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Friday, May 30, 2014

Maryland Tries To Rev Up Potential Electric Car Buyers

WASHINGTON -- Leaders in eight states, including Maryland, are hoping to rev up car buyers' enthusiasm for electric cars.

The states, from the East and West coasts, have joined together to promote what they call Zero Emission Vehicles: fully electric cars, plug-in hybrids and hydrogen-fuel cell-vehicles.

The states in the agreement make up a quarter of the new car market, and they hope to put more than 3 million cars with alternative power sources on the road by 2025. Right now there are fewer than 200,000 of the vehicles in the country.



  1. And, if remotely successful, they'll wonder where the motor fuels tax money they expected went.

  2. There is no such thing as a zero emissions vehicle. Just plug one in to charge it up and watch the smokestacks at the local power plant send up more smoke.

    Marty must think we're stupid...

  3. nuh uh! I don't think so.

  4. Throw in a solar generator with the purchase of each new electric car and sales will skyrocket.Free electricity would be a greater sales incentive than all of the other crap combined.

  5. Maryland needs to reign in the Electric company...They send bills they can't explain and demand payment or you're cut off.


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