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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Today's Survey Question 4-18-14

Would you like to see a Toll added to the Salisbury Bypass?


  1. 6:33
    Took the words right out of my mouth.
    How about.....get this......it's a novel idea...........QUIT SPENDING!!!!!!

  2. The capital costs for toll booths, plus maintenance, plus employees wages, plus employee benefits, etc., etc. would be higher than toll money collected.

  3. anonymous 7:20, while I am open to a yes or no to this survey, how the hell do you know that to be true?

    It never ceases to amaze me how people come on here and make such statements with NO FACTS to back it up.

  4. No of course but 7:20 you don't need a human to collect tolls on a road. It is done with express pass

  5. Most people don't have an Express Pass. How do you collect tolls from them without toll booths and human employees?

  6. We already have Trolls on the bypass. What, Tolls, Oh nevermind.

  7. sure lets tax the locals more... brilliant idea

  8. Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

    @7:20 Agreed, unless they go the automated route and only do ezpass, still, we don't need this.

    If they want to put a toll in put it on both bridges in to OC and charge those suckers that destroy the roads and cause backups all summer long.

  9. Bad Idea. If The County Needs Money, Have Them Quit Spending Ours And Downsize! The ONLY thing Growing In Size Is Govt And Their Related Entities, While The Working Class Is Being Driven Into The Ground.

    Tolls? No Thanks. Lose The Speed Camera Revenue Generators While We Are At It. Someone Please Shrink All Govt And Their "Taker" Mentality.

  10. Lets put a street toll on West Main, Smith and Church street and collect some taxes from people that do not pay any instead of triple taxing people that work for a living.

  11. EZ pass and the automated toll booth companies lobby for more toll roads. It's all about money for these companies. Not only do they take local jobs away but they hide the vendor fees somewhere away in the budgets so the people can't see not much money is really being made off of tolls. Same with the speed cameras.

  12. It really doesn't matter to me. I don't have to use the bypass but alot of out of town people do passing thru. So let them pay and we get the revenue. Rather do that than have my property taxes etc. raised. Think about it folks

  13. Totally Agree with both 7:55 AM's

  14. I am fine with a toll. It's actually a pretty good idea.

  15. Dover has one. Maybe the trick is to have a free pass sticker for locals and let the Baltimore traffic to OC pay it.

  16. Only if locals get a pass!

  17. Oh yeah, real brilliant idea. Drive folks that use the bypass to use the side streets and local roads, increasing traffic in the city worse than it already is. Add to that the additional wear and tear and cost for road maintenance goes up, meaning gas tax increase, property tax increases, sales tax increase.

    Just a great idea that the proposer did not look ahead at the long term results. I SAY NO.

  18. I feel that it would just put more congesting back on our local streets. The state already stripped monies for repairing and paving streets. The locals will just have more potholes to navigate.


  19. I scrupulously avoid misusing caps. That said NO!! NO WAY!!

    It is a state road, and motorists have already paid for it at the gas pump and DMV. None of the money collected would come back here.

    Those noting that it would increase traffic on the cart paths Pollitt and Ireton refuse to maintain are correct.

  20. After thinking about this for a moment , I don't really care. However , it may bring some money to businesses in the city on rt. 50.

  21. NO and if they do I would just avoid the by-pass all together.

  22. No to a toll on the 'Bury by-pass and YES to extra toll booths on the East bound 50 lane off the Bay Bridge and the North bound 13 off the Tunnel all going to fund the Eastern Shore roadways!!! LOL first booths pay for the bridges the second pays for Eastern Shore roads!! Let those who want to vacation here and then complain PAY for the privilege.

  23. I say yes as long as all the money goes to Wicomico County. I rarely use the bypass and it really doesn't save us a whole lot of time. The idea of a toll on the bypass would be for tourons going to Ocean City.

    Another idea I would like to see is more building going up around the bypass and more side roads like they have in Easton. Their bypass is no longer a bypass.

  24. Some of you need to realize that there are a whole lot of people who use the bypass every day to go to work.

    If you think a pass for locals would be given - seriously doubt it.

  25. Better let's tax the welfare recipients.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Better let's tax the welfare recipients.

    April 18, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    Better yet lets cut them off and make them work for a living like many others.

  27. You all know, don't you, that most of the tolls would be stolen to pay for the transit system on the Western Shore. As long the Western Shore politicians outnumber us, that is the way it will be.

  28. You're kidding, right? Hekk no. Enough is enough.

  29. The state of Maryland along with it's Democrats need to stop spending money and start making cuts. The largest percentage of any government budget is employees and anyone with half a brain would know that most government employees aren't needed. Those jokes about employees standing around watching one employee work has been around for years. That is way to long and we have allowed it to happen.

  30. No. Somebody trying to force people off the bypass and clog city streets?

  31. Let's kill more Business built around the traffic flow through Salisbury.. that is really intelligent thinking.

    We do not suffer from a lack of revenue. We suffer from a mentality in Public Services that our revenues are theirs to spend on themselves and at their discretion.. typical disregard and disrespect for the people they serve..(not rule over)


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