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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ron Pagano: Here's Looking At You

More than a month has passed since we first asked Mr. Pagano to level with Wicomico County residents about his past, and we have repeated, more than once, our invitation for him to do so on this blog. We have concluded that a cat has latched onto his tongue. Or is it his campaign manager, Michael Pretl?

We have been searching, and now have some details – this is from an article we found on the Internet that indicates that it appeared in the New York Times in July 2006 and discusses “Ron Pagano, 53, of Pasadena, Md.,” who is described as having degenerative arthritis as a result of inherited dwarfism:

In the 1970’s and 80’s, Mr. Pagano sold life insurance, started an electronic parts distribution company and worked in estate planning services, but eventually his arthritis got so bad that some days he couldn’t get out of bed, he said.

He went on disability in 2000, and later the RISE program provided him with eight weeks of training to evaluate the demographics and finances for a Coffee News franchise. He submitted a business plan for Coffee News — a one-page coffee-colored sheet that features human interest articles along with local advertising and is distributed to restaurants, coffee shops and motels — and received a $15,000 start-up grant for his franchise in Howard County, Md.

Since his mobility is restricted, Mr. Pagano takes care of the inside jobs, including accounting and billing, as well as the layout, design and printing. His wife, Karen, who is not disabled, handles the marketing, the sales and the distribution to 180 locations weekly.

So far, Mr. Pagano does not make enough — he declined to say exactly how much — to forgo federal disability and health care, but says, “We’re building something neat.”

What's interesting is the absence of any mention of practicing law in Ohio or elsewhere. And, possibly even more interesting, assuming that this is about the "Ronald A. Pagano" named in that federal tax lien filed last year for over $1 million, is how he went from being too poor "to forego federal disability and health care" to having huge unpaid tax liability just two years later.

Maybe Mr. Pretl will tell us – Pagano surely is not going to do so.

Maryland court records indicate that "Ronald Anthony Pagano" and his former wife, Karen, were divorced in 2009, when she was authorized to resume using her former name.


  1. So if citizens need assistance will he be in bed because he is too sick to help those who he has been elected to help?

  2. Joe-
    Suggest asking the FBI about him. Gotta think he's gotta record.

  3. In his case what happened in Vegas didn't stay there!

  4. Me thinks that he has been a bad little boy. What say you Ronnie?

  5. 1:22 sorta lame comment.

    I can not remember the last time a politician offered to help me move or do any other physical labor.

    Being disabled does not disqualify anyone from holding an office, nor inhibit them from doing their duties.

    I would be more concerned about his historic bad judgement, lack of ethics and financial irresponsibility.

  6. OMG, Mr Pagano has other bad debts and at least one other divorce in Maryland. How can we track him before Maryland. I think there must be some not so nice things about this dude.

  7. Sounds like the typical resume of a Liberal. Not healthy enough to work, on public assistance and running for office. Only in Maryland...

  8. Getting public assistance and holding a paid political seat should be considered double dipping and against the law.

  9. Mr. Pretl do you still maintain your law license? Why don't you come clean about Ron? We deserve knowing his background. My sources tell me it just ain't good.

  10. THANK YOU,THANK YOU JOE, for the hundredth time, for what you provide on this blog! NOBODY else has the spine to publish anything like this.

    Hey, Mr. Pagono- DEFEND YOURSELF ( if you can!)

  11. Amen, Annie!

    This lack of disclosure is disturbing. It's funny how people who run for office or are in it don't want to disclose their tawdry affairs, but are the first to attack others in the political arena.

    Pagano and Pretl's buddies Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields were on Delmarva Radio today bashing the crap out of Terry Cohen and Tim Spies.

    There you have two real winners (not!) in their personal lives and they spent most of their time bashing an upright businesswoman raising kids and a decorated Navy veteran.

    Salisbury and Wicomico are slipping into a sea of smarm and sludge.

  12. It's absolutely amazing how many DEGENERATES there are in that photo!

    Pagano is nothing but a scammer gaming the system instead of making his own way in the world.


  13. Thanks for the short article about a small part of his background.

  14. 2:56 --

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Unfortunately it looks like Salisbury is beyond the point of no return to escape the likes of welfare queens like Mitchell and Shields.

    Wicomico County is still in play, and with our rotten mainstream media we are fortunate to have this blog to shine the light on the likes of Pagano, Pretl and Pollitt.

  15. That pic you posted makes me puke!

  16. The P-man supports Sarbanes!

  17. If someone knows the Stegmans (Dr. or Ms.) please warn them about this slug.

  18. "Unfortunately it looks like Salisbury is beyond the point of no return to escape the likes of welfare queens like Mitchell and Shields"

    I was reading comments from other sites regarding the Jocori Scarborough rape. One comment from an out of town publication said Salisbury has been a ghetto for some time and the person would feel safer with the Taliban.

  19. 6:52 Yup. Its a standard case of being too close to the problem to recognize it.
    Most smallsburyites do not have a clue how truly bad it is here.

  20. not familiar with Mr. Pagano so which one is he?

  21. Those Degenerates are some creepy looking people in that photo. All friends of Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook.

  22. Looks like Pagano is a double dipper in bankruptcy. Maybe he should move to Salisbury and run for their City Council.

  23. Why not ask Mr. Pagano why he uses J.D. at the end of his name instead of Esq. as any real attorney would? Might if have something to do with being disbarred? Just a guess, maybe he'll tell us?


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