    The chicken processing facilities employ very low wage predominately Hispanic/Latino workers, who while some do manage to purchase homes, they too tend to not do much in the way of home improvements. This causes the surrounding area's property values to decrease because no one wants to buy a house next to these run down properties.
    In the meantime it's good for Perdue because, since the property values are low in Salisbury, this provides low cost housing in the way of rent for their employees.

  17. If chickens are the direct or indirect cause/contributor of toxins, why are we chicken eaters, NOT dead. Where are those supposed toxins in the processing of chickens? Cutting them up? Or freezing them? Or transporting them? I call this story utter B.S.. Just another non existent excuse to perpetuate the growth of pretend environmental agencies. Spread the lie, TOXINS, TOXINS, TOXINS, you're all going to die if WE don't get more and more federal money to protect YOU. Just look at this comment thread, people read sound bites, completely FREE of any established facts or addressed toxins. Not one word of a specific toxin. Gullible lemmings, ever ready to help the Obama's of the world destroy another industry and receive their big payoff from China, hell bent on shipping and force their Communist grown chickens down the throats of ALL Americans. Start thinking for yourselves and stop swallowing written lies.

  18. The original story comes from a website called ecowatch. Try to pull it up with wikipedia. It doesn't exist. It's a fresh new face hoping for an Al Gore puppet to get those federal dollars. Then they can get another go at a farmer like the liberal liars tried to do to the Hudson family in Berlin. We all saw how self serving Al Ja Zero Gore sold out his TV station for 70 million to muslims, didn't we? Look at the faces behind these lies, like Gore and you will find people are liberal FREE dollar whores trying to steal every Democratic controlled taxpayer dollar that they think they can get and in the process, ruin real income producing businesses, like our chicken industry, as they go. Think people, THINK for yourselves!

  19. How do you say perdue is the source of economic decline in salisbury?
    Are there any other multi billion dollar companies in the area?
    Perdue could be based anywhere and you should thank your lucky stars that they choose to stay in salisbury.

  20. Frank perdue never flew first class

  21. 12:14 PM - they don't take care of their employees that well either.
    They import people and hang them out to dry...

  22. Apparently high on Perdue’s toxic pollution, some ranting idiot left a 2:55 PM June 29 comment absurdly claiming EcoWatch doesn’t exist because he couldn’t find it on Wikipedia!

    If Perdue hadn’t killed his brain cells, he could easily have confirmed from the supplied documentation that the full June 2014 report, “Wasting Our Waterways,” is at this Environment America site:

    Will the idiot now claim that the environment and America don’t exist?

    An explanatory news release, “206 Million Pounds of Toxic Chemicals Dumped into America’s Waterways” is posted here:

    It clearly identifies Perdue as one of the top companies releasing toxic chemicals.


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