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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Biden admits to having ‘no savings account,’ plans to live off taxpayers

Vice President Joe Biden plans on relying solely on taxpayers to fund his retirement.

Biden declared on Monday that he had neither a savings account, nor any stocks to pay off his golden years.

“I have no savings account, but I have a great pension and a great salary,” Biden told the crowd at the White House Summit on Working Families.

Biden proudly admitted that he was “the poorest member of Congress” over his four-decade career in Washington. The line garnered laughs and applause at the plush Omni Hotel in Georgetown. However, Biden’s poor financial planning means that taxpayers will have to foot the bill for his retirement.



  1. To further clarify... "in my name: and "in this country". Thank you, sheep.

  2. "Member of Congress" isn't Vice President considered a member of the Executive Branch. I haven't taken Civics in quite some time... please any one?

  3. I'm surprised Mr. Biden. I thought only a Republican congress could make you feel poor. Anyone want to call him out on this mistake?... MSN?... Fox?... CNN?... SBY?

  4. isn't he special...and to think he's one of our own right here on the Delmarva Peninsula. barf alert

    1. He's not one of "our" own, he's originally from Pennsylvania.

  5. He spent his entire career making an above average salary and he has no savings. Speaks to his lack of forward thinking/preparation skills.

  6. Great job, Delaware! And great job, America!

  7. So does every postal employee.

  8. He wants to run the country.. wonder how he would finance the country...

  9. typical progressive

  10. he needs to be ashamed, but that's not likely. He has none.

  11. veep is a member of congress. From executive branch he sits in charge of the senate.

  12. Biden WAS a member of Congress. For years -- like nearly 40 of them, as the story said.

    Too bad that most of us who will be footing the bill for Joe's retirement don't have a sweet publicly-funded pension waiting for us. My wife and I save 25% of our income to support ourselves when we retire. We could be living so much higher off the hog if you all were funding our retirements!

  13. Doesn't matter what party they were from they would all collect that pension. Stop playing like any of these people are wouldn't

  14. Really sad. His salary is and has been higher than most americans yet he can't save one nickel due to his lavish lifestyle. He's not concerned about this lack of planning because he has a pension and healthcare for life. Also keep in mind this level of spending while we pick up the tab for many of his expenses. Few americans can afford to be so cavalier.

  15. Delaware must not be run so well if he is so poor.I see they are bailing out the casino's some more.


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