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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

400 Connecticut Health-Exchange Enrollees’ Information May Be Compromised

The personal information of around 400 health-exchange enrollees may be compromised, according to a statement issued today by Access Health CT CEO Kevin Counihan.

The statement notes that a backpack was recovered in Hartford that held “four notepads with personal information for approximately 400 individuals. The backpack also contained Access Health CT paperwork and it appears as though some of that personal information may be associated with Access Health CT accounts. It is still unclear where the backpack came from, and we are working [with] the Hartford Police Department to investigate, and contact the individuals whose information may be compromised. … Let me be clear: we are sorry this happened. This is a very serious situation and we will hold the person or persons who are responsible to account.”



  1. I'm SURE this has NOTHING at all to do with them hiring felons to take peoples personal information.
    You are next Delaware for taking the "have you ever been convicted of a felony" question off job applications.

  2. The democrats in Annapolis are useless. Just recently they voted to adopt the heathcare exchange software used in CT.
    I've had it with all democrats. They are nothings and if they had any sense would be mortified to show their faces in public for all the debacles they have created.

  3. tip of the iceberg.


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