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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl's father shaves his controversial beard

Bob Bergdahl's beard became the most controversial facial hair in all of America, but now critics who accused him of looking like a member of the Taliban can rest easy - he has shaved.

Grown in order to mark the time his son was in captivity as a POW in Afghanistan, neighbors of Bergdahl in Hailey, Idaho, have said that the former UPS truck driver is now clean shaven.

This comes as it was reported that Bowe Bergdahl is still refusing to speak to his family, despite being sent a letter from his sister, as he recovers in an Army hospital in Germany.



  1. "Bowe Bergdahl is still refusing to speak to his family, despite being..."
    What this really means is that his handlers are prepping him for his defence against his fellow comrades who know the true story, and who are being trashed by the government they defended.

  2. The press really needs to leave this family alone.

  3. Maybe it's just me, but you'd thing that someone who'd been a POW (as stated) would be thrilled to talk to his family at long last. Unless, he's hiding something he doesn't want to have to face. Something isn't right!!

  4. Recovering?
    How do you recover from TREASON?

  5. I'm still wondering if Obama and Mrs. Bergdahl knocked a piece off in the White House before the press conference last week. Baracki had his hand around her waist grinning from big ear to big ear and then they kissed for the cameras. Very Presidential stuff. And the father starts speaking Arabic. What a show.

  6. I feel bad for these parents. They as well as their son, were used by obama in order to score points for him and it backfired.
    This could have turned out different if there were a top notch public relations team in place in the white house but as usual, the obama admin is lacking. The real movers and shakers want no part of such an inept, corrupt admin.

  7. Now he won't be able to try out for Duck Dynasty.

  8. The gov't handlers need time to make sure he gets his story straight before he walks in front of a microphone. His health never was the issue.


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