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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Judge Nap: Obama Directly Caused Surge of Illegal Immigrant Children at Borders

A massive surge of illegal immigrants is underway, with newly leaked photos revealing hundreds of immigrant children packed like sardines in detention centers.

Illegal immigrant minors are crossing into the U.S., and border patrol is overwhelmed and unable to care for them. The government has been putting them on buses and “dumping” them on street corners in cities like Phoenix, Ariz. Military bases in Texas, California and Oklahoma are also being used to house them.

The problem could reportedly go from bad to worse. Officials say 6,560 unaccompanied minor aliens crossed the border in 2011. This year, it’s estimated that the number will jump to more than 90,000.

Unlike Mexican citizens, illegals from Central America can’t be sent home; they must be turned over to HHS and are released to family and friends.



  1. yup, lets just continue to hide the facts of what is going on from the public. that'll work.

  2. It's Obama's goal to bankrupt America. And the Republicans are just sitting on their tushes and letting it happen.

  3. This makes me want to move to Australia or New Zealand! God bless America for she needs all the blessings she can get right now. Our forefathers are turninig in their graves.


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