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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Today - Wicomico County Council Revisits Board of Elections Decision - In Our Opinion - This Was Improper!

  • The Wicomico County Council revisited their last Council's decision (6-1) vote to try and schedule yet another public hearing on Leasing the Adkins facility to house the Board of Elections.  Recently - there has been a rash of 'flip flop' votes to reconsider a number of County wide issues.  In our analysis - it's almost as if our County has become the City's version of SAPOA - whereby the 'Good Ole Boys' network tries to prevail to the detriment of our citizens.

  • First - there was the Bennett Middle School Construction.  In that instance, the County Council body originally decided not to build the school. Then, Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman decided to bring the topic up again, this time reversing her previous vote that ultimately led to the BMS construction approval.
  • Second - then there was the recent decision to not issue a pay raise for Mike Lewis - Sheriff's Department.  Again, Stevie Prettyman reversed course and decided to change her vote that resulted in that vote being changed also.
  • Third - again today, Stevie Prettyman decided to reverse course and tried to schedule yet another hearing - to revisit the subject.
 Even Council President - Matt Holloway, brought up the topic, not once - but twice today - trying to sway the other Council members to change their vote. 

Today - it reminded us of a full blown public hearing procession, however, this time the public was not invited.  We would also like to add - that according to the County Council's own set of instructions - it's suppose to limit the time allowed for public comments to no more than 5 minutes.  Today - we noticed the Adkins Lease proponents
stood-up numerous times and proffered testimony that well exceeded their 5 minute allotments.

In the end - we found today's County Council meeting to be improper - not only to those who attended - but to those thousands upon thousands of Wicomico taxpayers who had little or no voice in the subject matter.   In our opinion - the Adkins Lease - ought not to have been allowed to be revisited - especially since it wasn't even advertised.  Adkin's spokesperson - Bill Turner kept referring to him being 'blindsided' at the first public hearing.

Delmar resident, and spokesperson John Palmer finally interjected at the end - and called attention to the 'public ambush' - putting it in military terms;

'Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance'.

We Agree!

It should be noted that there's an especially interesting twist to this whole thing. Not only did Matt Holloway try to bring it back to a vote TWICE today, it's been reported that Matt is LEASING FARM LAND from one of the people involved. He should have recused himself and he did quite the opposite.  

Article By SBYnews Editorial Staff


  1. Prettyman and Holloway will be exposed soon. A few skeletons in their closets... Legion.

  2. Can't Uglyman just GO AWAY! Move to Floriduh, with the rest of the washed up oldies!

  3. I am very disappointed in Councilwoman Prettyman. She is making the rest of the CC look like jacka_ _ _ - pardon my French. I can see maybe doing this one time, but this is habitual.

  4. The changing of ones mind is an indication that there is a character flaw in ones personality.

  5. Look, you can either stand for something or you'll fall for anything. The people spoke - and the Council should listen. They don't want to be located at the Adkins Blding location. I can't say that I blame them. To many bad memories emanating from this site. If the Dems want a place to worship, let them worship on their own dimes, but not the taxpayers.

  6. Just keep voting until you get the results you want.

  7. This post is a disservice to the entire council. There were several people(not council people) who asked for this issue to be revisited. I watched the meeting and I can tell you if the council did not speak about this I would have been disappointed in the entire council. Thank you council for at least discussing this. It shows me that you listen to those who speak up.

    I am glad this issue is over, though.

  8. I saw on Pac 14 that Joe Holloway tried to shut down this inproper meeting when Adkin's group started speaking again. Matt Holloway will do anything to get this lease approved he rents a large amount of land that is done in a closed bid, even in the furture if he came in as a low bidder they could award him the bid just to pay him back. He should have recused himself from this vote

  9. To 3:01 Posting that says; If the Dems want a place to worship, then let them worship on their own dime, but not the taxpayers.

    Responding: Let me know when you are going to run because I will vote for you. It's people like you that I want to see in office. Special Interest has ruined this County.

  10. Damnest thing I have ever witnessed. Good reporting Salisbury News. I swear I would sure like to meet you guys some time. You all seem so Professional.

  11. I no longer waste my (time) on things that are worthless at the end. There isnt enough of it to waste.

  12. Council Members you will be reading this and let me advise you of my VOTE. I will not stand by you if you vote yes.

  13. If Matt Holloway is renting from an Adkins entity; he could be brought up on an Ethics Violation. He should have recused himself from voting on this issue.

  14. Well let's do a little Math.

    How many months are in 10 years.
    10 x 12 = 120

    Now let's look at the proposed monthly rent;
    $5,166 + $1,274 = $6,440

    6,440 x 120 = $772,800 dollars

    At the end of 10 years - NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!! Case-in-point!

    REJECT IT!!! and the CC should.

  15. 3:41 - Poster, I wonder how many more other county leases there are around here. Maybe this should be the next job for the Internal Auditor.

  16. I'm going to have to watch this tonight on PAC 14.
    I want to personally thank you Joe for bringing this subject before the public spotlight. I swear, without SBYNEWS all of this would go unnoticed. Thanks for keeping the public posted.

  17. Thanks you Joe. Great reporting while I am working. I can see now why there are a lot of people not working in Wicomico. When the Cat's away, the Mice do play.

  18. 3:54 - the auditor will probably get fired for looking in to this - remember the last Internal Auditor...she went poof!

  19. the question to be asked is why Stevie continues to change her vote. That should be investigated. Sounds like corruption to me. Where is the Ethics Board or don't they have any either?


  20. Honorable men and women do honorable things, whether in the spotlight or not.

    Dishonorable elected officials vote for or try to advance plans or projects that will benefit them directly, or will benefit their benefactors. Generally they do not make the potential benefit publicly known, or do not recuse themselves from voting.

    Shame on such officials. Vote them out; they are just well-dressed, well-connected public pickpockets!

  21. I just got home from work and see I missed some fireworks today.

    I agree with some other posters about SBYnews covering these events. I don't think our elected officials realize just how many people track SBYnews on a daily basis. Most everyone I work with talk about it almost all day long. It certainly makes the day go by faster to. Thanks Joe, I appreciate all you are doing.

  22. I believe M. Holloway has become a big disappointment for the Conservative group. He has certainly alienated me to.

  23. Is this the same bill turner with the farmers bank of willards and chris davis right hand man.If so time to follow the money

  24. Please don't tell me so, another flip flop? How many times must one visit a topic in order to make a decision. Gemini crickets - talk about wish washy.

  25. Thanks Joe,the citizens would never know this or most of the articles you post here thru any local media.

  26. Stevie Prettyman, Matt Holloway and John Hall have a vested interest in this project, but what is it.

    Can someone please tell me why the County Council would lease something for 10 to 20 years when it could have been paid for in maybe 5 years.

  27. I've got an idea. Kick the City government out of the Government Office Building and put the elections board their. There you have it, problem solved.

  28. As usual, you have your facts wrong. During the public comment section several people spoke asking the Council to revisit the vote. They chose not to.

    The board of elections didn't want to go to the Adkins site because it wasn't prestigious enough for them. It had nothing to do with safety. They will come back and the Council will vote for a new lease paying over twice as much for a lease as Adkins was offering. Buying a building with similar layout and refinements and security measures would cost the taxpayers over $3 mil. Once you factor in upkeep, leasing will be cheaper than buying. Those that say otherwise don't understand basic math and finance. Plus where are you going to get the money to build a building....jeesh.

  29. It looks as though the 'good old boys network' is at play, and, playing with the taxpayers money. Thanks for letting us know about this Joe. Now - if I can just convince my brother-in-law to change his party affiliation.

  30. Calling John Palmer a "spokesperson" is pushing it.

    I mean, we all know he wrote this article..

  31. Thank goodness folks like Mr. Palmer and Ms. Gibson attend the meetings and speak up.

  32. To 4:54 Posting

    No, Mr. Palmer did not write this Article. SBYnews Editorial Staff is composed of a group of independent minded journalist and Mr. Palmer is not one of them. Although our Staff might be 'like minded' we collectively agreed on the Article's Content, prior to, publishing.

  33. Wow, those guys will try anything to get that LEASE approved. Thanks for helping to keep the public informed.

  34. Im reversing my decision to stay in md wicomico co...nice home for sale near the new fruitland school...i gotta get out of this abysmal state and county

  35. Looks like bribing council members is all the rage, now. What is $25,000 when the profit is in the hundreds of thousands?
    Conflicts of interest, kickbacks, bribes, keep-voting-til-you-get-the-result-you want, and total disregard for a balance sheet (the TAXPAYERS one, not theirs).
    Keep cheering.

  36. Ref. 5:56 Posting - It's all about the Money!

  37. I agree with some of the other posters about possible collusion here. One would logically think that our County entering into a long term lease will result in zero in the end. Makes me wonder about how many other leases there are in this County. These cushy arrangements are to cushy for my poor taxpayers blood and should be investigated, rooted out, and exposed. I say put the Internal Auditor to work immediately.

  38. No wonder Salisbury News is the areas No.1 news leader. Just by scanning over today's events - it is obvious. Great reporting.

  39. This Lease is smitten with collusion, corruption, and potential scandal. I urge our County officials to shy away from it. Especially in that neighborhood. Everyone already knows what happened to the adjoining former Motel site that was bulldozed.

  40. There sure is a lot of turmoil in the Bury. Sounds as though the old way of conducting business is about to be turned around. I sure hope so.

  41. Sounds as though the Developer can't accept the No confidence vote. Let's get over it and move on. There are bigger fish to fry in this County, like the Budget. The Admin is trying to spend money that their butts can't cover.

  42. It sounds as though the hardworking taxpayers have finally won one.

  43. To 8:11 PM, Maybe. We'll see. I hope so anyway.

  44. Bringing something to a vote or asking for a public hearing is not one in the same. You state several times some were asking for a public hearing. Then you state M. Holloway asked twice for a vote. As you correctly said, " But to those thousands upon thousands of Wicomico taxpayers who had little or no voice in the subject matter", I would think the reason would be clear as to why a public hearing is in order.

  45. 4:48 I talked to a member of the board of elections 1 1/2 weeks ago. There is a large safety issue if the election board is moved to the Adkins location. I don't think this should be the place to have new voters come and register to vote. That would be a poor representation of Wicomico County to have people go and register there. Yes, the board of elections office is getting cramped but there has got to be a better location that the proposed new location. How about the location that was a Union Trust Bank and then a drug store on the corner of Civic Ave. and Rt. 50. It has been vacant for several years.

  46. 8:11, go back to the work session on PAC 14 and screenshot the other submissions. The taxpayers will only get screwed harder now that this has been shot down

  47. Anonymous said...
    As usual, you have your facts wrong. During the public comment section several people spoke asking the Council to revisit the vote. They chose not to.

    The board of elections didn't want to go to the Adkins site because it wasn't prestigious enough for them. It had nothing to do with safety. They will come back and the Council will vote for a new lease paying over twice as much for a lease as Adkins was offering. Buying a building with similar layout and refinements and security measures would cost the taxpayers over $3 mil. Once you factor in upkeep, leasing will be cheaper than buying. Those that say otherwise don't understand basic math and finance. Plus where are you going to get the money to build a building....jeesh.

    April 15, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    Sounds to me like you have something to gain from this. Who are you? A council member or someone from the Adkins building? Sign your name....jeesh.

  48. 8:11pm You are dead wrong. The taxpayers, and I am one of them, didn't win in this. What is the Election Office going to do now? Where are they going to move to? How much more will this cost us "taxpayers?" Guess we, taxpayers, will just have to wait and see what is next.

    Signed, a taxpayer.

  49. What stops a council person from planting people in the audience to get up and suggest that the council bring this back for another vote in so called public comments? It wouldn't be the first time, this isn't the first rodeo for these clowns. Disgusting.

  50. I agree with 5:15 AM Poster that says; 'PU It Stinks'

    I wholeheartedly agree. It seems as though this Turner fellow will stoop to just about any level to try and snag the taxpayers to a 10 year lease. Think about it, at that location $6,700 per month. What are the dissenting county council members thinking. Have they lost their marbles?

  51. There is over 1 Million sq ft of Vacant Rental Space in Salisbury. They should be forced to shop around and find the Best Deal like the rest of us!

  52. Why did Matt Holloway let Turner whine for more than 10 minutes during the public comment when there's a 5 minute limit?

    Can you say "Homestead Farm"?

  53. I just noticed this morning that the Car Lot Building has been abandoned at the corner of Rt.13 North and Connelly Mill Road - right across from the Gordy Tiger Mart. Very large parking lot and a pretty large structure. As someone said earlier, there are vasts number of empty buildings all around Salisbury. To many to mention here in one posting.

  54. Is this county council meeting available on PAC 14 TV? I want to see what transpired as I thought all of this was decided a few weeks ago when the CC voted it down.

  55. "It should be noted that there's an especially interesting twist to this whole thing. Not only did Matt Holloway try to bring it back to a vote TWICE today, it's been reported that Matt is LEASING FARM LAND from one of the people involved. He should have recused himself and he did quite the opposite."

    If this is true, it is a reflection of his upbringing and parents who didn't bother teaching right from wrong.

  56. 4/15,2014 @3:41
    the 10 yr. cost of the lease is not $722,800it"s $868,000. the lease has a 3%annual increase built in!


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