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Friday, May 30, 2014

Michelle Obama Is Ignoring the Problems Her New School Lunch Standards Have Caused

Yesterday in an op-ed, First Lady Michelle Obama attacked the House of Representatives for considering giving some schools a one-year reprieve from complying with the new school lunch requirements.

In a New York Times column on her Let’s Move initiative, Obama addressed several issues but sidestepped acknowledging key problems that have been identified with the school lunch program. For example, she doesn’t talk about:
  • The massive food costs incurred by schools. The costs are so bad some schools have reportedly transferred money out of teaching budgets to meet the requirements.
  • The major declines in student participation.
  • Plate waste. In a survey conducted by the Government Accountability Office of school nutrition officials in all states and Washington, D.C., officials from an astonishing 48 states indicated that food waste caused by the changes was a challenge for at least some of their local school food authorities.
  • Food storage problems and the need for new kitchen equipment.
  • Lack of flexibility. The National School Boards Association explained, “School boards cannot ignore the higher costs and operational issues created by the rigid mandates of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.”


  1. Let Michelle eat the "good for you stuff" and leave our kids alone.

  2. young kids get too large servings, don't eat food, eat only ice cream and throw most away

  3. Can we find a trash truck for her to drive?

  4. Everyone needs to do as Moochelle says. Now shut up, and eat your peas!!!

  5. If you dont eat your meat you cant have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat?

  6. That "his" new school lunch changes have caused.

  7. She is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. "Her" kids meanwhile are served Meatball subs smothered in cheese.

    I absolutely detest this waste of humanity.


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