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Sunday, May 11, 2014


I live in Prinsess Anne, Somerset County. I have lived at the same address for 14 years and owned any where from 2-4 dogs this entire time. Animal Control has never been called to my house. Today I get a call from AC that my dog got out and was hit. She did not make it. I asked where I needed to come to pick her up. They stated that they were sorry but it was too late. Too late!? You have her collar? Where is my dog. I left work immediently and went to AC. I asked the lady what gave them the right. Why didn't you call me before instead of after. I still have no idea what they did with her. Yes, I was very upset as I believe any animal lover would be. I was yelling and cursing because they would give me no answers. I asked who was in charge and she pointed to a man that I would later find out is Donald Ford. All he seemed to be concered about was why she was out. You know what...things happen. All I wanted was my dogs remains. I asked where she was hit at and all he wanted to know was where I lived. Once I told him and asked again where she was when she was hit he told me to leave. I came home and spoke to an eye witness and found out that it was directly in front of my property. Based on where I live and my last name Donald may have thought that I was black. I wonder if that is why?
I want this Donald Fords job even though I know that won't happen. I will be happy to just find out what they did with my loved Jazmine and I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Please contact Doug Taylor at 410-651-0320 so that we can assure that this never happens to another pet owner. Thank you. RIP Jazine. We love and miss you


  1. How long had she been out/missing? I would think if they could contact you after disposing of her remains, they could have called you BEFORE they did it. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. Are'nt you happy at your own job?

  3. I am very sorry for your loss. :(

  4. So sorry to hear about your dog Doug.
    I've copied for you the Somerset Ordinance-
    The Dog Control Warden and the Sheriff s Office shall collect all dead dogs found on the public grounds or highways of the County. In case of a dog wearing a current license, they shall notify the owner thereof. When the owner of any dog is unknown, they shall dispose of the carcass. The owner of any dog that is killed or dies shall immediately provide burial or cremation."

  5. That sounds really off. Most animal control facilities do cremation, and they don't do it the moment they receive a deceased animal. Sorry for your loss.

  6. Sorry for the loss but don't expect Ford to get fired. The previous supervisor did much worse things and never got fired. Frankly I don't think Taylor and the commissioners are capable of firing anyone for any violation of policy.

  7. theres probably more to this story then what she is saying. next time secure your dog better.

    1. It's obvious that compassion, nor comprehension, is your forte 1:41pm.

  8. This woman has always secured her dogs quite well but as most of us have experienced over the years, things happen beyond our control. Her story is truthful and accurate as I heard about it right after it happened. She is a wonderful doggy parent and is deeply saddened by this loss and traumatic turn of events. I hope those of you making rude comments never have misfortune in life because you have shown you only see things in black and white. The AC acted heinously and need to be held accountable for their terrible actions. There has always been severe "good ol boy" syndrome in Princess Anne and this just proves nothing has changed.

  9. That "good ol boy" syndrome is very, very contagious, seems to be everywhere!

  10. I always was of the understanding that they do bulk cremations in order to save on fuel. It is very odd that your dogs body was disposed of in the same day it was recovered.

  11. My name is Becky Maddox and I am the owner of Jazmine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their condolences. To the people making the mean remarks…I can easily ignore you because “I” know what happened. Furthermore, she was on my property when she was picked up by AC. I would also like to thank Doug Taylor for all of his help. He has assured me that this will never happen again. That is all I can ask or hope for at this time. My girl is gone and I must move on. I pray that I have prevented this from happening to another pet owner. Also, Joe, thank you for posting my story.

  12. This is very odd. Did someone other than AC see the dog, and can verify that it was deceased?
    Did this all happen within the same day?

  13. this is outrageous! I understand the county picking up a deceased animal off of the roadway, but to cremate it the same day, knowing that it has an owner is just plain rude. I know donald ford and have always found him to be a "big" man who trys to be the boss of everyone around him even in the fire dept. He is a perfect example of "a good ol' boy" who will never lose his position.

  14. My mother lives in Princess Anne and has a dog that never leaves the yard, please fill us in on how your dog was taken from your yard by AC, was she deceased or alive. My mom is now very worried, what advice do you as the owner of the dog in this terrible situation, thanks

  15. Becky, so sorry to hear this. Millie

  16. Yes, this all happened in one day. Jazmine was asleep when I went to work and AC call me at 3:30. She was deceased. I have not doubt about that. From what my eye witness tells me, apparently she was hit and someone moved her from in the road and she was actually in my yard on the grass when they took her. She was able to get out because I have a doggie door with a fenced yard and she escaped. She was not alive when AC took her. Thank you again for the kind word.

  17. 1:38 they're all related, they aren't going to fire a relative. You live in the land of oz.

  18. I am very sorry for this lady's loss. You can be ever vigilant and still have something in the blink of an eye. I've had many dogs over the course of my long lifetime and all lived to a ripe old age, except one that met with this dog's fate.

    It's like driving, 99.9999999% good driving until that one time a light flashes in your eyes, or the coffee burns your lap, etc.

    You just never know.

    R.I.P. to your sweet dog, lady.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    theres probably more to this story then what she is saying. next time secure your dog better.

    May 8, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    do you feel better? mean ass. sounds like you never owned a pet. they sometimes do things unexpected. I am so tired of negative mean spirited people.


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