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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Re: “Wicomico County Council displays political courage,” by Councilman Joe Holloway

In Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt’s recent commentary, he stated incorrectly that I voted against his latest county budget proposal without suggesting “a single cut” in spending and “just said no.” Had Pollitt attended the County Council’s work sessions, he would have heard my concerns and those of the other council member who voted against the budget, and the support voiced by both of us for some aspects of the proposal. I have been vocal for the past eight years about spending and budget issues, and why a tax increase should be our last resort to balance the budget. I have tried to keep spending down so taxpayers, already dealing with recession-related issues, would not have an additional burden. This is our fifth consecutive year of property tax increases.

Most citizens have had to drastically readjust their own personal budgets and can’t bear an additional tax burden. Too many Wicomico County residents have lost jobs, their homes or their businesses. All of us are noticing incomes have not increased and money goes less far than it did a few years ago.

Officials should trim the fat, question spending and tighten funding, not just answer all our problems with “raise taxes.” Officials should follow every path to decrease unnecessary spending before increasing tax rates.

But that is not being done.

That is my argument against the budget and yet another tax increase, plus spending millions of the county’s reserve funds to balance Pollitt’s latest budget.

The budget deals not only with future spending — it also has to pay for past decisions. For example: Last year county employees received a 2 percent raise. However, several employees (whose job description did not change) received much greater raises — $10,000 each. Mid-year, some council members voted one elected official a $10,000 raise and nearly doubled the salaries of three Orphan Court judges.

Pollitt spoke of the millions of dollars needed for our roads, but neglected to state he had recently asked the council to OK the transfer of $2.4 million out of the Roads Department into the General Fund due to a shortfall in estimated income tax revenue. When I questioned why this money had not been spent, I was told that there “weren’t enough employees to spend it. However, we were now using subcontractors for the work.” Why this money wasn’t used to fix our roads is beyond me.

After a hard fight with the county, The Daily Times obtained information about spending at local high-end restaurants, purchasing local morning coffees and county credit cards being used for personal spending. When questioned, Pollitt said, (and I quote The Daily Times’ article) “He will continue to drill down on staff, encouraging a frugal mindset.”

That should have occurred long before the situation was disclosed for public scrutiny and comment.

My grandfather said, “Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.” Wicomico County must watch every penny because we’re running out of dollars. If Pollitt had been present when the budget was voted on, he would have heard why I do not have the trust and confidence to vote for a budget that includes yet another tax increase. If that triggered the outburst, so be it.

I take seriously how Wicomico County taxes its residents and spends public funds. If or when I see more responsible spending, I may feel more comfortable accepting future budget proposals.


  1. I thank god there is someone like you in office to look out for the taxpayers in this county. It's a real shame, they passed the tax increase anyway. We are living in really hard times and a lot of us in this county and on the shore in general are suffering. We need jobs.

  2. Way to go Joe. You can't allow anyone, including Mr. Pollitt to misrepresent your actions. Those of us who had the opportunity to watch some of the budget sessions know what you indicate in this letter to be true. I didn't see Pollitt at either session that I watched and you continually tried to encourage no tax increase. In fact I believe you stated early on you would not vote for an increase. Sorry you have to defend yourself in this way but whatever it takes. Thanks for looking out for the taxpayers.

  3. Thanks Joe Holloway - that's why we want you to stick around...the voice of common sense in a brainless world!

  4. Trying to sell my house to get away from this spend and tax city... Unfortunately, selling a house in Salisbury is no easy task.

  5. Thank you Joe Holloway for trying. Wish we had five more of you on the council.

  6. Just wait until Mitchell gets there... You may as well buy shares of Vaseline, because you'll need it. I have hope that the voters will make sure she doesn't get in, but that hasn't stopped the local "group" of making sure their rubber stamps get in.

    I still challenge whether someone who receives assistance can hold an elected seat. Her judgement is not on the city, or county, it's on her own entitlements. Conflict of interests, to the highest degree.

    1. I'm concerned her judgement has not been impaired all along. Prescription drugs are as dangerous as heroin or any other illicit drug that impairs thinking.

  7. Does anything other than misrepresentaions (lying really) ever come out of the mouths of democrats.
    If their families had any sense (morals and integrity really) they would be mortified at the lack of character these politicians possess.

  8. Joe, thanks again for TRYING your best to watch how OUR dollars are spent, for being the voice of the citizen, for using common sense, for doing your homework and much more.
    As always you're spot on...

  9. We need to re-elect people like Holloway and keep liberal homosexuals like Josh Hastings off the County Council.

    1. Or RINO's like Cannon and Matt Holloway

  10. Amen on getting the roads fixed. They are falling apart all over the county.

  11. Joe Holloway is only one of two on the council that shows any comman sense. Pollitt lied in his comment to the DT and I want to thank this blog and the DT for printing Joe Holloway's letter. I am very disappointed in Gail Barkovitch for her voting for for the tax increase WAKE UP GAIL did the good doctor advise you on this one. And Prettyman you are a joke very glad you will be history in Wicomico County. Stick by your guns Mr Holloway I know you take alot of abuse from other council members and the likes of Rick Pollitt but someone has to stand up for the taxpayers.

  12. Great post. Please put on top.

  13. Joe,

    Pagano is gone, but not Pretl, so watch your back.

  14. Mr. Holloway is just plain good Government. He is looking out for the people who put him in office.

  15. I support Bob Culver, but sorry that Joe did not run against Pollitt because we must can him or else.

  16. Can this post be moved up please.

  17. Mr Albero thank you again for keeping the citizens informed our county goverment is out of control.

  18. Thank You Joe for all your hard work for the people of this county. Let's get Bob Culver elected this Fall and get things done right for us taxpayers. It is time for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pollitt has gouged us way too long!!!!

  19. Don't worry about who is in what party. Current incumbents have done nothing but make our local problems grow like a cancer. There are a few exceptions like Joe Holloway, the rest need to be sent packing. No more career bureaucrats, they treat their jobs like a welfare check!!

  20. As always, Joe Holloway --- a
    man of truth, integrity & good moral values.
    We need more like him in
    our County Goverment!!!


  21. So if I am reading this correctly Rick Pollitt sent the Wicomico County Council a budget with a 5% propery tax increase.The council had budget work sessions and Pollitt was not present at any of them. What this tells me is that the details were contrived behind closed doors with the liberal members of the council.
    Pollitt had the confidence that his budget would be passed without his input and he did not want to be present to answer the tough questions. What A coward.

  22. Thanks Mr. Holloway for setting the record straight. It is disappointing that the executive didn't attend any of the budget sessions when he was requesting the amount of funding he felt he needed. What does he do with his time?

  23. If only there were more Joe Holloway's in this County - we would have already pulled out of this recession long ago.

    He is one of the few who possesses true wisdom.


  24. Good Job cousin Joey keep up the good work the family is proud of you.

  25. When you look around the County, the declining tax base (because the wealthier residents are fleeing this tax hell hole), the dumbing down of our society with more low class and less civil people moving in to the devalued properties, the forgotten county roads...I could go on and on...all have occurred since Pollitt and the Executive form of government came into being. He and his regime are singlehandedly destroying this county - and may have already done so beyond salvation. Joe Holloway has more sense in his little finger than that sorry bunch in the Executive branch...and you can throw pathetic Prettyman and manipulated Matt in with them.

    Why isn't this post at the top...it is important and people just getting home from work may not scroll down far enough to see it.

    Thank you.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Just wait until Mitchell gets there... You may as well buy shares of Vaseline, because you'll need it. I have hope that the voters will make sure she doesn't get in, but that hasn't stopped the local "group" of making sure their rubber stamps get in.

    I still challenge whether someone who receives assistance can hold an elected seat. Her judgement is not on the city, or county, it's on her own entitlements. Conflict of interests, to the highest degree.

    June 27, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    You better hope Laura and Mitchell don't get on that council.

  27. Anonymous said...
    We need to re-elect people like Holloway and keep liberal homosexuals like Josh Hastings off the County Council.

    June 27, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    You better believe Josh Hastings is a liberal little homosexual punk. He was put on the ballot by his homosexual buddy Jim Ireton and the homosexual lover Chuck Cook. This punk is dangerous and the Democrats better make sure they vote Republican this election.

  28. Our best bet for this upcoming election is J. Holloway, Dodd and Kilmer. Let's make sure these three get on the council. These 3 are our best bet.


  29. Joe Holloway - Continued Thanks!

    Joe A. - Continued Thanks for pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Pollitt.

  30. You are a godsend to the citizens of Wicomico County. We need a whole council of you! Keep up your amazing work. Hopefully the citizens will realize that you are the one who truly cares about us You are amazing!!!

  31. While Joe is more fiscally responsible then our current leadership, employee are concerned as we are usually the ones that suffer for their poor decision making. We are lower paid then most people realize, we are the ones who will be cut rather then the upper management make 8 or even 10 times more then us and we are penalized for their over spending habits. I'm grateful to have a job when so many are out of work, but the upper management continues to tax and spend, make unnecessary purchase that benefit only themselves and they continue to give themselves big raises while others must work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Let hold them accountable for their action and elect fiscally responsible people who want to reduce taxes and promote business.

  32. You think property taxes are going up now, just wait until the full cost of paying the pensions of the teachers hits. There will be a waiting list to get a moving van to get out of town(county)

  33. why ricky is eating on the taxpayer's dime, scratching his head needing more money

  34. Who is Josh Hastings Treasurer?

    Who is supporting him other than the Homo Sara and Homo's Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton?

    Better yet what idiots voted for him in the Primary? Oh yeah, they were Democrats. DUH!

  35. I've said it before and I'll say it again you people in Wicomico county need to watch these democrats like a hawk. Keep in mind democrats and not cut from a good cloth. They lie, manipulate and are not beyond anything. They weren't raised to value integrity nor values so they have none. I am particularly concerned with absentee ballots in the next election. At this point in time there are very few excuses for someone to vote absentee because of early voting.

  36. 4:25 AM --

    Are you brain dead? If John Cannon is not also elected to one of the at-large seats on the Council, then it will be the welfare queen liberal, Laura Mitchell. If that happens, it won't matter whether Culver beats Pollitt this fall.

  37. YOU got it joe!

    It was 1.8 % not 2 %

    Pretty hard to swallow when the chef at the civic center makes 55 k plus a 30 k bonus and now has a assistant like the rest of the mackes elite since he is so over worked.

    One 10 k raise and several 5 k raises went right upstairs there at the civic center.

    And yes there jobs have changed.

    They now have a assistant to tell what to do.

    Darn shame some of the real workers at the civic center cannot get compensated like the elite upstairs seat polishers.

  38. Fake Day is a big Josh Hastings supporter as well.

  39. You folks as amuse me.....the damage is done and its too late to spin it back......you can't loose the jobs, industry, people and expect one or two people to fix that. Until Maryland becomes a red state you can count on not much happening.

  40. Anonymous said...
    why ricky is eating on the taxpayer's dime, scratching his head needing more money

    June 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    Scratching his head? I think you mean more like scratching his butt!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Just wait until Mitchell gets there... You may as well buy shares of Vaseline, because you'll need it. I have hope that the voters will make sure she doesn't get in, but that hasn't stopped the local "group" of making sure their rubber stamps get in.

    I still challenge whether someone who receives assistance can hold an elected seat. Her judgement is not on the city, or county, it's on her own entitlements. Conflict of interests, to the highest degree.

    June 27, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    You better hope Laura and Mitchell don't get on that council.

    June 28, 2014 at 3:58 AM

    I'm confident you meant Laura and Josh Hastings.

  42. County employees actually got a 1.7% Cost Of Living Allowance last year, not a 2% raise as Holloway touts. All County employees, with the exception of Deputies belonging to FOP 111, got no increase in compensation this year. The Deputies will however be getting around an 8% raise over the next two years, with it being 2% each 6 months. I sure hope taxes don't rise more to be able to pay all this extra compensation.

  43. We need more people like Joe Holloway,vote REPUBLICAN.

  44. Anonymous said...
    We need to re-elect people like Holloway and keep liberal homosexuals like Josh Hastings off the County Council.

    June 27, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    I can't agree more. I was beginning to think I was the only one who knew he was a homosexual.

    Does anyone know anything about his treasurer Harlan Eagle. Oops I me DOCTOR Harlan Eagle.

  45. Beezer said...
    If only there were more Joe Holloway's in this County - we would have already pulled out of this recession long ago.

    He is one of the few who possesses true wisdom.


    June 27, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    If you want a good County Council you need to vote

    County Executive - Bob Culver

    County Council
    District 2 - Marc Kilmer
    District 3 - Larry Dodd
    District 5 - Joe Holloway

    That will give you a great council to help bring the out of control spending back in order.

  46. Anonymous said...
    4:25 AM --

    Are you brain dead? If John Cannon is not also elected to one of the at-large seats on the Council, then it will be the welfare queen liberal, Laura Mitchell. If that happens, it won't matter whether Culver beats Pollitt this fall.

    June 28, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    Oh thanks for reading this blog and giving your input John Cannon.

  47. Anonymous said...
    YOU got it joe!

    It was 1.8 % not 2 %

    Pretty hard to swallow when the chef at the civic center makes 55 k plus a 30 k bonus and now has a assistant like the rest of the mackes elite since he is so over worked.

    One 10 k raise and several 5 k raises went right upstairs there at the civic center.

    And yes there jobs have changed.

    They now have a assistant to tell what to do.

    Darn shame some of the real workers at the civic center cannot get compensated like the elite upstairs seat polishers.

    June 28, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Can you please explain what you just wrote? Please anyone?

  48. Called Pollitt's office last Thursday to offer my displeasure at what is going on, have yet to receive a return phone call. lady told me that they would call me back.

  49. Leave it to an old country boy to have some common horse sense. I’s toss everyone out of office and repalce them with farmers and county folk. Why do you think Old Abe was so good,,,horse sense.

  50. Out with liar Pollitt and has band of excessive spenders. The county council office WILL not call you a taxpayer back when you call them to comment on a problem. They are all a total waste of money, especially their public relations specialist. Her job is to get Tricky Ricky re-elected to his plush seat.


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