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Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 5-5-14

Justin Walter has left a new comment on your post "Al Sharpton : "Homos", "Chinamen", the "N" word":

first of all how dare you people talk about black on black crimewhen are crime shows that it is young blacks killing young black but as soon as one white person killed us and we complained the first thing you holler is where y'all are doing it. Al Sharptonand Jesse Jackson don't speak for us that was the 60's and 70's its 2014 we don't cear what they have to say. sterling is a racist he got caught deal with it white people need to quit trying to act like racism is it still alive and welland for the record are crime at least our crime in our community against each other is one thing. but your children are shooting up schools blowing up buildings.just like when is a crack problem nobody cares but as soon as heroin hit the shelf now we got a drug problem because white america is doing it. Everything is driven by race not Al and Jessie


  1. what a wonderful grasp of the English language he has.

  2. Is this common core or ebonics? Either way, it's very tough to read.

  3. Another victim of the government schools.

  4. This angry,ill-informed american has little grasp of reality or retention of basic English classes. Their point would be better heard if they had actual facts to back it up instead of regurgitated nonsense thrown at them my lying political figures. Read a history book, brush up on your English and get back to us. Until then, I will just shake my head at the sad and rapid decline of my fellow citizens.


  5. Hey, he spelled heroin right!

    That's something...

  6. Probably proud that he/she voted for Obama twice.

  7. typical uninformed, illiterate Obama (democratic)voter...

  8. 8:24 - he spelled crack correctly also - maybe he knows how since he uses both....and it fried the rest of his brain!

  9. OMG this is so sad. It took me two tries to figure out what this person was even talking about.

    This is the new America.

  10. I sure glad my name is not on this editorial.

  11. what an idiot...


  12. Classic government induced racist. The poster is a product of a government educated racist, promoted and given a diploma, based on race, and not by reaching standards applied to "others".

  13. I have a hard time believing this is not an attempt at satire.

  14. No child left behind.

  15. This is very sad... and unfortunately, he did probably vote for OweBama twice and would again because he just does not understand, and never will.


  16. What a disgrace. If this is representative of the black community, It's no wonder it's a shambles.
    This person needs to be dismissed as irrelevant and not accepted into civil society until they learn to write properly.

  17. "first of all how dare you people talk about black on black crimewhen are crime shows that it is young blacks killing young black but as soon as one white person killed us and we complained the first thing you holler is where y'all are doing it"

    No one is hollering. If blacks want to kill each other than knock yourselves out but a lot of whites find it sickening that blacks value life so little. The only time they consistently care when a black gets killed, is when it's at the hands of a white person.

  18. The issue is as soon as a black person is supposedly treated unfairly, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and many others start speaking out about racism. Clearly here there is a black groups of thugs beating a white man. I don't hear anything from either of them, but if I got on tv and called it racism people would try and discredit it quickly saying they were just kids. Bottom line is racism goes both ways and if you are a figure who cries out about white people being racist towards black people, then you should be just as outraged that black people are racist towards white people.

  19. For the most part it's not true racism that exists anymore but more what can be called sterotyping. Everyone has the "if the shoe fits, assume it's being worn" mentality. That's not racism. People presume because of what they hear and see on the news. Take all the convenience stores that get robbed locally. The common denominator is young black men wearing a hooded sweatshirt, so then the probability becomes a store is most likely to be robbed by a young black in a hooded sweatshirt and gives people a very valid reason to be cautious of young black men in hooded sweatshirts. This is common sense and is not something that can be eradicated.
    I would love to challenge anyone who cries racism to walk around one of the many housing projects in Baltimore city by themselves in the middle of the night.

  20. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 5, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    Justin really needs to brush on his English - its hard to comprehend what he is trying to say. But I give him credit for speaking out and say " Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson don't speak for us, that was in 60's and 70's" which is good. Look, we all know Sterling made racist comments and now he is paying the price and rightfully so. But Sharpton has made racist comments for years and is living the HIGH LIFE ON TAXPAYERS DIME. SO DO YOU SEE A DOUBLE STANDARD? And rhe comment "Everything is driven by race. . . ." is incorrect. Everything is Driven by POWER and MONEY, REGARDLESS OF RACE. Think about this - Sharpton & Jackson make their money on RACE, IF THERE WAS NO RACIAL TENSION BETWEEN BLACKS & WHITES, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE A JOB OR MONEY, SO THEY WANT TO KEEP IT GOING. AND WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO RELIZE.THAT, REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE BLACK, WHITE, RED OR YELLOW.

  21. Whatever you do, please don't think that this person speaks for the black community. I am sure this post/letter was posted to make a point for effect, but it is only their opinion filled with a bunch of stereotypes and illiteracy. What some of your readers don't realize is that we don't give a sh*t what Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson says....they are clowns and crooks and have manipulated folks into thinking they are trying to help but instead are just lining their pockets. As far as crime in our community, it's not it is not any groups fault about the crime in our area. What causes crime in our black community is a pattern of poor choices brought on by the lack of family structure. When I was young, I could not wait to get a job because that is what I saw my mother and father do and I knew that was the only way i was going to be successful. Many kids don't get that today and this is not isolated to the black community contrary to what you may believe. I refuse to be categorized in a certain group because of my race and I only ask that you do the same. The lack of literacy in this posting has nothing to do with color...just ignorance. Be enlightened in your judgement and minimize the stereotypes and if others do the same, we as Americans have a chance of survival and harmony. And I love how people add the Obama thing onto their post. So just as an FYI, I didn't vote for Obama because I didn't feel like he was a good leader for my Country...that is the only reason I vote for anybody. Could be White, Black or Green..make my country stronger and you have my vote.

  22. 2:01 Well said!!! Wish more people of all colors felt the way you do.

  23. 2:01 thinks as I do. The lack of a family structure is the root of all social problems whether it be crime, poverty, poor performing schools. I also believe the greatest gift any parent can give a child is a work ethic.

  24. Hes too stupid too realize how stupid he really is.

  25. "Hes too stupid too realize how stupid he really is."

    You meant- He's too stupid to realize how stupid he really is.

  26. obviously a prized recipient of Wicomico BOE Pizza ...


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