The mainstream media is now heralding the president for announcing that, finally, the war in Afghanistan is going to come to an end.
On December 31, 2016, the last American troop is scheduled to leave, officially putting a period on the last sentence about the United States’ longest war in the history books. The whole move seems arbitrary at best. What magical thing is going to happen that day — the 5,565th day of that war — that actually changes anything from the day before or the day before that?
What has made it worth the $4 billion a year spent and the thousands of lives lost?
Well, at least Obama gets to go down in history as the president who officially ended both the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.
Official announcement or not, there’s really no end in sight for America’s wars. The day after he said that, Obama was giving a speech before graduating West Point cadets which sealed the deal:
actually,Obama gets to go down in history as the worlds worst president who officially ended freedom and destroyed the united states of america. the pos.