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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Ted Cruz: Democrats Want to Repeal First Amendment

Democratic efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution to give Congress the power to regulate campaign financing are an assault on the First Amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz wrote in a commentary in The Wall Street Journal.

The Texas Republican charged that the Democratic Party was turning its back on centuries of bipartisan consensus and is now "trying to regulate the speech of the citizenry."



  1. Just another part of the fascism that is growing ever stronger here. When your programs and policies are so obviously failing and driving the country into irreversible decline (not politicians, though; they become multi-millionaires in a few years taking bribes, making back door deals, taking kickbacks, getting their children $100,000 lobbyist jobs -like Harry Reid did, and abdicating their responsibilities to the Republic), they have only one other option --- criminalize and punish those who dare speak against them.
    Works GREAT in China, North Korea, the Soviet Union, Iran, Egypt, and a host of other countries.
    We aren't even sliding down the slippery slope towards fascism -- we have a rocket booster attached to our ace, at full throttle.
    Keep cheering, you stupid lemmings.

  2. Do it! Stop big corporations from buying our elections and buying laws! There is too much money in politics.

    How about this. Cap the salary of every senator, house rep, and the president and his cabinet at less than 100K. You can't properly represent people if you make more than 10 times what they do.

  3. You could pay them $10,000 a year and they would STILL spend 10 million of their own money to get the job.
    Its NOT the salary --- its the endless supply of bribes, insider info, kickbacks, and shakedown money that makes those jobs so lucrative.
    Keep cheering, but remember, I'm not talking about YOUR guy -- he's squeaky clean and only wants to "help". I don't even know who YOUR guy is, but I'm positive he's as pure as the driven snow.
    Keep believing that....it will make your conscience feel so much better.
    The rest of you? Cheer like you're at a Hitler rally.....you're gonna end up with the same results those delirious Germans did.


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