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Sunday, June 29, 2014

News Report: Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into US, Shoots At Border Agents

TUCSON, Ariz. (CBS Las Vegas) — Border Patrol agents in Arizona were reportedly fired upon by a Mexican military helicopter that traveled across the border.

KVOA-TV reports that Mexican authorities were conducting a drug interdiction operation when the incident happened early Thursday morning on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The Mexican chopper fired at the agents and then flew back into Mexico.

Art del Cueto, Border Patrol Tucson Sector union president, tells KVOA that they called and apologized for the incident.



  1. On Thursday (I think) an announcement was made that National Guard troops would likely be sent to the border.We need to know precisely what role they would play if that happens,because unarmed Nat Guardsmen were sent to the border several years ago.

  2. My suggestion is to give the chopper directions to the White House. Then we might find out why Obama intentionally disobeys our laws.

  3. How can that happen without dispatching F-16'so blow it out of the sky? I guess our borders are open to terrorists in flight as well as on the ground. Homeland Security at their best! What a waste of tax money.

  4. their orders should be to shoot any person trying to enter the US illegally!

  5. Remember the AlamoJune 28, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    Shoot the chopper out of the sky...

  6. Oh, gee...sorry we crossed the border accidentally and shot at your people. Yet our man still sits in a stinking Mexican prison for accidentally crossing the border. Our president has no courage, no honor, no cajones.

  7. A foreign helicopter crossing our borders and shooting at federal agents/police officers is an act of war. WTH is wrong with our government. Bush would have already bombed that damn place.

  8. Dittos to 2:30 and 3:06

  9. This is acts attack on U.S.A. soil and Obama need to be remove or call to arms to remove this monster.

  10. 645, what this meas? when mix you up words say remove and?


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