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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Melvin Caldwell - Modern Day Visionary - Similar in Comparison to Thomas Jefferson

Melvin Caldwell and Thomas Jefferson are very similar when comparing their styles and personalities.  Both men embrace the principles and the rights of the individual.  Caldwell volunteered and oversaw key revisions to the Wicomico County charter that resulted in the current County Executive form of government.  And like American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson - Caldwell is also a very skilled writer and possesses a unique ability to articulate concepts and attitudes that can positively mold and cement key relationships.  He is well respected in our community not only as it relates to his law profession, but as a father, husband, and is well regarded among his many colleagues - (rated the highest of all potential judgeship candidates).

Having known Mr. Caldwell for almost 31 years - we can tell you first hand that he has the community's interests at heart.  There is no doubt he is a pillar among our community.

'We believe Melvin Caldwell represents a true reflection of eastern shore ideals that are unique to our area and people.'

And so our Editorial staff gives Mr. Caldwell its unanimous endorsement and wishes him the best in his endeavor to become the 'PEOPLE's CHOICE'.  If there were ever anyone that truly deserves this position - its Melvin Caldwell.  We encourage the public to get out and support him.

Article Published by SBYnews Editorial Staff      


  1. Joe,

    As usual, your right on the money. MJ will make an EXCELLENT Circuit Court Judge.

    We are lucky to have him here.

  2. We need to vote for Caldwell to correct the blatant partisan appointment by the Governor. The state bar association deemed Mr Caldwell to be 'HIGHLY QUALIFIED' and deemed Mr Sarbanes to be 'NOT QUALIFIED at this time'!!!!!!

  3. Look guys, I have already cast my vote for MJ but the comparison to TJ is a little over the top.

  4. I hope he wins the Circuit Court Judgeship as he is certainly qualified. I never thought that O'Malley would shun the recommendation made by the Bar.

    Maybe the people will be able to correct this mistake by removing Sarbanes.

  5. If I were a local resident, he'd get my vote.

  6. I believe the crux of the article is that both of these men are visionaries. Mr. Caldwell is obviously more capable of defining issues through his opinions/writings, very similar to what President Jefferson did in the Declaration of Independence. He is a more refined person in comparison to a Sarbanes. I also believe Mr. Caldwell is the better man.

  7. I'm going to vote for Mr. Caldwell also. He certainly has the credentials.

  8. I agree. The people would be blessed to have Mr. Caldwell as a judge. It's rare that such an accomplished and experienced attorney even wants the position as it is a step down.

  9. One thing a lot of people may not know about MJ is how brilliant he is. He graduated from both Georgetown University and Tulane University cum laude. He may be one of the smartest attorneys in MD....but he has also been VERY active in the community and is very down to earth. Not to criticize Sarbanes' education, but it doesn't even hold a candle to MJ's. The idea of MJ trying a case with Sarbanes as the sitting judge would be comical as MJ has forgotten more about Circuit Court law than "judge" Sarbanes knows. Vote MJ and put the person who deserves it in the position.

  10. Responding to 10:09 POSTING

    I could not agree with you anymore. Unfortunately, O'Malley made a big mistake in selecting Sarbanes despite objections from the local bar. It was a strictly a party ploy to keep Mr. Caldwell at bay. Luckily, it is the peoples decision to decide his selection. Mr. Caldwell is by far the better candidate and I hope the people correct O'Malley's blunder.

  11. If M.J. Caldwell wins this election, O'Malley will have egg all over his face. O'Malley should have known better from the get-go.

  12. Great post - please move to the top.

  13. I think the people recognize that they have had the wool pulled over their eyes on O'Malley's appointment of Sarbanes. He did not even rate that high on the approval list that was forward to the Governor. I hope that MJ cleans his clock tomorrow.

  14. There sure is a lot of outside money pouring in for this Judgeship. Must have been thousands and thousands of dollars spent as there are signs virtually everywhere.

  15. Can this post be at the top all day today.

  16. A huge amount of Sarbanes' money has come from out of state while virtually all of MJ's has come locally. That alone tells you something....

  17. This should be on top until 7 PM tomorrow.

  18. MJ would be an excellent addition to the judiciary.

    Wicomico will be well served.

  19. I believe that the consensus of the Maryland voter is tired of liberal Democrats shoving laws and taxes down our throats. I believe that the O'Malley smoke screen has finally caught up with him. Therefore his appointment, I believe, will have a negative impact on whoever it is. Therefore, if each candidate were equal in qualifications, I would vote for the one Not Appointed By O'Malley!

  20. I am a democrat but this really is terrible. Clearly Caldwell has the experience and Sarbanes was just a political appointment. This is just a matter of what is fair and I am voting for Caldwell!

  21. If you are a registered Independent you will not get to vote in the primary for either of these two men. It is not fair, as our voice will not be heard.

  22. I am also a Democrat and yet I'm embarrassed at what Governor O'Malley has done. Clearly this was a partisan appointment. Hopefully, we the people can rectify this injustice in tomorrow's vote.

    I will be pulling for MJ and hope that my entire family will do the same.

  23. To 2:57 Post - I could not agree with you more. I believe our people will see right through the O'Malley smoke screen and hopefully a new Judicial Judge will be able to slow these regulatory barriers down. Fact is the over regulatory environment has already had a cataclysmic impact on Wicomico's job base. I will be pulling for MJ Caldwell also.

  24. Caldwell has my vote on the 24th

  25. Hey Owemalley, are you listening to We The People, bozo?

  26. 2:57 I agree. Each candidate will show up on both the Democratic and Republican ballots. This is now the time to hear from the people. Business as usual or put common sense into appointments. I believe that, as a whole, Marylanders and Americans are fed up. I have said it on numerous occasions, we have to start on the local level to get the liberals out of Government. Now's the time to show that your vote counts.

  27. Joe, this is a really good Article. I hope you keep it up so that everyone will know about how to vote tomorrow.

  28. With such a hostile regulatory environment Wicomico could use a little judicial activism from the bench. I hope Mr. Caldwell wins to.

  29. A Caldwell on the bench trumps (2) Sarbanes (Paul & Jimmy) in the bush. I'll be pulling for you Mr. Caldwell.

  30. By the look of the shear volume of road signs this certainly has panned out to be a very spirited campaign. Go MJ!!

  31. Sorry I can't vote for Mr. Caldwell tomorrow -- I already have!

  32. Please put this on top of the posts on Tuesday.

  33. "We the people"

    Not take because I said so.

    Vote MJ Caldwell for Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge.

  34. I must say that I am NOT impressed at all with Sarbanes. He is probably very worried right now if he will have a job after this election. My vote goes to MJ!
    Off and running to the polls later this morning.

  35. During an interview Sarbanes said he "made a mistake" in college. Didn't know Racketeering was a mistake. Guess that's another judge who'll give thugs a slap on the wrist & go home. We need M.J. Caldwell & his knowledge & experience on the bench.

  36. I truly believe MJ is going to win this election. The public knows that this was a 'set-up' from the start and O'Malley made a big, big, blunder. Clearly partisan.

  37. MJ could take this as he was outspent by a 4-1 margin. If MJ exerts any effort at all he could walk-a-way a victor.

  38. I have read a couple of times where people have written that Spyros is a nice guy. Nice guy isn't a qualification. Nice guy doesn't make you a good judge. Nice guy doesn't make you deserve a judges position.

    I have news for you. I ran into Spyros during the election and he was arrogant to me because he was pleased where signs were placed. He also move signs around at the Civic Center so his could be out front. He also placed his signs illegally all around the county. Thank you Joe for catching the Ass red handed. You registered Republicans that held signs for him and voted for him are pure idiots. Ignorant and low informed.

  39. @9:08 AM MJ will need help. 20% is a low voter turn out and the wrong person will get elected if the lazy apathetic people don't get out and vote. MJ and all the good Republicans in Wicomico County need help financially and in person. Please help get these Republicans elected or we will loose.

  40. I'm a democrat but will vote for MJ. He is the best qualified and I do not support purely political appointments.


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