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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Mental Health Screening a Good Way to Decrease Liberty, Poor Way to Increase Security

Last week Americans were shocked and saddened by another mass killing, this one near a college campus in California. We all feel deep sympathy for the families of the victims.

As usual, many people responded to this shooting by calling for new federal gun control laws, including the mental health screening of anyone attempting to purchase a firearm. There are a number of problems with this proposal. Federally-mandated mental health screenings would require storing mental health records in a government database. This obviously raises concerns about patient privacy and doctor-patient confidentiality, as well as the threat of identity theft. Anyone who doubts that these are legitimate concerns should consider the enormous privacy problems with the Obamacare website; some have even suggested that healthcare.gov be renamed indentifytheft.gov.

Giving government the power to bar some Americans from owning guns by labeling them as "mentally ill" could easily lead to serious abuses. Even authors of mental health manuals admit that mental health diagnoses are subjective and can be based on "social constructions." Thus, anyone whose behavior deviates from some "norm" could find himself deprived of his second amendment, and possibly other, rights.



  1. There is no such thing as a mental health issue... There is no science or proof that can conclude is someone is crazy or not or any of the other made up terms by the physiatrist...

    The only reason anyone says that someone else is crazy or the like is because they are referencing the actions of one person against the actions of the Social theme of the current time...

    How do you know that the one person is crazy all because he is different than the masses? Isn't everyone different is some way shape or form? YES so then if you use everyone's arguments then that would be EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD IS cray or any of the other terms the physiatrist made up...

    In short, you all would say "Man he or she is crazy" all because they may not follow the current color of social themes... Who is to say that the one person is right and all of you are wrong? you can not put science to someone's state of feelings and then say they are crazy because they do not match your feelings...

  2. If everyone had the right to exercise their 2A rights,
    1) "Crazy" people would probably get a better grip on sanity.
    2) If they did "Go Off", it would become a self curing experience.
    3) EVERYONE would be more polite.
    4) There would be no such thing as the "Knockout Game"

    And, no, the nation would not look like the Wild West. In fact, crime is actually close to non existent in right to open carry places.

  3. First people to test are the Lawmakers in DC!

  4. In case you haven't been paying attention (and I KNOW most of you don't, or you wouldn't be electing the SAME LYING THIEVES 90% of the time), your "leaders" have already made dozens of non-violent MISDEMEANORS (!!) grounds for barring an individual from possessing a firearm for life. LIFE!! Now, they want to establish some mental health "standard" one must meet?? Wait 'til THAT definition is created - it will make Alice in Wonderland look like a Harvard thesis)... do you have a job? You're crazy. Do you still think the Bill of Rights is a valid document? Delusional. Go to church and believe in Christ? Possible terrorist.
    They KNOW they can NEVER ban guns. At least for another two generations. Their career would end quickly at the end of a rope (or gun). But if they can find a million reasons to make YOU unable to have one, put a few citizens in prison (you know, setting an example...), buy up all the ammo, and label most guns as "dangerous assault weapons" that are illegal to own, they don't have to repeal the 2nd Amendment --- it's effectively wiped out and erased.
    Which, for those not paying attention, is exactly the plan.
    Keep cheering.


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