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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hmmmm, Career Builders Offers The Following Position

Public Information Officer
City of Salisbury 

Office of the Mayor 

Salisbury, MD 6/24/2014


Public Information Officer
Full Time Salary: $51,844.00         

Full Range of Benefits

Essential Functions: Perform comprehensive coordination of all social, print, and digital media for the Mayor’s Office to include: Production of press releases, public relations media releases, special brochures and similar material; Arranges press conferences, meetings with other City departments, businesses and the public. Performs research, analysis, and prepares a variety of documents; Screens, directs, and responds to all media requests and coordinates all formal Public Information Act inquiries on behalf of the Mayor’s Office. Composes detailed letters and reports independently from brief notes or instructions; serves as the point of contact for the development and distribution of information regarding City programs. Must be willing to work some weekend and evenings.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Bachelor’s Degree with preference given to a degree in communications, journalism or media production. Candidate must possess a high degree of proven efficiency and organizational skills. Government experience preferred. Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite, the internet, email, and other relevant software and publishing programs. Experience in a high-volume and time sensitive work environment.

Closing Date: Friday, August 1, 2014 at 4:30 pm


Submit City application, cover letter and detailed resume to:

City HR Department
125 N. Division St.
Salisbury, MD 21801
410-548-1065 Fax: 410-548-3748
Web site: www.ci.salisbury.md.us
E-mail: [Click Here to Email Your Resumé]



  1. Forgot one thing, must never say no to mayor.

  2. OMG! Really? The mayor has a part time position and he needs a full time person to do his job? How incompetent this makes you look Mr Ireton.

  3. $52,000 for that? For this small city? The candidate will be proficient at candy crush in no time. Isn't that twice what the mayor makes? LMAO.

  4. And, I find it hard to believe, that there isn't someone already in the office (or multiple people), who couldn't have this extra work duty thrown on them. They are some of the most inefficient workers, maybe if we demand that they pull their weight, become efficient, and do these extra tasks, as part of their salary... they will. Or, they won't, you get rid of them and find someone who will/can. It would be a shame if the public sector were required to show a profit, or break even.

  5. Wicomico County PIO makes more than that.

  6. You will have to be an ass kisser to get this job.

  7. I emailed this to Jay Carney. He said he'd be here tomorrow!

  8. Don't Trust The AdminJune 26, 2014 at 6:38 PM

    You have to do more than what is put in the job description to even get considered

  9. An Ass kisser that kisses the mayor on the weekend under the broadwalk.

  10. It requires a degree that the city administrator doesn't have...hilarious!

  11. That salary is much too low to work in hell

  12. Haywood Jablomey just applied for the job...

  13. knee pads required

  14. Joe, you misspelled a word in your headline. It should read, "Hummmmm"!

  15. Gosh darn it. If I had just gone to school to learn instead of going hunting and drinking wit my friends, I coulda been college educated and be able to gets a job making $50K a year fee doing nothing but sitting in an office.

    1. Actually you could have the top job, no degree required!

  16. Anonymous said...
    It requires a degree that the city administrator doesn't have...hilarious!

    June 26, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    Tom Stevenson doesn't need a degree. He is Jim Ireton's Arm Candy. He dumped the married woman in the neighborhood code office and her husband dumped her. Tom Stevenson is the POS that was hired by DingleBarrie Tillmon now skyrocketed to the high ranking position of City Administrator. Didn't Jim Ireton promise to get rid of the butt kissing department heads under the Tilghman Administration? WAIT!! I said BUTT kissing? Wink, Wink.

  17. The Mayor's Office consists of a City Administrator, An Assistant City Administrator, a City Clerk and numerous other wasted positions in his office. His office alone takes up half of the third floor. Someone needs to dissect all of this and show the waste and "need" to raise your taxes. Jake Day and Laura Mitchell you approved this? Jake Day you expect to get re-elected next year and Laura Mitchell you expect to get elected to the Wicomico County Council!

  18. Laura Mitchell, Vice President of the Salisbury City Council approved this addition to the Salisbury Mayor's office. This addition will cost the tax payers approximately $70,000 in additional tax expense. Laura Mitchell this is a perfect example of your tax and spend mentality. We are going to use this against you in your attempt to gain a seat on the Wicomico County Council. We don't want you on the Salisbury City Council and we don't want you on the Wicomico County Council.

    Oh don't think we will forget about your treasurer who also wants to seek a seat on the Wicomico County Council. Your little buddy Josh Hastings worked hard to get you elected to the city council and he is a self proclaimed Moderate. Self proclaimed yes, Moderate NOT! A Moderate would not support immoral gay sex/Same sex marriage. You 2 need to quit the race just like your friend Ron Pagano did. Quit wasting everyone's time with your lies and fantasies.


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