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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

After Released In Error, Man Convicted Of Armed Robbery In Prison For Life

A man broke his silence from behind bars, speaking out about spending the rest of his life in prison.

Rene Lima-Marin was 19 years old when he robbed two video stores armed with a gun.

He served 10 years and was released in April 2008, but that turned out to be a mistake.

He says the rifle he used in the robberies wasn't loaded, and no one was hurt. But his case was aggressively prosecuted under a program called "Cop," a program which is no longer in use.

Eight convictions led to a 98-year sentence, one he says is excessively harsh for a crime normally carrying four to 16 years.



  1. He is correct, this is not justice. how can one man get 98 years and another man get 10 for the same crime.

  2. this man should be released. the "mistake" was not his fault and since then he has turned around and made something of himself. LET HIM OUT>>>

  3. Bull $%#&, the man robbed a store at gun point. The problem in America today is that you do the crime but don't have to pay the time. Those who got off should have received more time... That is Ok, once Sharai law becomes the law of the land he would just be shot.

  4. 98 YEARS for robbery and no one was hurt? Really?
    8:03...no one is saying he didn't DESEERVE to be punished. They are saying 98 years is a pretty good idea of "cruel and unusual" punishment.
    Guess where THAT idea comes from.....

  5. Let him out tomorrow, and settle this LEGALLY in court. This is a clear outrage.

  6. 98 years when the state's attorneys on the lower shore don't prosecute half the cases handed to then. He was in the wrong court at the wrong time


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