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Sunday, May 11, 2014

DDE " OFF the drugz " Jocori Marece Scarborough arrested for alleged rape at Parkside High School

WARNING: Foul Language


  1. "Living that life in da bury, nah mean?"

    This town is ridiculous.

  2. You got it 7:56, just keep on ghettfying Salisbury ireton and this is what you get. Children getting brutally raped in the hallways of your schools ireton.
    Ireton should be real proud of himself. The bury only glorifies high risk lifestyles.

  3. Pardon me 8:08 - BUT you talk like an uneducated fool.

    Fact - this POS lives in Delmar

    My understanding is he had been "placed" at Parkside as he was "kicked out" of two other schools.

    Don't blame Ireton, don't blame Fredericksen - blame the system - No Child Left Behind.

    It is outrageous that our children and the teachers have to be involved with trash such as this. The whole school system needs to change - Nation wide. Who can learn and who can teach with this type disrupting classrooms.

  4. The administration and teachers at Parkside is afraid of these kinds of kids and do everything they can to accommodate them even at the expense of the good students that are there to learn.
    This "child" does not deserve a good education, he's already proven by his nasty language, behavior and attitude displayed on his Facebook that he's learned all he needs to, to live the life he's chosen.

  5. A lot of this is happening because the SPD didn't prosecute the thugs that made the video in front of Thurstys. They should have been arrested for illegal gun possession.

  6. LOL 8:36 No Child Left Behind by no one's stretch of the imagination has anything to do with thia. Don't be ignorant. Educate yourself-NOW-so you don't make a fool of yourself in public.
    Situations like this have been allowed to perpetuate thanks solely to liberal policies. The liberals claim to have made schools better in all areas. They claim suspensions/expulsions are down and they are but ONLY because of new "guidelines" issued by the Obama admin, criticizing the Zero Tolerance and making the offenses more serious for suspension/expulsion.
    This rape is on the backs of every single person who supports and is a democrat including on a local level. They subscribe and promote the liberal agenda.
    If and until they all start publically screaming about the dysfunctional schools will they not be blamed. This includes conway, cain, Mitchell, mathias, ireton, day, pollitt, shields, and on down the line.
    They all should be real proud of themselves this morning.

  7. If he was so bad to be kicked out of 2 schools then why wasn't he at Choices??? I know kids that aren't this bad that got sent there.

  8. Pardon me I don't live in Salisbury. I thought Ireton was the one fighting to clean up Salisbury and the City Council/Police Chief was the ones stopping things he was trying to accomplish. Am I wrong in thinking this way?

  9. Why wasn't he at Choices? Why do we have an alternative school if moving offenders around the county is our chosen way of dealing with them?

  10. Why won't the Board of Education put the kids that want to learn above people like this ? Who's looking out for the good kids???

  11. Yes 11:40 you are wrong. Let me clue you in on how it works in the real world. As someone so eloquently put it on here the other day, all ireton and democrats in general do is blow sunshine up people's asses and unfortunately a lot of people fall hook line and sinker for it. Ireton is a democrat so he subscribes to their policies and platform such as the new guidelines for disruptive troubled students. They have made it so hard to suspend/expel and then they say they lowered the numbers and the low information uninformed public think it's because students are behaving, when it fact these type of violent incidences are hidden from the public.

  12. 10:33 Spot on! I hope they all take a look in the mirror and are proud in what they see! I cannot believe this can happen! Look at the video and tell me how he is allowed in ANY public school! Or for that means any public place!

  13. How you like your bury now folks???

  14. People believe anything..come on people use Ur brains..school..screaming rape..no one heard....she lying..

  15. @4:00...Jacori please stop trying to defend yourself :)

  16. Bottom line two societies, get your kids away from public schools now. Its more important then that new car or that new boat.

  17. It seems to me like there is a fortune to be made in private schools. A fortune. If investors did it on a grand state to state scale the price could come down to where the average struggling family might just be able to afford it. The only way to control the goverment is to take the control away from it. Talk about supply and demand.

  18. Hey 4:00 what about the video we are now hearing about-the one showing him grabbing her.
    You don't grab people period or at least that's not how civilized people who actually had good parents behave. He garbage and has no value to anyone. If he dropped dead this second no loss. I would like to know who his mother is. She needs a foot shoved up her butt for raising such a loser. And who is his father. I bet another loser.

    1. Are you suggesting that all rapists parents raise them to be that way? You've convicted 2 other people based on the act of 1. As if his parents condone his actions.

  19. just memorize their faces and when you see them on the street...

  20. Need to clean the streets.

  21. I've known Jocori for quite sometime . There's three sides to every story. His side.. her side &the TRUTH. just like the "victim "has a family that loves And cares for her he does to And he does not deserve to have the media exploit him for something that has not been proven as a fact or TRUTH. The jocori i know would NEVER do anything of that nature..

    1. Thank you! They already have him convicted. Who says he grabbed her? Was that on tape or something she said.

  22. jami, Jocori's family does NOT love him. If they did, they would have seen his facebook and not been happy. Smoking dope with a 10 year old is NOT cute. If his family loved him they would have left him in jail until his trial whether they believe him guilty or not. He was using drugs, has an unhealthy obsession with guns and was disruptive in school. He needs badly the structure an institution like jail would have provided. He could also have taken advantage of some treatment and counseling programs.

    1. That's stupid. White kids pose with guns all the time. Politicians have been glorifying it. The last 2 years we've been arguing for gun safety laws. But politicians have been screaming "2nd". To assume his parents weren't mad at some of his actions, is inappropriate. No parent should ever leave their child in prison. Innocent until proven guilty. You have him convicted, without seeing the evidence.

  23. What is the world does the Mayor have to do with this? Good Lord people, get a grip. This horrible act was committed by a horrible person, period. After working years in the school system the fact he was moved around is nonsense. He should have been put out of school a while ago. I pray the young lady harmed can get through this. There is one big question.....where is the hell is his family? How much unsupervised free time does his have to possess guns, smoke weed, get high off cough syrup, and sell drugs? Seriously, is he raising himself?

  24. Shut up Jami. Only a piss poor excuse for a human being would make any attempt to defend that piece of crap. His Facebook was disgusting and you are one sick putrid person for defending him.
    There are no excuses for him doing drugs with a 10 year old child, glorifying guns and drugs. To put it to you in plain English, the world would be a better place if he and others like him would just get murdered or die of an overdose.
    He deserves to be exploited as well. He wants to act so big and show off so now right back at him.

  25. jami smith...you know him so well. Did you see his facebook page??? Did you believe he would act like that??? If you did see it why didnt you do the right thing and notify his mother/grandmother/aunt whoever he lives with.

  26. 10:20 each and every democrat needs to be held accountable for their responsibility for this. Democrats subscribe to the policies that allowed a troubled student like Scarborough to remain in school. Ireton is a democrat who whole heartedly embraces the democratic platform.
    He as well as every other democrat are to blame. We are spending tons of money to keep the bad people out of schools when the fact remains most of the violence committed in the schools are by students who have shown patterns of behavior problems but are allowed to remain in the public schools.

  27. To say we don't love him is freaking ridiculous. We don't have all the facts, neither do you. The female involved has already switched up her story. The above videos are ones he did with his friends. He doesn't even rap. Doesn't even know the words to the songs. All of that is fisade. Just like majority of teens these days, they all have things on their Facebook pages that shouldn't be there. Most of the members of our family are teens or in our early twenties, like me (I'm 19), but the older ones who are on the site don't spend their days inspecting our pages. There has been ones to advise us to take certain posts & pics down, but we don't. I'm sure you all have had some experience with that as well. Anyone that KNOWS jocori, knows he wouldn't do something like this & really isn't capable. None of you have met him, lived with him, stayed with him, hung out with him, so please shove it. Both families are dealing with this & the ignorance of you all isn't helping. The truth will reveal itself. Don't put your mouth on things you don't know about. -Aaliyah S.
    You can check my FB if you'd like :)

    1. Don't let these people get you or your family mad. They are people who love to find fault and point fingers. White kids, it's mental. Black kids, through them away. F-it these people. In Daytona a 14 year old white kid raped his step mother a few years ago. I heard none of this. His father was about to marry her 2 weeks later. My point is we all have good and bad in ourselves and families. It's funny how there's no patience for black teens. It's a plan to keep us hopeless and angry.

  28. Is there evidence? Because it sounds like he has been convicted.

  29. This foolishness on the video can and will be addressed with Maryland Law. It amounts to cyber bullying. The law clearly covers this foolishness. Those involved who attend public school can and should expect to be sanctioned. The law was passed in 2013.

  30. These little Salisbury boys are ridiculous. They want people to think they are so hard, but if you drop them off in a real inner city environment they will run home crying to their mommies. But the real problem is bigger than the school system, the city, or the state. The nature of our government is to give offenders too many chances. These kids grow up knowing that they can get away with way too much before they ever have to do any real time. We worry too much about the offender's rights. They know that the government is not going to allow them to suffer any pain or discomfort like their victims did.

  31. From these thugs youtube page.
    "dde bury uploaded a video"

    Yep dde bury... How do you Democrat Ireton loving clowns feel about da bury now. If these videos aren't proof that da 'bury is GHETTO then you don't have a brain.

    Anyone that voted for Jim Ireton, Obama and any damn Democrat should be ashamed of yourselves. You people are idiots and part of the problem.

  32. Who says he grabbed her? Was that on tape or something she said.

    May 9, 2014 at 6:51 AM

    If you read the reports you would know what a stupid comment/question that is, like most of the ones you have posted.

    making multiple posts do not make you correct.

  33. Dont blame the system or teachers or mayors for these animals. this is what happens when the family system is broke. Single women spitting out babies like a bubble gum machine to game the system and this is what you get with absent Daddy. Anyone hear the term who da baby daddy or that is my baby momma. if we don't fix that in our society we will look like Somalia before long.

  34. @May 7, 2014 at 1:27 PM
    Try to be a little less condescending. Not everyone is in the know about Salisbury's local politics as I was asking earlier. Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats and I don't trust either of them any further than I can throw them.

  35. Salisbury is a growing community, and as the resident i am i have a right to leave my home feeling safe. Which i dont after seeing this video. People post videos like this because they think that they won't get in trouble. And from the "gang" or "clique" their in even if one gets in trouble not all of them will. The Salisbury police need to stop worrying about breaking up college parties in fruitland every weekend to find drugs or alcohol and start worrying about the people that are selling them!!! ALL of these people in the video should be arrested! Not only did they have guns, but for half of the video it was made at a GAS STATION! Its sad how bad Salisbury has got as far as crime wise. But people can only talk so much. The cops need to start arresting these fools and the judge needs to put all their asses away. Black white or Asian it makes no difference. But in this case, ALL Black's made this video.


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