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Friday, June 13, 2014

Prosecute the President

President Barack Obama believes he is above the law.

That’s because he is.

This week alone, Obama announced that he would unilaterally change student loan rules, allowing borrowers to avoid paying off more of their debt; he signaled that he would continue his non-enforcement of immigration law, even as thousands of children cross the border; he defended his non-disclosure of a terrorist swap to Congress.

This is not just executive overreach. In many cases, Obama’s exercise of authoritarian power is criminal. His executive branch is responsible for violations of the Arms Export Control Act in shipping weapons to Syria, the Espionage Act in Libya, and IRS law with regard to the targeting of conservative groups. His executive branch is guilty of involuntary manslaughter in Benghazi and in the Fast and Furious scandal, and bribery in its allocation of waivers in Obamacare and tax dollars in its stimulus spending. His administration is guilty of obstruction of justice and witness tampering.

And yet nothing is done.



  1. Get the Senate Democrats on board with this, and it's gung ho. The House has been ready to go since 2012, but to try and fail before the Senate goes Republican would preclude a second try post '14 elections.

    It's frustrating, but true, and despite promises, Democrats CANNOT be trusted.

    We have to wait until the Senate has a Republican majority.

    Does this suck? Yes. Did you vote for this situation? Yes. Will you do it again? Time will tell.

  2. And we still have 21/2 yrs to go.

  3. Obama is a scumbag,even his supporters know it but he is their scumbag who gives them free stuff.Realisticly nothing can be done until the republicans have control of both houses of congress and preferably the white house also. We need some real smart constitution lawyers to plan a stratagy to put obama and a bunch of his conspiritors in prison when he is out of office. they also need to be sued civilly if that is possible.

  4. Its called a dictatorship and sadly history has taught us that the next thing is mass murder.

    America, are you asking for a revolution?

  5. We need a strong Republican to back into him, but, we have none.

  6. Its all a part of the big agenda, and its all about to get worse

  7. We need to encourage Ben Carson to run. He seems to be honest, sincere and above all humble - sounds like the guy in office from 1980-1988.

  8. The funny thing is I can't find 10 people that voted for him.


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