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Sunday, June 29, 2014


While most citizens are wondering how they will be paying the grocery bill next week the Tri County Council is living high on your taxpayers dollars. 

The Tri County Council which is funded by the State, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties dined Wednesday night at Watermans Seafood in Ocean City. 

The Tri County Council has a multi-million dollar building with plenty of meeting rooms, enough to hold their meetings on site if they chose to due so. 

They also bought a block of tickets to the Tawes Crab and Clam Bake that they are handing out to elected officials. These tickets are $40.00 each. 

Who is buying your ticket this year?


  1. Like I'll be going. If they put a huge 70% shade cloth over the Tawes event lot, I might think about it, but a whole day in July in the sun on the tarmac does not appeal to me or my body.

  2. Msm reports delaware is gonna bail out their three casinos to the tune of ten million annually on the tax payers dime, where does it end???!!!

  3. I guess I now have the answer to the question.....Who bought Muir Boda's 5 or 6 Tawes tickets, because I'm sure his Walmart Salary can't cover the cost. These people can't even back winners

  4. This is the direction of a benevolent society that is hell-bent upon more bureaucracy. They actually believe that a bigger government can help to solve societies problems. The politicos twisted, warped, minds, will now tax an already overtaxed society even more to try and justify their extravagances.

    End Result - another Layer of Government (Tri County Council)

    Good Article Joe. Sometimes I believe you are the only remaining sane person in our insane society.

  5. Thanks Beezer. We've spent many years trying to forewarn Marylander's about what the liberals are doing to destroy our way of life.

    The facts are, IF the majority of Marylanders, (especially here on the Shore) could sell their homes and get out, THEY WOULD.

    The ONLY ones that would be left behind are the freeloader liberals because they couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. They are sissies who want people like you and me to pay their way.

    Look at Rick Pollitt, Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields. Where does Laura work, Shanie, Chuck? Has Pollitt ever held a real job outside the government, NO. Ireton, he's just a disaster.

    As far as I'm concerned any more, let them have it. I urge all republicans to sell and get out of the state and let these sissies fend for themselves. We'll be the next San Francisco and Key West.


  6. we hear you Joe, but the sad fact is that most of us simply cannot afford to sell our homes and leave the state. If I was 25 years younger and had no real estate here, I would have been in Texas long ago.

  7. The majority of America's population has transgressed over the years from moral patriots to self-indulgent hedonists. Decadence leads to destruction, just as it did when the Roman empire crumbled and when Sodom & Gomorrah were obliterated.

    As 2 Timothy 4:3-4 forewarned approximately 2000 years ago - "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."

  8. Joe, can you please clarify which Tri County Council this article is in reference to? The reason I'm asking is because I literally just wrote out a $25 donation to Tri County Council for the Boy Scouts of America. I need to know if I'm mailing it tomorrow or not. I know that's not a huge donation but it's what I can afford. Sorry if this wastes anyone's time.

  9. They also have a catering business at the civic center!!! I guess if they ate from the catering business, it would be filet mignon and lobster tail though! I hope they get seafood poisoning at the Tawe's event and crap themselves on the way home in the vehicle, only take a couple bad clams to send them running for the border.

  10. My tenants will be paying for my tickets and it is always cool in one of the hospitality tents with the bonus of not having to stand in line.

  11. Well, I at least hope that they were grooming prospects for creating some job activity here instead of just stuffing their faces and hearing the same economic projections and usual political dogma.

  12. Tri county council. UBER liberal facilities for Government giveaway programs. Social services, Telamon corporation which is not a corporation at all. (look it up)
    The place is like a boat, nothing but a hole in the water to throw money in. Nice facility which is luxury we simply can not afford especially for people that do not earn or deserve it! The place generates or produces nothing! nothing!

  13. Rick Pollitt will be at the crab and clam bake stuffing his face and probably won't have to use his card for that.

  14. 8:45 Taxpayers will still have to pay for Rick's gas and wear and tear on the county vehicle.

  15. Find that tent and take pictures.

  16. But the sad fact is minorities will continue to vote democrat in this state.

  17. Tri County Council, another waste of taxpayer monies. Can you say, Shore Transit - part of the Tri County Council umbrella that is a constant drain on "free" "grant" monies that really are being paid for by the taxpayer. Shut them down, and start over again with another complete board of directors and operations personnel.


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