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Monday, June 02, 2014

New Russia/China Gas Deal Is Beginning of the End For US Petrodollar Dominance

Daily Bell: How are things? 

Ron Holland: Well, I'm on the beach in the Caribbean today as I respond to the interview questions so for me, personally, like the Zac Brown Band sings in their hit song, "Toes", "I got my toes in the water, *ss in the sand not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand. Life is good today, life is good today." But I fear the economic future, especially for Americans, is an entirely different story. Actually, earlier this week an event took place of paradigm shift proportions that will likely destroy the dollar as the world reserve currency over the coming decade. Of course, it was not covered by the mainstream media and even missed by much of the alternative media but this historic Russia/China gas deal totally outside the dollar is the beginning of the end for the petrodollar system. ZeroHedge did publish an article explaining this deal that I would recommend for anyone wanting a more thorough understanding, entitled "Russia and China Finally Sign Historic $500 Billion 'Holy Grail' Gas Deal." Over time this will translate into a dramatically lower standard of living in America along with at least a 50% depreciation in the dollar. I fear the long-term catastrophic financial impact on the US dollar and your wealth will dwarf anything that has happened during most of our lifetimes. You can expect violence, property destruction and the end of all civil liberties and constitutional protections for a long period of time. When world reserve currencies are replaced and major empires die, it is not the end of the world but history shows it will be the end of the world we've known for much of our life in the United States. I believe America will bounce back and the situation will not be permanent but it will be severe for those who have not prepared in advance. Washington's response will be much higher taxes and placing a financial iron curtain around America to keep your assets available for confiscation should the need arise. This includes a future emergency wealth tax plus possible gold and retirement plan asset confiscation or forced investment into a future collapsing Treasury market. But with crisis and disruption also comes opportunity for those aware of what is happening, both bad and good. Remember the old adage, "Invest where there is blood in the streets"? Well, the dollar collapse will not be a quick event and it will ebb and flow depending on many factors but I'm sure America will have blood in the streets and the only question is severity and duration. Hence the reason I'm down here in beautiful Ambergris Caye, Belize on the beach with a beer. But contrary to the song lyrics, this trip is not about pretty señoritas or tequila and I can't play the guitar, nor will I "roll me a big fat one" today – though on that note, I do believe cannabis legalization for medical and recreational use will likely be the biggest positive equity market story of the coming decade. Actually, I'm down here searching for an offshore escape hatch for Americans because the new Russia/China Axis is the biggest negative dollar and financial event for the United States at least since the Great Depression. I've found several excellent locations in Central and South America as well as domestically while doing research for my new book, Safe Haven, that will be out very soon. Belize tops my list for beach-based, second home, safe-haven communities at prices 40% lower than most Caribbean islands. Colombia, in South America, is also an interesting situation. Click here for more information specifically on Belize where I'm visiting today. Email me at rholland [at] eastnet.ch for a complimentary copy of the new book when available and complete guide for safe-haven opportunities to escape what is coming.



  1. Millions of people, despite evidence, facts, and historical data, refuse to believe that we can continue to borrow TRIILIONS (with no hope whatsoever of paying it back or climbing out of the black hole of debt) and everything will be peachy. When the dollar is no longer the standard for international trade, we (the USA) are in BIG trouble.
    "Blood in the streets" doesn't do the scenario true justice. There aren't enough police & military to control 275 million hungry and cold people.
    Better be ready.

  2. So the real reason for this war ...the petro dollar is lost??we are doomed if this is the case..

  3. It will all be delt with this week by the buildburg group .


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