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Friday, May 30, 2014

With new troubles, questions mount about Obama's competence

Give Barack Obama credit. He never claimed he had the executive experience many Americans feel is essential for a president.

Go back to October 2006. There was much buzz that Sen. Obama, newly arrived in Washington, would run for the White House. "You've been a United States senator less than two years, you don't have any executive experience. Are you ready to be president?" the late Tim Russert asked Obama on NBC.

"Well, I'm not sure anybody is ready to be president before they're president," Obama responded. "You know, ultimately, I trust the judgment of the American people."

That didn't exactly answer the question. Obama's theory was that if he could survive the rigors of a campaign, and voters chose him to be president, then he was ready to be president. He didn't say anything about actually running the executive branch of the U.S. government.



  1. Everyone complained about Palin being vice president under Mcain, but Obama had less experience than Palin but no one could see beyond Obama race. Look where we are now and look what democrats want, Hillary. This country couldn't handle an additional 4 more years of lies and liberalism.

  2. Voting Obama into office was like taking a hometown used car salesman and putting him in charge of G.M.
    He was guaranteed to FAIL!

  3. After 5 years , we are a little slow aren't we.
    We have a moron as president!


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