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Friday, June 13, 2014

Dead Broke? Hillary’s Up to Her Old Games

Hillary Clinton likes to present herself as an everywoman, facing the same challenges that bedevil all families, living in sync with their trials and tribulations, overcoming adversity as we all try to do. The latest iteration of her wish to downplay her wealth so as to be just plain folks was her bald assertions to Diane Sawyer that she and Bill were “dead broke” and “in debt” when she left the White House, struggling to “you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, Chelsea’s education, you know, it was not easy.”

Some dead broke! Some “not easy.” Consider this:

–Her joint tax return with Bill for 2001 showed a $16,165,110.00 income for her first year out of the White House.

–Even before they left the White House, their joint income for 2000 was $359,000, scarcely in the “dead broke” category, particularly when you consider that the Clintons had none of the normal expenses that the rest of us do. Housing, cars, child care, insurance, electricity, landscaping, health care, these are all covered by the taxpayers. All they had to pay for was dry cleaning, food and college tuition for Chelsea. Most people could make that work.



  1. She's a Democrat so she's a liar.

  2. Broke, with a 16 million dollar income.

    Proof she's dumber than a box of hammers.

    So, this is going to be your next president????

  3. I wish I was that broke….

  4. Try it on $9,334 per year, Biotch.
    WITH a mortgage to keep up with, and keep food on the table.

  5. Lies lies lies and more lies if the american people actually vote that lying bitch into the white house they deserve exactly what get.

  6. she's back........liar, liar, pants on fire. NEVER trust this woman.


  7. People are being so unkind to Mrs. Bill Clinton. Please consider:

    -Couldn't even pay for dry cleaning of dresses at WH.
    -Cost of cigars for her husband's habit.
    -She will be 67 this fall and just like most of us needs to keep earning a buck to make ends meet.
    -Commodity trading market is much tougher since trades got computerized.
    -Outrageous property taxes for the DC and NY state mansions.
    -Delaware fashion outlets never have enough designer pantsuits in her size; ends up buying where there are sales taxes.
    -Marc Rich died and his wife gave up her citizenship so that ATM is closed.
    -She's gonna be a grannie in short order. Have you priced kids' toys lately? A battery powered Bentley or Land Rover for junior will set you back.
    -Since her hubby's heart surgery McD's is out and healthy is in. Whole Foods isn't called Whole PayCheck for low prices.
    -And finally another way for her to ring the cash register. Float a pool for a 50/50 to see what % of the baby's DNA matches Webb's. Her cut will be worth millions!

    Please, let's be nicer to this senior citizen (and no more prank calls at 3 a.m.).

  8. 9:09 your post is better than the article.

  9. Games or no games she will get a lot of votes.The bloodsuckers of society have too much to lose not to vote for her.


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