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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Salisbury Airport

Joe -

Just came from picking my wife up at the airport. You really need to go out there and see this. The fan motor on the HVAC has a bad bearing and it is so loud that I am amazed that no one has called the fire department. The automated entry door located on the west side of the main terminal is also frozen and malfunctioning.
Weeds also growing up in the rental car area and along the building again.

I swear - the management of this facility is atrocious. You really ought to go out there and roll your window down. For that matter you can leave your window up as the bearing chatter is so loud that you'll still hear it. The lady inside said its been that way for days - and is publically annoying.


  1. It's a reflection of poor management. Look at Chic-fil-a

    You'll never find a weed growing around there nor will you ever see a discolored parking lot.

  2. The terminal is as bad as the planes , we came in on one engine and the other was leaking oil.

  3. Discolored parking lot?? Huh?

  4. 8:34 Exactly! Just a prime reflection of our tax and spend style society who loves to run stuff into the ground and then blame everyone except themselves.

  5. Chick Fil A has an anti weed stance. Maybe we can have another day to rally around the weed.

  6. The airport is run by the county...the county is run by dumocrats - the workers don't get to do what is necessary because the money is being spent for lunch!

  7. What do you expect with a lazy pompous manger like Bob Bryant trying to run the airport? He needs to go for the health of the airport!

  8. dittos 9:46...vote Culver retire Pollitt.

  9. You can always drive to BWI or PHL if you don't like SBY.

  10. A perfect doormat to our toilet of a city.

  11. 9:46 those mechanics and ones who sit behind a desk at piedmont make bank money

  12. Joe:

    There is a rumor that a large defense company wants to build a hangar at the airport and bring 200 jobs to Wicomico county but Bryant refuses to negotiate with them. This needs to be investigated and if true Bryant needs to be fired IMMEDIATELY.

  13. 10:35 stupid much? Thank you for your thoughtless comment.
    I in fact, take the bay runner to BWI.
    Salisbury goes to Philly, they are mirror images of each other as far as being mismanaged and deplorable.
    When our airport closes because no one uses it, I wonder what feeble non-witty comment you will have.
    You will be the first whiner crying how you now have to drive 2 hours just to fly.

  14. To 10:35. You can always disclose the poor condition of SBY airport to the voting public. Maybe things will change and we won't have to drive to BWI or PHL...ugh!

  15. The airport is no different than this city in general. Weeds in the neighborhoods that have become 3-4' trees. Over growth on Rt 13, businesses that look as bad as the neighborhoods. And we can't get rid of the people in charge as the leaders run unopposed in elections. We are a joke to the state of Maryland. Take a good look people, and visitors to the blight that is Salisbury.

  16. Just flew in and out of BWI this past week. Very pleasant airport. The longer drive is more than offset by not having to connect through PHL and its delays.

  17. and is publically annoying.

    is that a word?

  18. I also heard the loud noise as I had to rent a car from there a few days ago.

    You can't help but to hear it as it is louder than any jet or airplane. Now, when that bearing does go out it could very well damage other parts of the HVAC system. In my opinion, it is a reflection on the management.

  19. Wonder what they are paying the airport terminal manager. Does anyone know what he is his paygrade?

  20. They get grants for all kinds of upgrades where does it all go?Salaries Im guessing.

  21. At least it's not the propeller bearings!

  22. Bob Bryant has been in over his head for many years as far as operating an airport goes. Back in the days he was one of Henry Parker's golden boys and could do no wrong, and it is still that way today. He can do no wrong! Maybe someone should investigate some of the monkey business that goes on at most all county run facilities. If the public only knew part of the "real" story more people like Joe Holloway would be elected to office.


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