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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Celebrating our Shared Heritage

This June, we celebrate the first Immigrant Heritage Month, an opportunity to reflect on the rich immigrant tradition that has long fueled our nation’s enterprising spirit. It’s that spirit that continues to bring millions from around the world to our shores today.

With the help of partners and advocates, we passed the DREAM Act to educate more of our children and help keep some of the world’s the best and brightest minds living, working and innovating in our state. The DREAM Act gives students access to in-state tuition rates, regardless of their parents’ immigration status, provided they pay state taxes, graduate from a Maryland high school, and commit to legalizing their status as soon as they are eligible.

Despite a challenge to the law in the 2012 general elections, Marylanders of all racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds came together to defend the DREAM Act at the ballot box, reaffirming our state’s guiding belief in the dignity of every individual. Expanding opportunity to a greater number of people, regardless of where their parents or grandparents happen to have been born, will only create more jobs and continue to drive our Innovation Economy forward.



  1. "...belief in the dignity of every individual.."
    Dignity comes with reponsibility. Responsibility in this context ("Dream Act") embraces the "rule of law"
    Just another nail in the coffin of the "Great Experiment"

  2. They continue to brain wash the weak of mind.

  3. It's different now. 100 years ago people came to America seeking a better life. The first thing they did was to find a job to earn money and live the American way. Today they come for food stamps, free Obamaphones, welfare and section 8 housing. If they find a job they work for cash under the table and send most of it home.


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