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Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Have A Question About BOE Protocol

OK, you have a kid in your school who has been removed from two other schools. 

The day begins and the troubled kid checks in to Home Room. First period comes along and the troubled kid doesn't show up for class.

Now, is it protocol to immediately contact the Main Office to let them know a particular kid hasn't shown up for class?

Let's say that is the case. Was protocol followed and did the Sheriffs Deputy immediately start searching the school to see where he/she might be?

In the case of Parkside, something really stinks about the whole thing. Why didn't anyone realize at least TWO students weren't in class?


  1. I don't think that any home room teacher is going to pull the so called alarm when kids are not in class.. they could be sick, with parents, appointments etc.. What do you do.. label these bad kids(and I think this kid was horrific).. and have the school every day look for kids in every corner of the school if they are not in homeroom???

    This kid should have been expelled years ago.. that is the crime... Obama and his Dept of Education has made disciplining bad kids a crime in itself.

    There probably should be dozens of kids per school expelled... but the BOE is worried more about their statistics instead of the kids in the school who really want to learn

  2. With the communications and computers in this day and age, the teacher(s) should have been able to ascertain almost immediately that the students were not at their appointed places.....

    Were they provided with this 'ability' or did they not use the information?

  3. what you folks fail to realize is how many of these problem students are from out of town/state. I remember hearing how other states where paying to have their problem children sent down here to school. basically exporting their problems to our community all so the BOE can pull in some extra monies!

  4. I have a comment to your question. Do not ask the general public what the school policy is as you are sure to get a different answer from each who comment.

    Instead contact teachers, the principal, the vice principals, the school administrators, the BOE of Ed Office, the School Board members to get answers on policies. Then report back to us on the policy, if the policy was followed on Monday and your opinion on the policy.

    In my opinion it is a waste of time requesting info from the general public - go to the horses mouth to get answers.

  5. I'm not a teacher but my wife was for 37 years. Lets remember that teachers jobs are to teach, not to babysit. Problem is that often times they are not supported by the BOE. If a student is not in class it's not up to the teacher to run all over school looking for them. Students must take the responsibility to be in class, on time. Anyone who blames the teacher on this incident is on my ship list.

  6. Really 2:23 this is the Presidents fault? You are deranged.

  7. Did it all occur before the class role call was taken?

  8. 3:00 That was an excellent comment. I agree 100%.

  9. A homeroom teacher can report a student as absent, but how is the teacher to know that student is in the building?

  10. 2:23 you are right on , everything that has happened in the past 5 years that is bad is the presidents fault, he is as dumb as a brick and I hate his guts.

  11. As a high school teacher, let me address the question: students are allowed to show up 5 or 10 minutes late to homeroom without being marked late by the teacher. Teachers are also "encouraged" to not write office referrals for disruptive behavior. Too many written referrals and the teacher gets called to the principal's office and given a reprimand for not being able to manage the classroom better. Students know the game very well, and they play it.

  12. 352, you have it totally wrong! Remember, I said it was Bush's fault...

  13. Believe it or not 2:23 has a point. While it might not be Obama directly there is a push to increase graduation rates. that means keeping kids in school that would otherwise drop out. Not everyone is a scholar and keeping kids in school that don't want to be there only hurts the ones that are on the tipping point. If there is no reason to stay in school then please do everyone a favor and leave.

    Drop out rates be damned. I would rather have a higher drop out rate and a better education system than forced attendance with assaults and rapes occurring in schools.

    Another lib policy that is crushing our state.

  14. Obviously the current policy, whatever it is, is not working, so fix it so everyone is on the same page at the same time.

  15. I had a child in Parkside over 12 years ago... and I prayed that child would get out before the place boiled over. Here it is ... all these years later and the parents are still in the same jam. Private school looked good back then.. it is a necessity today.

  16. 4:08pm. I am scared for my children to enter high school, and middle school for that matter. It is sad to see that the teachers are being reprimanded rather than the students in these situations. If a student pushes so far that a trip to the office is required, detention, suspension or expulsion, then why in the world would a teacher be reprimanded? Something here is backwards. How do we change this?

  17. Anonymous said...
    Really 2:23 this is the Presidents fault? You are deranged.

    May 8, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    If you voted for Obama then you are the one who is deranged!!

  18. I teach at JMB. We report our attendance electronically by 7:50. Due to some buses being chronically late, it may be difficult to always be accurate. Students who arrive late have a note with a "time arrived" on it. The attendance is closely monitored.

  19. I see on WBOC Jocori is back in jail, now on weapons charges.

  20. After homeroom roll call, that's it for the day. If all following period teachers had to call roll, then compare it to HR call in real time, just how much teaching would really happen?

    Students need to be held responsible, get good grades, or get expelled, period!

  21. Attendance is recorded via computer in every class period. A student not in first period must be absent, right? If the school physically searched their building every morning for every kid not in first period, that would be ridiculous! However, here's a question...why isn't the deputy walking the halls all day long (when not engaged in a discipline issue)? And, an even bigger question, WHEN will the government stop forcing schools to "educate" these thugs? If a kid is expelled from a school, he/she should have to go to a private school. We gave him the opportunity to be educated and he chose instead to be nothing but trouble. He was expelled. That SHOULD have been the end of him in Wicomico County Schools.

  22. Wow, 4:08 p.m., in which school do you teach that the administration allows you to break the rules of the attendance policy? Hey, Dr. F, did you see this? I believe those admins should be fired.


    1. What school are you going to go to? They all have issues. If everyone has vouchers, wouldn't the problems follow?

  24. Anonymous said...
    What school are you going to go to? They all have issues. If everyone has vouchers, wouldn't the problems follow?

    May 8, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    Liberal Democrat making excuses. No they all don't have problems. Not your business where someone will take their child. No the problem won't follow. Thug Jacori and the like would still be in public schools.

  25. Dr. Freddy took this kid out of evening high school and put our children in harms way by putting him in Parkside with the decent law abiding citizens.

  26. This has been going on a long time...this is a true story--I am in the criminal justice system (I know--an oxymoron) a young man I dealt with was in the alternative school..he was 18 and had one half of a credit towards graduation...and that was for Gym...his grandmother, who had been a teacher..still felt he could graduate. I tried to gently break the bad news that at the rate he was going, he would be about 50 years old before he could graduate. This young man, in 4th grade, stole the grandmothers car for the first of many times...he went through the juvenile system, then entered into the adult system...he is now serving 15 years for robbery. He was passed along from grade to grade...no education, no life skills...when he gets out, I shudder to think what he will be like.

  27. I have a student at Parkside and I have to fill you in on a few changes from when I was a student! There are NO Hall Monitors, the teachers are already in their classrooms doing whatever, they don't even stand near the doors. There is NO HOMEROOM! That is FIRST PERIOD!!!! The teachers are not in control of their classrooms at all! My child was marked absent by his 1st period teacher even though he was in her class on time, and responded to questions asked. When I asked why my child was marked absent, I was told "Bear with me, I have over 200 students this year." Maybe that attitude is the reason why the violence in schools are escalating. Teaching is no longer a Profession that many are proud to claim, it is just ANOTHER JOB, FIllED BY PEOPLE WHO DON'T CARE!

  28. The biggest problem with the attendance is the school does not robo-call regarding an absence until 6pm or 7pm. What if you drop off, put on bus, or send child walking to school and they never make it to school? You don't find out until 11 or 12 hours later. The child could be abducted and in Florida or God knows where else in that amount of time. I would much rather be at an early morning appointment, with my child, a receive a call that they are absent than have them missing for a long period of time.

  29. There is NO accountability.


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