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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

GOP: 12 TIMES as many homeless kids cross border since policy shift

Republicans are slamming President Barack Obama for instituting an immigration policy that they say enticed tens of thousands of Central American children to cross America's southern border illegally without any parents to guide them.

Obama rolled out a controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012, allowing many illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors to escape deportation for two years. The White House gave them another two-year window last week.

As a result, say some GOP leaders, America's system for handling illegal immigration has been strained to the breaking point and is attracting hundreds of new illegal-immigrant children every day..

Republicans on Capitol Hill are beyond angry.



  1. Perfect idea--let the kids come for "humanitarian reasons"...then our criminal president will say "oh, we can't let these kids be here without their parents" and let THEM in too.
    Next step==give them voting rights--instant life long democrat voters.

  2. Regardless of the ultimate goal, what they are doing is illegal. But we need to stop yelling at the Democraps who are promoting this most egregious act upon our freedom and start to let the existing Republicans know that if they don't do something about it, they will be replaced. The fact that they just run their mouth and take no action makes them as guilty as the Democraps who are promoting it. Our own Andy Harris is very good at this.. He huffs and he puffs and says all the right things... but where is the action. The House controls the purse strings so they can defund projects and illegal 'agencies' such as the EPA. They must get past political correctness and start impeachment against this lawless President before he destroys our freedom. I understand it will not ever make it through the Senate but it will send a clear message to administration. That, followed by a purge of existing establishment politicians can bring change we (Constitutional Conservatives) can believe in! Tell Andy and the rest of your representatives that we are not going to take it any more... go to their website and leave them a message... November is coming!

  3. this is being done on purpose to collapse our nation. it's all part of bo's plan.

    as far as the GOP being angry; this is a joke at best because they're wimps and sissy's and won't do one d thing about it.

  4. 7:54....you start out with stating something positive and end up with a farce. If you believe at all that voting will accomplish anything, you are fighting delusions of grandeur my friend. I will vote, but knowing it won't make one hill of beans.

  5. With the mid-term elections quickly approaching, the GOP had better get a move on. The president is going to bankrupt this country. Hey Congress & Senate, if you think your pay won't go away, you're wrong. Well, maybe it will be in Yen instead of dollars.

  6. Where's a Stauffenberg when you need one?

  7. Stauffenburg.. How about a McCarthey


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