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Sunday, May 04, 2014


** NOTE: Some quoted language below may offend readers.**

I had listened to roughly eight hours of commentary on Donald Sterling and the ugly remarks he made in conversations secretly tape-recorded by his girlfriend, before I heard anyone mention a wife.


At first, I thought the topic must have changed when I left the room, but no -- the TV talking heads were still discussing Sterling advising his girlfriend to stay away from blacks.

Not only does Sterling have a wife of 50 years, but earlier this year, she sued his girlfriend, demanding the return of two Bentleys, a Ferrari, a Range Rover and a $1.8 million apartment, claiming it was bought with community property without the wife's consent.


  1. 80 years old and $2,000,000,000.00. Screw the NBA, what does he need them for?

  2. Have the police arrested and charged the girlfriend for wiretapping and illegal recording yet?

  3. The girlfriend is a money grubbing ho.

  4. The girlfriend is nothing but a gold digging POS.

    I don't think he said anything wrong and she baited him to say what he did say.

  5. Freedom of speech and was said in a private conversation to a piece of trash.

  6. Yet you all continue to miss the point. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it; nobody is taking away his freedom to say or have these views, we're just ridiculing him for the fact that they're bigoted and were outdated 20 years ago. As for the illegal wiretapping, he actually asked his gf to start recording him because he was so old he couldn't remember his thoughts anymore. Better luck next time, guys.

  7. 9:53, REALLY????

    Well Liberals, for once why don't you tell us what he said that makes him a racist?

    YOU CAN'T! He said, "black people".

    So you are telling us when a black person calls us WHITE PEOPLE, they're racists??????

    You are a bunch of IDIOTS.

  8. 9:57. I don't think the word he used to describe the "people" is what everyone thinks is racist. What we think is racist is that he didn't want those people brought to events or photographed with his charming girlfriend. I don't think it would have mattered if he called them Pink people. There would have probably been almost as much outrage if he had been talking about Fat people, or Gay people, or Mexican people, or Redneck people.....

  9. Anonymous said...
    9:57. I don't think the word he used to describe the "people" is what everyone thinks is racist. What we think is racist is that he didn't want those people brought to events or photographed with his charming girlfriend. I don't think it would have mattered if he called them Pink people. There would have probably been almost as much outrage if he had been talking about Fat people, or Gay people, or Mexican people, or Redneck people.....

    May 1, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    Really? You are such an idiot. So what that he doesn't want his girlfriend to be seen with black people. Obama doesn't want to be seen with white people, normal people or Americans and you don't find anything wrong with that?

  10. I pretty much cant stand any PEOPLE I dont care what color they are. They all annoy me.

  11. A&E has contacted Sterling in regard to a reality show.Like sharks smelling blood,they obviously see drama galore in this one.I haven't been this excited since donut holes went on sale for $2 a dozen.

  12. 2:15. I rest my case.

  13. "What we think is racist"

    That's the really weird part, 11:46. Who the hell is 'we'? Who made you judge, jury, and executioner? You people are little more than a mob; with no capacity for independent thinking. You are the Borg. Social-network, pop-culture morons who have no individuality and despise those who may have a differing opinion. Fools get your panties twisted about this crap while blind to truly important current affairs.

  14. His wife should divorce this jerk as soon as she can!

  15. You are a bunch of IDIOTS.

    May 1, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    Yes Joe, a lot of people are just that.

    Thank goodness for you and your blog so we can educate them.

    It's difficult at times. Some just flat out refuse to be made better.

  16. Donald Sterling for President!!


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