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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Shore Transit Stop Being Rude!

Could someone please inform Shore Transit this is loading and unloading for patients and not their personal parking place. This is not the first time we have seen them do this. There is a place for them to park on the side of the building so they can load and unload their patients, yet they prefer to park here. By doing so no one else has easy access when dropping off their friends or family members for dialysis. Many patients are weak and have problems walking from the parking lot, you are just being lazy and inconsiderate by parking there.


  1. They do that crap everywhere nursing homes dialysis centers and doctors office I have actually seen them park about two feet from the back of an ambulance so the emts couldn't load their patient until that shore transit bus moved

  2. So why don't you tell them?

  3. Have you seen some of their drivers? They should make them walk from the other end of the parking lot. They could use the exercise

  4. Maybe they need to screen their drivers better.

  5. 4:03
    That is a little hard to do when they are not in their vehicle. People don't have time to search for some lazy punk.

  6. Oh and 403 I have called about this before and I got we will talk to the driver this was two months ago

  7. Call and ask for Brad Bellaceo.

  8. Police should have the damn vehicles towed and that would put a stop to that crap. I haven't seen it but if I do I will call the cops and the hospital.

  9. The people with the ambulance couldn't leave their pt they had to wait until this gelatinous mass of a woman came back outside and thought itwas funny the ambulance crew looked highly pissed

  10. A few high fines attached to some parking tickets, and/or towing fees will fix this problem quick.

  11. Sometimes you can't even get in or out. Shore Transit, medical transport, parking in both the drop off and the exit lane...every single time I go in or out of the parking lot...

  12. Vehicle is on private property and can be ticketed. Don't waste the police's time.

  13. Someone needs to investigate Shore Transit and its operations. Try riding on their busses and seeing the DOT violations, along with one of their drivers texting while driving the bus. Is that an accident waiting to happen or what?


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