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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Student Beat On School Bus In Delaware


  1. Get the names of the kids and go after them and their families. Enough is enough.

  2. You can tell they are wanna be thugs attack from behind! Bus driver should be terminated and school district sued. Like the "knock-out" punks have to do surprise attacks not men enough for straight up fights!

  3. Segregated schools would be best for the welfare of students that want to learn.

  4. Does anyone know if parents are prohibited from being on the school bus while in transit? God as my witness, I would be on that school bus the next day and would ride from home to school - not sitting with my child but with the thugs. I would be there on the trip home too, having made arrangements to be dropped off at the end of the school day. I would do this each and every day, and send the BOE a bill for MY time, until this matter is investigated and resolved. If they won't protect my child, I will! That child has the RIGHT to ride that bus and not fear for his safety. That child has every right to EXPECT the bus driver to intervene and/or call the police.

    I am so sick of people being too scared of these teen thugs and gang-bangers to stand up to them.... LEO included. When we, the people, take a stand against these indigents, then things will change. Sticking your head in the sand will accomplish NOTHING except more of the same.

  5. There are plenty of them around the country if you have $50K/yr. in tuition.

  6. It seems that the schools in this country believe that sweeping things under the rug is the best policy. I think that the parents in this school should join together in demanding there be an open forum for a discussion of these issues.

  7. An open forum, sure. With Al Sharpton as a the guest of honor.

  8. The black attackers are cowards. They attack from the back just like Obama.

  9. tv 47 must have seen it on here. I see that put it up on their fb page. lol

  10. This is not right. If the bus drivers can not control the black kids then let the parents have a chance.

  11. Black on white attacks is not a racist crime because the victims are white.

    If Obama had a son....

  12. Another black on white mob. Oh well , nothing will be done , the media is afraid.

  13. I have no words.

  14. But a child will be expelled for creating what looks like a gun from a pop tart... what is this world coming to.

  15. When any group realizes it will not be held accountable for its actions, lawlessness ensues.

  16. BOE--Today--Fire the bus driver and kick those piece of trash thugs off the bus and out of school. Nothing will happen to them in the legal system...that's just the way it is.

  17. Lol you clowns don't have a clue. "Nothing will happen"? Prosecutors have been coming down hard on this type of stuff across the nation. I know I know, "not the black ones". Wrong again, just peep mayor nutter's actions in philly. 3 boys just got juvie life sentence for the knockout "game". This type of thing is terrible but it's not a race thing. These types of acts have long been committed on innocent black kids just trying to go to school. This is actually a driver for otherwise good kids to join gangs; they face the threat of being jumped every day. It's a shame it took this happening to white kids before it became a story.

  18. why is it not a race thing when it is black on white and a race thing when white on black? You're the clown, putting a spin on it. So this has been happening to black kids so it is ok to happen to white kid! It should not happen to black or white kids clown. If this is not taken care of it will go national.

  19. If it were my son, the parents of the thugs better watch their backs. Parents need to take responsibility for their children.

  20. Here's a golden opportunity for the school's student government to examine the issue and develop sanctions for the guilty and protections for the innocent. There are no better judges than one's peers, according to our legal system.

  21. looks like a racially motivated hate crime to me

  22. no wonder Donald Sterling doesn't want to be around them unless they're passing the ball on the court

  23. Go after the boys responsible for this act but also go after the bus company and the driver.

  24. The bus driver should have called the police. The problem with her intervening is that if the "bullies" turned on her the other students would be in danger as well. Drivers all have radio's or phones. 911 is NOT a hard number to remember or key the radio & say "Help". The offenders should all be expelled & charged.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Lol you clowns don't have a clue. "Nothing will happen"? Prosecutors have been coming down hard on this type of stuff across the nation. I know I know, "not the black ones". Wrong again, just peep mayor nutter's actions in philly. 3 boys just got juvie life sentence for the knockout "game". This type of thing is terrible but it's not a race thing. These types of acts have long been committed on innocent black kids just trying to go to school. This is actually a driver for otherwise good kids to join gangs; they face the threat of being jumped every day. It's a shame it took this happening to white kids before it became a story.

    May 1, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    Are you really that stupid or do you play an idiot on Blogs!

  26. Call me sick, lots have. When there are more then one you already know they are cowards, thats when you attack. They have no heart. You crack ones jaw, eye socket, nose or teeth and the rest run like babies. And a note when you have down do not stop. Beat him until he is not moving or dead. You have to gain your respect.

  27. The difference between this bunch and good kids is consequences. They have never learned about consequences. As the earlier post verifies... if they don't learn about the consequence of their actions now... put them in jail and they are SURE to SUFFER the consequences. The beat up on defenseless guys on the school bus and get raped in prison at a later time in life. Lets hope these thugs learn a life lesson from this because it could very well be their last mistake before they do.

  28. 9:20 You are such an ignorant person it's mind boggling. Take 10 minutes to find how many youtube videos there are of "innocent black kids trying to get to school" being beaten by a group of white kids. I'll wait. This is ALL about race. If the situation was reversed, Sharpton and all the other circus clowns would be on the news fuming about rallies and riots.

  29. now that this video has gone viral, these boys now face charges. see what happens when we stick together and demand justice? let's keep it up on other issues as well.

  30. More needs to be done these "people" are using threats and intimidation the people should picket outside their homes and drive them from the community...Their parents taught them this behavior is right.

  31. Their parents taught them this behavior is right.

    May 4, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    I doubt their parents taught them anything. Their parents are kids themselves.

  32. We need to take these animals to task before they get worse and, yes, they will get worse. Animals like these pieces of human garbage only understand one thing and that one thing is at the end of a rope. Trying to change this garbage now is like trying to unbake a cake because you forgot an ingredient. Apparently the great social experiment has failed and will continue to fail. Decent human beings are at risk when combined with these types of human animals in any setting. Any body seen Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson around speaking out about this violence?? Well you won't because it's a white kid being brutalized. By the way these are hate crimes. Have we had enough yet???


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