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Sunday, June 29, 2014

An Open Letter to Comcast / Xfinity


My name is Stacie Huckeba I have been a customer of Comcast for over eight years.

I realize that it’s a dirty little secret and you don’t like to talk about it, but c’mon, between just you and me, you can admit it. Basically you have a monopoly on internet service, at least in terms of speed. It’s ok, I like money too. Nobody is happier than me when I deposit big fat checks. Sadly, I’m not quite as “connected” as you guys.

I’m a photographer and I think I’m really good, unfortunately, I live in a town with a plethora of talented photographers so I can’t just sit back and be lazy. I’ve sent emails to the Mayor, and Governor and even my Senators and Congressmen asking that they put in regulations to make sure I am the only photographer who can use professional and top of the line equipment in town. Weird, they don’t get back to me. One of you guys will have to tell me how you got them to do that for you. It would be so awesome to deposit those big fat checks knowing that I had no competition and could just be lazy, put out half-assed work and charge whatever I wanted because I was the only one in town who could deliver print ready work. God, I bet those feel so good going in the bank!



  1. I was with them for 20 years and their rates went up so much I switched to direct tv. Its much better. I will play the switching game every couple of years now. They lost a 20 year customer because of their greed. And I bet they don't care.

  2. I left Comcast after 10 years to DirecTV. I'm much happier.

  3. Very happy with Direct TV and happy I left Comcast and their ever increasing rates

  4. why cant a cable co. come around where you pick and choose what channels you receive, instead of having hundreds of channels, and there still only 10 or 15 worth watching. and thats a huge stretch too.

  5. They forced us to get cable boxes for each of our tv's even though our tv's are HD and digital ready. At first they were free, but a few months ago, they sent me letter telling me they were now going to charge me a fee for each of my cable boxes. I took them all to the customer service center here in Salisbury and told them what they could do with it. I can see what I want anyway through the internet.

  6. If Comcast were a grocery store and all I wanted was a gallon of milk, I would be forced to purchase one of every other item in the store just because they have it on the shelf.

    And this is legal??????

  7. Four years now. No cable, no satellite, no local tv. Not missing much of anything. Savings = $1200+ per year plus hundreds of hours of living out of the glow of the tube.

  8. Think of how decimating it would be to all of those waste-of-time shows in production if they weren't included in the grand scheme of Comcast's offerings. Should Comcast ever offer a la carte programming sales (buy just what you want) those production companies and their lame shows would go under in a heartbeat.

  9. the owner is a scumbag, but he fills the pockets of the politicians so as usual we are all screwed!

  10. We have been with Comcast for 9 years, I work from home so I need internet, looked around and comcast is the only one in our area, we are stuck. I wish there were more choices out there.Every month I get my bill, I see all these extra charges for what?

  11. I felt raped by them when they made me by a technical support plan just to access the wifi I purchased thru them. 45$ one time fee and 5$ a month just so I could get my stinkin password

  12. 6:01
    I agree. We should be able to select which channels we actually want to have. I'm sure our bills wouldn't go down though. They wouldn't be making money on any of the scrub channels and no one would want any of the commercial channels.

  13. Verizon DSL isn't cable, but it's internet, and if there's ever any problems, they come out right away. I'm happy and can work from home with it just fine.

    I do wish there were a couple more providers to choose from...

  14. Wicomico Citizens, here's some homework for you. Go back in county council history and see who gave Comcast the exclusive rights to do cable in Wicomico County. Don't blame Comcast, blame your county council. Ask Ed Baker to research the deal and someone make it public. John Palmer.

  15. After 6 years I cancelled my services with comcast. They sent me the final bill which had a due date if 23rd of that month. On the 18th I got a call from a collections agency telling me that I had to pay my bill now or it would be reported to my credit rating. Yet the bill wasn't even due yet. I called comcast about the issue and they didn't have any answer as to why they sent my bill to collections 5 days before the bill was even due. They wouldn't even apologize for it. Then when I paid the bill to collections agency I had to pay a $7.50 processing fee on top of the bill. So not only was I forced to pay my bill early but u was forced to pay a "penalty" even though it still had 5 days to pay the bill.

    I now use direct TV and couldn't be happier. My only issue is that I have moved I to a brand new neighborhood and the only untilities buried so far is the electric. But when Verizon gets into our neighborhood I'll have no problem using DSL for our internet service. We don't download movies or play video games... we just use the internet to "surf the web".


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