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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Atheists To Launch The First TV Channel Dedicated To Godlessness

Believe it.

A New Jersey-based atheist group is starting the first on-demand TV channel dedicated to godlessness.

AtheistTV will be launching this summer with big plans to reach out to atheists, humanists, freethinkers, and folks who are looking for a way out of faith.

Members of American Atheists, the organization behind the endeavor, think it’s about time.



  1. Not the first. From what I have seen, many TV channels are dedicated to godlessness these days ...

  2. You got that right.


  3. Guess they won't be screening the movie with George Burns, John Denver and Terri Garr!

  4. They put the capital D in Bags.

  5. wonder who the sponsors will be , that's going to be real interesting.

  6. Anonymous said...
    wonder who the sponsors will be , that's going to be real interesting.

    May 9, 2014 at 5:31 AM

    It will be just like the businesses in Salisbury that Sponsor Judge Jimmy signs. I refuse to do business with them.

  7. God still loves 'em.

  8. According to the article, this show has been local and in production for 20 seasons. They also bring up a good point, that there is a glut of religious programming and channels, and add Fox news to the mix you pretty much have an evangelical revival.

    Odd isn't it? Religious programing on all over the place. One atheist channel and religious people all over the place have a complete meltdown.

  9. Gotta funny feeling that when their accountant checks the production balance sheets in 6 months, his first bit of advice will be, "PRAY!"

  10. How much you want to bet that this goes over about as well as a turd in a punchbowl.
    By summer of 2015 this channel will be history.
    Atheists are having to cancel most of their events and convention due to lack of support and participation. This is a last ditch attempt to get their message out and it will fail miserably as well.

  11. Gonna be real hard to find sponsors that generate enough ad revenue to support this show. How is the show going to pay its bills? Is it going to be like MPT / PBS, and the religious networks, constantly soliciting money from the viewers to pay the bills? If so, we'll have to see if the atheists will put their money where their professional mouth(s) are. If they don't, the show will only be a brief fad.

  12. If they pander to a very small minority and accept any advertizing revenue from sponsors, the sponsors will have to think long and hard about the HUGE Christian backlash with boycotts of their products. An advertizer would have to have a death wish for their products if they advertize on this show.

  13. From around the web..

    Jeffrey Harbin • 9 minutes ago

    They had to do something with all that money they won't be spending on postage to send "cease and desist" letters to local governments who like to open their meetings with a prayer.

  14. They will have a shocking day when the rapture happens.

  15. Although I disagree with all they have to say....I am very glad to live in a country where they are free to express their stupidity. :)

  16. Good for them.

    We have Christian channels, African American channels, European channels, Atheist channels, Hispanic channels... I wonder if we will have an Islamic channel?? I'm happy that America is truly a melting pot.

  17. What will they have to talk about besides Christians??? It's nothing but a protected hate group.

  18. Exactly right, 8:17. They have no agenda except to criticize the beliefs of others. They have nothing to promote as they don't believe anything. I am not religious myself, but I find atheists to be strange and intolerant of others.

  19. Satan advances lies of inclusiveness ..

    it was a part of my Pastor's message yesterday..this is all about Satan disputing that the Gospel is the Word of God..

    God's intentions always come full circle in some manner when I attend Church.


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