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Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Viewer Writes: Just pulled in to Taylors bbq. Four guys in the big red taxi cab!


  1. Joe you should do a story on the fire service agreement between the City and the County. It is in today's DT and it shows that not only is the SFD chasing to many ambulance calls in the County, but the City wants Wicomico County to pay them for it.

    “We have to resolve that,” City Councilwoman Laura Mitchell said at a recent hearing. “We can’t keep footing their bill.”

    Obviously the City and County leaders do not know that the Salisbury Fire Department is self dispatching their fire trucks on nearly every ambulance call and now they want the County Council to compensate them for the calls. Another thing, the volunteers at Station 2 wanted to become a volunteer station in the County, but the City wasted thousands of dollars in resources fighting that. That would have helped in this problem if it became a reality.

    They also want more money than the other fire departments are getting because they run more calls. Well that is not the way it goes and it never has been in Wicomico County.

    What ever happened to that EMS study for Wicomico County that was going to be done by the State?

  2. You should have seen them last week in DC at the Congressional Dinner. They didn't even show to the event until Thursday afternoon and then they left in the middle of the dinner. They was kissing up to anyone who would write a grant check to them. Oh by the way the dinner tickets are $295.00 each. Total cost to the tax payers $885.00.

  3. 10:31 AM who all went to the event in DC?

  4. Richard A. Hoppes ‏@SFD_Chief · May 1

    With the SFD executive team at the Hart Senate Office Building waiting to meet with Sen. Mikulski and Cardin.


  5. Who is the executive team and why did the tax payers have to foot their $300 ticket for each of them?

    Why did it take an executive team to meet with Sen. Mikulski and Cardin?

    I bet Hoppes felt important sending out that text message.

    If the executive team is so important and needed then how did the City of Salisbury and the fire department make out without them while they were hob knobbing and partying with the Congressional elected members in DC?

    Jim Ireton needs to resign for allowing them to go to that event and wasting tax dollars like that.

    Why couldn't they meet with the Senators in thier local offices?

    Typical of Hoppes for spending other peoples money. (OPM)

  6. Yes could someone please enlighten us on this wasteful spending.

    Is it true that some firefighters from Salisbury went to a conference in Florida recently?

  7. MML Board Nominations

    Nomination materials for the MML 2014-2015 Board of Directors were e-mailed to chief municipal elected officials and to MML chapter presidents and secretaries in March. The following nominations for MML's 2014-2015 Board of Directors have been received at the League office:

    Spencer R. Schlosnagle, Mayor, Friendsville

    District Vice President
    District 1: Laura Mitchell, Councilwoman, Salisbury
    District 2: Perry A. Stutman, Commission President, Queenstown
    District 6: Lawrence "Jake" Romanell, Councilman, New Market
    District 10: James L. Eberhardt, Mayor, Perryville

  8. I don't get this... Taylors is owned by a State Trooper and the fireman like to eat there. What????

  9. Why is this such an issue ? Am I missing something ?

  10. 1:15, are you that dense? Riding around town all day in that gas guzzler and you don't think it's an issue?

  11. Anonymous said...
    I don't get this... Taylors is owned by a State Trooper and the fireman like to eat there. What????

    May 5, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    So what's your point. He is retired and has been.

  12. Hoppes should have been fired a long time ago like Jim Ireton promised.

    How soon Ireton forgets that Hoppes, Gordy and a couple of other fireman sent out those emails calling Ireton a fag and broke the news about him getting caught on the beach in Delaware. They even used Salisbury FD email addresses doing this.

    Jim Liarton jumped right in bed with his enemies and dumped his supporters. Hopefully everyone will remember that in the next election.

  13. 1:36 Don't they have to eat as a unit and be ready to respond as a unit? To me it makes sense how would you do it ? Domino's ?

  14. So what was the purpose of building a kitchen in the fire mansion if they don't use it

  15. Anonymous said...
    1:36 Don't they have to eat as a unit and be ready to respond as a unit? To me it makes sense how would you do it ? Domino's ?

    May 5, 2014 at 7:14 PM

    If you were a tax payer in Salisbury you would agree that they could bring their lunches and dinner with them and eat at the multimillion dollar Fire Palace.

  16. Anonymous said...
    1:36 Don't they have to eat as a unit and be ready to respond as a unit? To me it makes sense how would you do it ? Domino's ?

    May 5, 2014 at 7:14 PM

    One good thing about the volunteers is they have meals at their volunteer station "as a unit." If the volunteers can do it so can the paid guys. BTW the point is that we don't need paid guys we need to recruit and retain more volunteers.

  17. Wicomico County Needs To Foot More Of The Bill With City

    The latest round of who pays for what has started with the City asking the County to foot more of the cost of the City's firefighting efforts. The reason is simple the City Fire Department handles 2/3 of the call volume for the County but only receives 20% of the money that Wicomico County spends on it's fire departments. This has been an ongoing problem for some time now and it really has become time to look back into the tax differential.

    One of the very main reason we have few actual home owners in the City limits is the ridiculous double taxation that occurs. I have stated before 1,250 a year property tax for a nice home in the County or 3500 a year for a home on Decatur Avenue in the City. City residents also pay for duplicating services in many other areas as well.Remember Delmar and Fruitland are dealing with similar problems with this arrangement.

    I found a study online that is from 2010 that shows what would need to happen to offset the revenue loss if the County stopped double dipping.

    "Our analysis indicates that in order to ensure that real property tax revenues are sufficient to
    cover County FY 2010 operating expenses, the current County real property tax rate would need
    to be increased by $0.009 from $0.759 to $0.768. If a tax differential were granted, the current
    County real property tax rate would need to be increased by $0.037 from $0.759 to $0.796,
    requiring the County to fore go $1,213,984 in tax revenues from the three municipalities."

    The County must see that it can't expect the City to foot more of the bill when the City isn't getting anything in return. This must be dealt with by all Municipalities sitting down together and fixing this problem once and for all.

    Posted by Jonathan Taylor at 5/05/2014 09:40:00 AM

  18. 7:14.
    Which volunteers eat as a unit? We eat as a unit also, that is what the truck crew is doing right there. We do use the kitchen at sixteen, every night to cook dinner. I never know when or where I am going to get lunch is why I do not bring a lunch. In all honesty, we try at least on my shift to only pick up lunch and dinner supplies when we are out. Sometimes it does not work that way.

  19. Wow, Taylor's BBQ is a whopping 1/2 mile from station 1. They sure used up tons of fuel driving there. You people are ridiculous. You do realize that you all are the same 10-15 idiots who keep making these uneducated posts right. 85% of the city tax payers don't find this to be a big deal at all since this is the norm in all paid municipality fire departments.

  20. None, you're an Idiot if you believe 85% of the taxpayers don't think this is a big deal. This is exactly why people have a real problem with the Fire Department. You must be one of the "hero's", right?

  21. We get paid to drive around in a babe magnet.Srong wit dat?

  22. JoeAlbero said...
    None, you're an Idiot if you believe 85% of the taxpayers don't think this is a big deal. This is exactly why people have a real problem with the Fire Department. You must be one of the "hero's", right?

    May 6, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    NONE is a paid paramedic in the County and a horrible one at that. He joined the fire company so that he could get a paid job and he barely passed the paramedic class. It is so watered down these days that they accept anyone in the program with a pulse and they teach you to pass the test. Yes he is one of the self proclaimed "heroes."

    I wish the County would create it's own county wide EMS division and eliminate dirt bags like him.

  23. " The reason is simple the City Fire Department handles 2/3 of the call volume for the County but only receives 20% of the money that Wicomico County spends on it's fire departments."

    HEY! Maybe you should look at the calls for service Joe runs daily and realize the FD is only required to answer LESS THAN 20% of the calls!

    Can I hear a collective "DUH" here?

    If fire; yes. If possible fire; yes, if ambulance only, absolutely NOT!

    How hard is that?


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