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Sunday, April 20, 2014

While Other County Executives Are Trying To Bring Jobs To Their Counties, Pollitt Is Trying To Bring In Trash Instead

Knock, Knock, Who's There? Rick Pollitt. NO THANKS, GO AWAY.

That's what happened recently when Pollitt's Team went to Worcester County to try and get them to send their trash to Wicomico County instead of New Jersey. Worcester County knows the history of Wicomico County and its liberal leadership. Start out with one price and in no time they'll raise the price.

Regardless of public input, Pollitt is desperately trying to move at warp speed to deliver ammunition back to the next meeting with the hope of selling the public with overwhelming interest from other Counties, it's failing. It kind of reminds me of the E.S. Adkins project and the Election Board, DOA.

We have yet to see ANY interest whatsoever in this proposed and unexpected project. WE NEED JOBS, NOT TRASH. And why haven't we seen any new jobs or industry, because Rick Pollitt is incapable of doing his job, period.


  1. We have local small businesses wanting to expand and the county won't allow them! Please everyone-google and read up on Ted Wycall and Greenbranch Farm.

  2. Isn't the county looking for a new landfill site since the current one is going to reach capacity in the next 20 years? Seems like they plan ahead a little and now they forget they have a capacity issue. Smart guys, real smart.

  3. the stench of desperation is similar to that of trash

  4. Wow. Now that you have punched mr Pollitt in the nose I am sure that will fix everything.

  5. Let's send Pollitt to another state.

  6. Where's the enviromentalists on this?They make sure to hinder any commercial development.

  7. 8:34 - really - you think it is wrong to criticize the Executive and his office. You are mistaken if you think there is anything "nice" about politics. Apparently you are unaware of the hard ball politics they play.
    If nothing changes, nothing changes.

  8. Somerset wanted to import trash a few years ago as I recall but the people there were smart enough to just say NO.

  9. I can't believe that the author of this post didn't take the time to learn about the reason why trash is being sought for Wicomico County. The trash will be used to create energy in a process called gasification. It will reduce the amount of trash that goes into the landfill and will extend its capacity. The enrgy created can be used to power new manufacturing facilities which will bring jobs to the county. The facility itself would also bring more jobs to the county. And the process requires the trash to be sorted, which allows useful materilas to be removed and recycled such as plastics, metals and cardboard. The reson they are negotiating with other counties is to have enough trash to mnake the process efficient. It is a win-win for everyone involved.

  10. If this goes through, it's referendum and recall time. Two birds with one petition.

  11. anonymous 9:08, Let's start with the FACT that this is a NON proven system in the United States, just like the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant.

    There is absolutely NOTHING proving that the system, (for starters) is actually safe and guess what, I DO NOT TRUST RICK'S WORD that it is, as he is NOT an expert in this field. Nor was Barrie Tilghman with the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Look how that turned out.

    Then there's the FACT that it cannot sustain itself with the resources we have and we must rely on other Counties to make it work.

    If ANYONE chooses to create another facility, (and let me give you a GREAT example, Sussex County) Wicomico County AND THOSE JOBS are S.O.L..

    There is NO industry that can compete with NO TAXES in Delaware, so STOP blowing smoke up our you know whats.

    There is NO win/win here.

  12. 9:08, the landfill already has free labor from WCDC doing sorting, and how will the energy generated lead to more manufacturing jobs--are pollitt's boys going to give it away for free?

  13. He's a frickin idiot. All he knows how to do is spend & spend. How your buddy Strawbridge doing. Haven't seen that county car at Market Street lately. I forgot he found a new watering trough to go to Andy's Place. Pollitt I guess your new buddy Redds is going to get s kickback for taking out of town trash at the landfill. Redds will get one lump sum like the deal you made with BAker. Work for the County just a few years and all of sudden Baker will be making a killen when he leaves. I like how you let the citizens of Wicomico County know. U all are a bunch of Lieing & Cheaten and backstabbing Bastards.

  14. I'll add, Pollitt and Strausburg have made NO ATTEMPT whatsoever to try to prove to the public Salisbury News OR The Daily Times is wrong with our assessments on this system.

    INSTEAD, the County has REFUSED to send both of us press releases and county information om ANYTHING referencing the County in retaliation of us NOT kissing their you know what.

    A PROFESSIONAL would tackle a matter like this HEAD ON and NOT run and hide.

  15. 9:08-Joe is correct. "Gasification to energy" is still in it's infancy. It's been a boondoogle of epic proportions in parts of the world. Read up on this subject.
    "I can't believe" YOU nor anyone else wouldn't want to take the more prudent route and wait until the science is perfected, instead of being the guinea pig.
    Didn't you learn from the WWTP????
    If you had to have brain surgery would you take the proven successful operation, or would you volunteer to be one of several who choose a new operation, that had been shown to have a failure rate?
    I expect an answer to my question.

  16. "INSTEAD, the County has REFUSED to send both of us press releases and county information om ANYTHING referencing the County in retaliation of us NOT kissing their you know what."

    No loss. They can keep their self serving press releases. They are nothing but a bunch of spin anyway, geared toward the uninformed. Call me a cynic, but anyone who believes anything out of a politician's mouth without fact checking for themselves is a fool.

  17. "I'll add, Pollitt and Strausburg have made NO ATTEMPT whatsoever to try to prove to the public Salisbury News OR The Daily Times is wrong with our assessments on this system."

    Because they can't and they aren't attempting to, because it would only prove to everyone how uniformed and uneducated they are on the subject.

  18. 9:51, this includes the Sheriffs Department. As the owner of this Site I can assure you, residents are VERY interested in crime in this County. Mike Lewis and Rick Pollitt are doing a disservice to Wicomico County residents by purposely making sure the #1 news source, (SBYNews) is cut off.

    I'll add, the other disservice is NOT letting the public know of any and all update IN REAL TIME when a MURDERER is on the loose or a criminal who has a GUN and is still running the streets in our neighborhood, all out of spite.

    Just go back and look at who breaks the news several hours ahead of ANYONE else here on the Shore. Mike Lewis could have someone contact me in real time and we can update the public as to a vehicle or description of a particular suspect and he refuses to do so. Sounds a LOT like the old Chief Webster to me.

  19. "I expect an answer to my question.

    April 18, 2014 at 9:47 AM"

    Hell will freeze over first before you get an answer 9:47.
    That's the problems with these liberals like 9:08. They are good slaves and obey their masters without question. They are brainwashed and repeat the propaganda ad nauseum without question or checking into it for themselves. The only hope is for them to be deprogrammed from the cult of liberalism they are in love with. It's hard though because their minds have been controlled since they started school unless they went to a private school.

  20. Joe you know based on my comments pertaining to the home invasion on Pemberton Dr. I agree with you 100% on your 9:58 am comment and the protection of citizens by it's Sheriff should preclude any personal differences Mike needs to get over himself.

  21. Maybe they are downgrading crimes in an attempt to give the appearance crime is down? Read up on this. It's happening elsewhere. They probably know they can't fool the readers on this site as well as the comments being ANON, it would give those who see though the reports incentive to call them out on it.

  22. Say no to their trash and ours too --

    Elect Bob Culver as County Exec!

  23. Joe -- please look into the real reason for this nonsense.

    It's the County's new public works director, Beauchamp. He once was in Salisbury's PWD and they were glad he left. He is about as qualified as the former City public works director, Jacob, who got us into the mess at the WWTP.

  24. This plant will produce steam I hear they what to build a rendering plant to cook chicken guts on county land.

  25. Liberals are brainwashed and their minds controlled. You almost have to feel sorry for them. Take Jake Day for instance. Nice kid, but a complete product of liberal brainwashing. He tosses out the word "oxford" and everyone gets all jazzed up, except for those who know better. Oxford is the purveyor of the progressive movement or as some call it Agenda 21. It is the home of the Rhodes Scholarship, founded by none other then Cecil Rhodes who was dedicated to establishing a socialistic one world government.
    The uninformed believe a Rhodes Scholar is someone scholastically and intellectually superior, but the reality is the scholarships are awarded to those who not only show progressive leanings but those who can be mind controlled easily.

  26. I can't believe you are offended that the very people you attack on a daily basis will then turn around and send you anything. You are living in your own little world that is very short on common sense. If Pollitt believes this would be good for the county, it is because he honestly believes it. He may not be the most adept business man, but his will to try to do what he believes is best is real. I have known him all my life and have had many disagreements with him on policy over the years. But I would bet my last dollar that his intentions are honorable. How many of you who criticize him and malign his character actually know him? I would wager, not many. Joe, I think you are showing some sour grapes here. It's obvious you want Culver and will use your blog, as you have every right, to try to get him elected. If I were Rick, I wouldn't send you anything either.

  27. I would say Rick Pollitt is very capable of doing his job. Many of us actually think he's doing a pretty good job given the circumstances of the economic climate. You say incapable because you don't agree with what he is doing. Doesn't make either of you idiots, or imbeciles or any of the other labels your wonderful readers like to attach to anyone or anything they don't like.

  28. 11:46, funny you should mention the Oxford thing and everyone getting "jazzed up." Terry Cohen is a graduate of the Ivy Leagues and you don't hear her bringing it up left and right. Something else I found out about her was she did it in three years with honors.

    She is also a "liberal," but one of the most different ones I've ever seen. I don't know. Maybe she's what liberals are supposed to be because she is always asking if there's a better way to do something and she doesn't care who comes up with the idea, be they left or right.

  29. 12:13, ATTACK, really, is that what you cal it?

    Let me ask you something, Mr. Friend for a lifetime of Mr. Pollitt.

    Does Rick Pollitt have nice things to say about ME referencing MY business success in the past?

    I have run circles around every single business owner, (aside from perhaps Frank Perdue) here on the shore and did so in y 20's. By 40 I was completely retired.

    You can try to tell me that this idea is good at heart by Rick Pollitt but let me assure you, it's a MASSIVE screw up and it will be at taxpayers expense, just like the WWTP.

    Rick, (and you) are just pissed off that I am on to this BS and that I have a strong enough following to make a major difference in this community.

    Cutting ME off will NOT help them. I will get information right from inside his office, the Sheriff's Office and every other department because people now have an ANONYMOUS outlet to expose the TRUTH.

    Rick Pollitt should not be, (nor ever should have been) in a business position when he has ZERO experience.

    Now, that is all my opinion. The public has every right to believe differently and I respect that.

    I'll spend the rest of my life sharing MY business experiences and wisdom in order for the rest of the public to understand the OTHER SIDE.
    If you don't like it, don't come here.

  30. Joe remember there is a little birdy putting the stupid ideas in the county top dogs ear. That is Lee Beachaump he has big ideas that are out of this world and in the mean time running the landfill into the ground so that an outside company can come in and take it over. Again employees will be lost. He is like a god to the county leaders he talks a good game until it all costs the county millions

  31. 12:13, Talk about misguided. You have known Rick almost your whole life and you believe he would always do the honorable thing.

    Let me tell you of a past experience I had with Rick in which I learned VERY quickly what the man was all about.

    I'm going to refrain from saying who but let me just say this. I brought hard documented evidence of ILLEGAL activity going on in one department and Rick Pollitt purposely threw it under the rug. He used me and others and he couldn't care less.

    Because it had to do with the extreme welfare of animals, I saw just what Rick Pollitt was all about. He lost ALL of my respect right then and there for life.

    You go right on believing Rick Pollitt has a heart. I'll tel you the man is as cold as ice and only cares about himself. That's a fact.

  32. wow, W.C. director is Beauchamp? city water to county head.

  33. You are short on common sense 12:13. Why did his top cheerleader for this idea have to be disingenuous when telling why the plant in PA failed. The definition of honorable escapes you as well. When you are attempting to sell something and you can't be honest about it, that is, by no one's stretch of the imagination, the definition of someone having honorable intentions.
    Used car salesman comes to mind.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Maybe they are downgrading crimes in an attempt to give the appearance crime is down? Read up on this. It's happening elsewhere. They probably know they can't fool the readers on this site as well as the comments being ANON, it would give those who see though the reports incentive to call them out on it.

    April 18, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    You are correct, ask Matt Macerello, Barb Duncan and Jim Liaraton. They have a plan worked out to let criminals go Scott Free so that they can say that crime is down. It's not down and don't believe it. Then they try to feed you that Type 1 or Type 2 crap because no one knows what it is and it makes it sound like crime is down without really lying to the public. Get rid of Jim Ireton as soon as you can.

  35. Anonymous said...
    I can't believe you are offended that the very people you attack on a daily basis will then turn around and send you anything. You are living in your own little world that is very short on common sense. If Pollitt believes this would be good for the county, it is because he honestly believes it. He may not be the most adept business man, but his will to try to do what he believes is best is real. I have known him all my life and have had many disagreements with him on policy over the years. But I would bet my last dollar that his intentions are honorable. How many of you who criticize him and malign his character actually know him? I would wager, not many. Joe, I think you are showing some sour grapes here. It's obvious you want Culver and will use your blog, as you have every right, to try to get him elected. If I were Rick, I wouldn't send you anything either.

    April 18, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    Just because you think someone is honorable doesn't make them a good County Executive. You admit that you have had many disagreements with him and you still support him as County Executive. Rick Pollitt admits he supports and voted for Obama so that in itself proves he is an idiot. Your comments also prove you are an idiot! Good Day and Happy Easter to you!

  36. Anonymous said...
    I would say Rick Pollitt is very capable of doing his job. Many of us actually think he's doing a pretty good job given the circumstances of the economic climate. You say incapable because you don't agree with what he is doing. Doesn't make either of you idiots, or imbeciles or any of the other labels your wonderful readers like to attach to anyone or anything they don't like.

    April 18, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    Another Kool Aid drinking idiot who voted for Obama. That's why this country is going to Hell in a Hand basket!!

  37. Anonymous said...
    wow, W.C. director is Beauchamp? city water to county head.

    April 18, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    What a Joke! That little red headed twerp isn't qualified to run a portable outhouse much less know how to use it. He still poops green in his diapers.

  38. 9:08 and the rest of you.. This is not in it's infancy. The utilities tried it back in the 80's and early 90's... It is inefficient (costs more to produce a KW that they can sell it for) and it is very dangerious. If this was a cost effective safe method of energy production, don't you think the companies who are in the business would be exploiting it... Like the rest of the green energy programs, while nobal, it will cost you significantly more than fossil fule.. Drill Baby Drill - Vote yes for Keystone, fracking and other proven methods of energy.

  39. 1:44-the whole system is screwed up. Police chiefs are picked by politicians so then they are indebted to the politicians whose goal in life is to be reelected. What better platform is there to run on and brag about then claiming crime is down in your district? Same with the SA. Their main goal is being reelected so they have an incentive to do anything in their power to make it appear as though they too are tough on crime. So what is the solution?
    Are term limits the answer? I don't think so, because then you have the problem of politicians pushing through their own agendas toward the end of their limit, knowing they can't be reelected anyway.

  40. Keeping information about criminals released or at large under the table instead of alerting the public, sounds like a future lawsuit to me. Keep playing games you chimpanzees, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye, or their jobs. Until the citizens put up a REAL stand, they will continue to crap on the taxpayers and laugh about it!

  41. "Anonymous said...
    I would say Rick Pollitt is very capable of doing his job. Many of us actually think he's doing a pretty good job given the circumstances of the economic climate. You say incapable because you don't agree with what he is doing. Doesn't make either of you idiots, or imbeciles or any of the other labels your wonderful readers like to attach to anyone or anything they don't like.

    April 18, 2014 at 12:16 PM"

    Holy Smokes that is one loyal subject for this government! When they have absolutely not a thing to back up their claims they use the old "economic climate" excuse.
    GET OFF OF IT ALREADY-OKAY, 12:16. Other counties, cities and towns that were in worst economic condition are making rebounds while Wicomico continues to spiral downward. It even made national news regarding this.
    That's the problem. You people have very low standards and expectations.

  42. Directed to 12:13 - Transparency

    To 12:13 Posting - There is very little transparency in Wicomico county. When an administration withholds public information - (i.e. Informational requests) - that is a very bad sign.

    Now - let's talk about efficiency. A few months ago our County Executive went on a foreign Trade Mission to Indonesia. What Jobs did he bring back? You answer me this question, where are the Jobs?

    Pollitt stated that he went there to promote our Poultry industry - and when he gets back, Senator Modelino from Montgomery County sponsors a Chicken Tax.

    We need something gigantic to happen in the job market and Pollitt has done nothing in that department.

  43. 8:03am Ted Wycall can expand if only he would follow the rules he helped created. You can't have it both ways.

  44. What a county, as the county turns.

  45. One man's trash is another's gold. Live with it...

  46. 5:38 --

    Let's send Pollitt back to Indonesia - one way trip this time.

    Vote for Bob Culver!

  47. How ironic -- tree-hugger Ted Wycall clobbered by falling branch.

  48. Perdue and the other big chicken companies are behind all the rules created. They want rid of real true family farms.
    For the real story on how these companies operate read the new book out called The Meat Racket.
    I've not had Greenbranch farm chicken but I guarantee it's far superior than the crap perdue and those other companies sell. I wouldn't feed it to my dog even. It smells putrid before it's cooked unlike the better brands of chicken. If you touch it raw you can't get the smell off your hands for hours.
    It's a shame more people can't afford to eat good food instead of the crap sold in your average grocery store.

  49. "I can't believe you are offended that the very people you attack on a daily basis will then turn around and send you anything."

    Believe it 12:13. In their minds by withholding the info they think they are getting back at Joe. Joe "has their number" so to speak, and they hate it when someone has their number. Not only does he have their number but he publishes it, and that infuriates them to no end. If Joe were wrong they would be on it and responding, but since he is always right they look for ways to get under his skin.

  50. Anonymous said...

    We need something gigantic to happen in the job market and Pollitt has done nothing in that department.

    April 18, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    Oh but he is giving more money to SWED and David Ryan who has done absolutely nothing in that position in the last 20 years.

  51. Thought we already were a dumping ground. Oh, I guess you can't count people? No?

  52. Trash probably pays better than jobs around here

  53. To 2:59 Posting that says . . . who has nothing in that position in the last 20 years.

    You need to add Beacon to that group to because they have had a hand in the present job demise here in Wicomico. Why Pollitt keeps referring to these non-performer groups is beyond me. If I were assigning a grade it would have to be a D at best. Owe by the way - D is a failing grade.

  54. Anonymous said...
    8:03am Ted Wycall can expand if only he would follow the rules he helped created. You can't have it both ways.

    April 18, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    Who is this Ted Wycall person and what is the story on him? Is he really a tree hugger? Many of us have never heard of him?

  55. Anonymous said...
    Perdue and the other big chicken companies are behind all the rules created. They want rid of real true family farms.
    For the real story on how these companies operate read the new book out called The Meat Racket.
    I've not had Greenbranch farm chicken but I guarantee it's far superior than the crap perdue and those other companies sell. I wouldn't feed it to my dog even. It smells putrid before it's cooked unlike the better brands of chicken. If you touch it raw you can't get the smell off your hands for hours.
    It's a shame more people can't afford to eat good food instead of the crap sold in your average grocery store.

    April 18, 2014 at 11:36 PM

    I have a feeling that Ted Wycall is the author of this shameless self promotion. Everything written here would only come from someone with the same knowledge as Ted Wycall. Point is it is not from your average consumer and your average consumer doesn't touch raw meat from Perdue then knows that Wycall's chicken meat can be washed from your hand.


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