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Monday, June 02, 2014

Current Measles Outbreak The Worst U.S. Has Seen In 14 Years

When I was a young cheese-fed sprout growing up, the measles sounded like one of those awfully scary diseases that only people in history books ever came down with. Because I knew enough to know that getting vaccinated against it meant I likely wouldn’t get it. But measles are all the rage again now, or at least cases are climbing to record highs since the disease was eliminated 14 years ago in the U.S.

The current measles outbreak currently infected people in the country is at the highest number of cases in 14 years, with 288 cases of the potentially deadly infection popping up in 18 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said yesterday, according to theWashington Post.



  1. Maybe if people would get themselves and their children vaccinated instead of listening to fear mongering anti-vaccination nutjobs like Jenny McCarthy we wouldn't have as much of an issue.

  2. 12:42
    While she may be a nut job the information states that most have been adults over the age of 20. I don't think Jenny was even in the news when they were children. How about the 12 million illegals that are in the country. I wonder how many of them are not vaccinated.

  3. Believe me, you do NOT want to get measles, either as a child or as an adult.

  4. As adult you can get them by being exposed to unvaccinated child. People not getting their kids vaccinated puts everyone at risk.

  5. One of the common injuries from adult measles in men is sterility.


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