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Friday, June 13, 2014

Hundreds Of Frederick County Residents Opt Out Of Party Affiliation

About 2,900 Frederick County residents in the past year have declared a new party affiliation, with about 40 percent of them shunning both Republican and Democratic labels.

From June 1, 2013, to May 31, 1,181 county residents changed their voter registrations to become unaffiliated or to join the Green or Libertarian parties, according to county elections officials. Though Republican and Democratic ranks have grown since the last gubernatorial primary in 2010, the fastest-expanding group of Frederick County voters have eschewed the two main political designations. Statewide trends mirror the local pattern, as voters tire of the partisan bickering they associate with the dual-party system, a political expert said.

"Negative campaigning and polarized politics are almost a systemic turnoff for many voters. Politicians behaving badly," said Herbert Smith, political science professor at McDaniel College. 



  1. Too bad Maryland chooses to only recognize R/D, and not any of even the top 4 Independent parties to open up the competition.

    Nope, they only recognize the 2 crooks for the primaries.

  2. The perfect reason that these other parties should be respected in the Primary Elections. Unfortunately, unless you are either an R or a D, you're denied the right to vote.

    Makes one wonder if there needs to be a change in that stupid law.

    No, I won't wonder, I will demand.


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