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Friday, May 30, 2014

Last photo of the mother left in such agonising pain in hospital she had to crawl on her hands and knees to beg for painkillers. Three days later she was dead - because 'doctors missed' fatal blood clot

Three days after Margaret Lamberty was photographed doubled over in agony on a hospital floor, the mother-of-four died of suspected multiple organ failure.

The picture was taken hours before the 45-year-old's family claim she was apparently forced to crawl on her hands and knees along a corridor to beg nurses for painkillers.

Mrs Lamberty's daughter Laura said her mother's cries for help went unheard, after the family returned home when visiting hours finished.

They say staff at University Hospital of North Staffordshire 'abandoned' the mother-of-four before she died in April from a 'treatable condition'.



  1. Could of sworn this was in PRMC.

  2. it will be with obamacare, coming to a hospital near you.


  3. OweBamacare's British cousin.

    Be the first kid on your block....

    (sorry about this woman's needless demise but far too many stories of this sort emerge in Britain, which has much smaller population and more compact population distribution.)

    Or as Carney & Shinseki would probably note: 'Hey, if she were a vet here no way she could be crawling on hospital floor....we would not have her scheduled for an appointment yet!'

  4. That is pitiful. There is no excuse for what they did.

  5. coming our way very soon...thank you dems and Obama.

    Vote Republican only...


  7. Obamacare coming for you!

  8. The European Socialized health care systems are great until you actually get sick. This woman had a "history of suffering blood clots" so she was becoming a liability and cost prohibitive to treat. She also appears to be overweight so her potential for other conditions developing is greater. This is something they do take into consideration under socialized med when deciding on treatment options and something that was also implemented here under obamacare. Bureaucrats at the Dept of Health and Human Services are going to be "recommending" treatments. This is why medical offices has to "upgrade" their record systems.

  9. No, if it were PRMC they would have security up there telling her she had to leave.


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