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Sunday, April 20, 2014

BUSTED: Smart Meters Emit Constant Microwave Radiation


  1. It is not about the radio emissions, it's about the monitoring and control

  2. When people stop getting cancer because of the smart meter radiation doctors will not be happy.

  3. I am VERY sensitive to electro magnetic fields and have been laughed at, made fun of and told to get my tin foil hat on, etc etc etc. I have opted out of the smart meter, but after doing more research, I live in a community where everyone has a smart meter so I will be affected by theirs. I also have been told I need to pay an additional $17.00 a month along with pay another $75.00 fee over three months. I really hope those that have ridiculed me about this will suffer from the effects of the smart meter and really find out how it feels for themselves.

  4. 10:20-In all seriousness,has the humming become worse since the new meters were installed? I am absolutely not making fun of you because I experience the same issues.A select few can actually hear the electromagnetic humming,while everyone else laughs at us.

  5. I wonder if wrapping the meter in aluminum foil would help?

  6. Do you morons think this is the only device that emits RF radiation? RF energy is being radiated through you body everyday, all day long.

  7. 4-19-14
    I have been a victim of Delmarva Powers` recent smart meter blitz and have been resisting since March of 2013. I recieved my ransom letter on Thursday and they are demanding I join a 'CLUB' and pay $17.00 a month to have my meter read. This equates to $24.00 a month because currently I and others are paying a $7 a month 'CUSTOMER' charge that NO ONE from Delmarva can reasonably explain. IF you people would realize we have NO OTHER OPTIONS on power service than Delmarva and Choptank there should be a wholesale resistance against price gouging and take them to task because they want the right control your houshold at will. P.S. The Mayor and several Council members in Ocean City think this is a wonderful idea. Bob Aswell

  8. 10:59-Is that why it never gets REALLY dark anymore?

  9. I have decided to reconsider and take one-- then join in a class action lawsuit against Delmarva Power for reckless endangerment of my family-- there is a very large one coming ..I am sure Joe will have all of the details

  10. Maryland Public Service Commission is typical of the Progressive over-reach and enslavement that Democrats thrive upon. It is because they possess a monopoly with the Federal Workforce and Minorities they pander to endlessly.

  11. Time to go solar and buy batteries.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do you morons think this is the only device that emits RF radiation? RF energy is being radiated through you body everyday, all day long.

    April 19, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    Do you really think that by insulting people and calling them names make you look intelligent or superior?

    In reality, it makes you look the opposite of both.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Time to go solar and buy batteries.

    April 19, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    I have a solar flashlight I will sell you.

  14. Thank you 1049AM. Yes, ever since the smart meters have been installed, I have had nothing but major problems with my hearing/ears and the doctors can't really figure out what is going on. When I mention to them about the smart meter, they just kind of look at me like I am from outer space. Naturally, they are not going to really know about it because unfortunately they have not been out long enough to really know the effects. Hopefully I will be on the many who are in the class action suit against Pepco/Delmarva Power when the time comes; however, by then my health/hearing will have suffered to the point that it may be too late.

  15. I'm having problems too. My cigarettes won't stay lit, my mcnuggets are soggy, natural light beers get warm and them smart meters are going to give me some kinda cancer.


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