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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Let's Clear Up The Two Unfortunate Stories This Morning

In Berlin, an elderly couple are now deceased as the husband shot the wife and then shot himself, ultimately passing away as well.

In Salisbury, two men, (roommates) experienced an home invasion on Pemberton Drive which is now being called a homicide as one is deceased and we're not exactly sure of the other mans condition but were told it's not good. 
There was NO double shooting in Salisbury. Sources were confused with the Berlin shooting being from Salisbury and that was obviously not the case.

That being said, a home invasion near an affluent neighborhood, (Nithsdale) where such rage took place and two people were beaten by a baseball bat, this is not good Folks.

In recent years Salisbury has grown about 25% in population and let's make something VERY CLEAR here. This increase in population is NOT because Salisbury provides so many job opportunities. 

What Salisbury provides more so than anywhere else in the state is AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Need I say anything else?

Today we announced Salisbury as the 4th most dangerous City in the state. LOOK at those POPULATION numbers again Folks. 
Ocean City, (in my opinion) is off base on the 7,179 numbers. That would make Salisbury #3. Elkton has half the population of Salisbury and Baltimore has more than 200% more people there than we do.

SALISBURY IS NOT SAFE! When you have two murders in one year and the next year you only have one, telling people part one crime is down 50%, are you feeling safer? This is the kind of math your Mayor and Police Chief are using. 

Yesterday someone stood in front of the County Council stating crime is NOT what is actually being published, BS! Salisbury has a crime issue and what is your Main Stream Media telling you all day yesterday and today, WE NEED TO SAVE THOSE 12 FIREFIGHTERS. BS, we need 12 new police Officers! We hear the Fire Chief stating how proud he is that the 12 new Firefighters are helping to save properties by not allowing fires to spread more than ONE ROOM. Then, (right in their very back yard) an entire building on Lake Street burned to the ground, HELLO!

The Mayor and Council need to get their priorities straight and they have failed to do so in almost TWO decades. Quit pounding your chest Salisbury is growing. Quit pounding your chest you're bringing more affordable housing to Salisbury. There's a problem in Salisbury Ladies & Gentlemen and YOU need to stand up to this problem before ANY more victims lose their lives. 


  1. good reporting, Joe! Thank you for digging into this to get the best info out there that you can! I know the two victims and am so sad anyone would experience this awful crime. RIP my friend.

  2. im afraid to say JOE, that won't happen...

    NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS about it... No one cares unless it is at their own doorstep, then you will see how much they care, but the funny part is, at that point it is too late to fix or to help as always is the case...

    You all should know this just by what people say and act on here, they all want to comment or be part of the crowd yet they NEVER offer ANY SOLUTIONS or EVIDENCE FOR THEIR STANCE and ways to fix or help the problem... ALL THEY DO IS BASH others and never offer up any real talking points or statements... EVERYONE CAN SAY THEY CARE, or they want to help or they want to fix things, BUT CLEARLY BY YOUR ACTIONS YOU ALL ARE LIARS...

    I don't know maybe something bad will happen to the right person at the right time and then they will see the light and want to fix things... don't expect shit until then...

  3. 11:30, Well, you can't say that there isn't a reliable news source that keeps each and every one of you informed, because we do.

    You can't say that I personally didn't offer solutions as I stepped up to the plate and ran for Mayor.

    We are doing our best to not only keep you informed in real time, we also offer information about affordable housing here and what may be causing additional problems in the immediate future.

    They say you get what you pay for. I tried to tell you, you cannot have a PART TIME Mayor.

  4. Wake up people get a dog and a gun.

  5. The only reason "crime is down" in Salisbury is because of the number game played by police. Any SPD officer will tell you that certain reported crimes are recoded to make sure some serious crimes appear as lesser crimes. It is all about the numbers they tout and police frankly do a disservice to the city and its residents.

  6. 11:38 Agree. I have 2 dogs and multiple guns. Properly trained dogs will give you plenty of warning.

  7. Don't believe the Salis. stats. they never report true positive.Fudging numbers is their racket as with the Salis. FD.

  8. Salisbury's own mayor promotes gang/thug lingo (the 'bury) so what else is to be expected. There's no sugar coating it-it's gang/thug lingo. It's not cute, it's not clever, it's not cool. It's despicable and it's nauseating that a grown man "a school teacher" no less would promote such nonsense.

  9. Im new to this site but am glad someone finally speaks up!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. looking for a house in DE now. Wicomico wants to raise taxes. Salisbury wants to raise taxes. I'm already paying over $2500 in property taxes to have the pleasure of living in this city. Houses worth twice as much and twice the size have property taxes around $750! I'm done with this city, this county, and this state!

  12. The house was near the sharp turn just prior to Nithsdale... A lot of illegals used to rent that house during the growing season.

  13. You mention two people being beaten with a baseball bat at a location near Nithsdale. I live in Tony Tank, where an affluent family moved in a couple of years back. The (now-grown) son had been charged with beating someone with a bat. Money doesn't preclude violence.

  14. If you were at the Council meeting yesterday, you would know it's safe in da 'Bury -- Memo Diriker sez so!

  15. I am thankful for the hard work that the mayor and police chief have invested in Salisbury. Safe streets initiatives, partnering with other non-profits in order to promote care for at-risk youth, downtown development, and many other initiates have resulted in lower crime despite the increase in population.

    Anyone who denies the results of such work even in the midst of financial crisis are not a part of the solution. As a young professional, I feel better about living in Salisbury than ever before.

  16. Drugs are the biggest proponent for violent crimes. Here's an idea. Implement the death penalty for drug traffickers, watch crime plummet... There is no deterrent worth a damn today.

  17. The victims were and elderly man and his son that have been in the area for years the perpetrator was a black male.

  18. 12:44 you have a Known Drug Dealer that lives in Tony Tank now! Money means you get away with more crime.

  19. I think one of the biggest problems is ECI. The prisoners when they get out of jail are usually dumped on the streets of Salisbury. They come from other areas, but they bring their problems here. The buses pick them up there and drop them off here.

  20. The laws are written for the criminals, whatever happen to an eye for an eye. Is vigilanty justice the way, innocent people getting killed, crime rates increasing.... Wake up city ,county council members, state and local legislators laws need to be changed. I guarantee you once this criminal is caught( if he or she is) a plea bargain will be reached. Lost was a productive member of the community. god bless us all

  21. 1:26 what kind of drugs are you smoking? You sound like another liberal living in a fairy tale. You stick a few ugly signs up with the "Bury" labeled on it some low income housing "The Arts project". Really what improvement's have really been made to make people want to come downtown.

  22. They were not father and son, and they have lived in that house for years. Both were white who were beaten. It is a sad state of affairs in the town, county. The mayor and police may be working hard, but the serious crime is getting worse from where I am sitting! That's my opinion....

  23. Anything referred to as "The Bury" sounds ghetto,and trashy.

  24. the thug that went on the run after he tried to run over the police car downtown was living in Nithsdale at the time of his arrest. go figure

  25. I am not sure where you got the "affordable housing" statistics. College towns are not known for affordable housing.
    No jobs and low paying jobs do not make any housing affordable.

  26. Must be trash who named Salisbury the" Bury"

  27. The two entry doors to my house have dead bolt locks and the solid storm doors also have locks that are locked all the time. If somebody gets thru two locked doors, all I can say is they are going out in a bag! Inside my house I am the judge, jury and executioner. I don't want to burden taxpayers with having to come take the trash out then house them too.

  28. Humans are the only animal that does everything it can to destroy itself. All other animals do the exact opposite. You cant stop it, or even slow it down. Why do you think people invented God? He is supposed to make it all better. There is very little moral fiber left in this world. Some people kill others, some people cheat on the ones they say they love, others lie and steal. Now throw dope all over the place and its the wild wild west. Mankind is doomed. The answers to all of our problems are not outside of us, they are inside of every single one of us. We are looking in the wrong direction. Dont look out, look in. Into your mirror. What do you see?

  29. "No jobs and low paying jobs do not make any housing affordable."

    Section 8 and cash assistance do.

  30. I went to high school with someone whose father shot his wife them himself, she was in advanced Alzheimer's disease. That happened almost 40 years ago and they lived on Hammond Street. I would guess similar circumstances in the Berlin incident. God bless that family, this is not how we picture the end for anyone.

  31. 2:06, I'm not an avid fan of any drugs, but I do appreciate the new thriving businesses (just enjoyed a fine lunch at Sushi De Kampai), the increased non-profit success the Op-Shop, photos of 100s of children and young families participating in downtown events such as the recent Easter egg hunt and New Year's celebration, and as you mentioned the arts initiatives which you should actually try to attend on the 3rd Friday of each month.

    I also disagree with the assessment that 'Bury is "thug lingo" as it is more reminiscent of college students and Eastern Shore dialects than "thugs".

  32. 1:26, As "a young professional" then you will welcome being clued in as to the games are played. Safe Street grants are awarded to communities by the state after they show a reduction in crime. They do this by downgrading crime. This in turn gives sleazy politicians like omally a bragging platform-"I've reduce the crime in MD." Hopefully one day you will wise up, and follow through to the back stories and then you will know what's really going on and not what the politicans want you to think is going on.

  33. "I feel better about living in Salisbury than ever before."

    You do 1:26? All I can say is that you must not have lived there very long and you most definitely are not from the Eastern Shore. Salisbury even looks horrible nowadays. We're not even is Salisbury or Wicomico county but anyone who has been around here any length of time can see the deterioration.

  34. 2:06, I am intimately involved in Salisbury and care deeply about the people here. It is my life to be so and if I believed or had any indication or proof that anything you are saying is true, then I would be the first to bring out the bullhorn. However, more often than not someone who hasn't had their way will find any excuse to demean or vilify the progress initiated by those with whom they disagree. I fear this causes damage to the already improving community and is truly quite selfish. I hope this isn't you.

  35. We should not say we have reduced crime. We should say we have figured out a way to make it look like we've reduced crime. That would be the truth of it.

  36. I am embarrassed to tell anyone I'm from the "Bury". I'm from a small town, Salisbury MD. Wish that were still the case. I use to love living here now I hate it. I have lived here for 50 years and I can tell you that crime is out of control and all of the people making decisions for me need to get the blinders off and step up to the plate and clean these streets up.

  37. Has there been any info released about the Pemberton Drive incident? All I've heard is 'black male wearing a hoodie'.

  38. Is that u eric sahler? Of course you wont see a problem thru those rose colored glasses..progress HA HA joke right?..

  39. 2:47
    It is very sad to me that you or anyone else has to live like that. I rarely ever lock my doors and most often the keys are in vehicles/motorcycle/boats at my home but then again I don't live in or close to Salisbury. I do think that the crime rate has gone up in the Salisbury area over the years however it is also being reported on more than it ever was in the past. due to blogs/social media/internet.

  40. Leave it to you joe to turn this into a rant on the fire dept!.smh.

  41. 5:32, smh, Did I strike a nerve with more TRUTH?

    What a bunch of IDIOTS to have Hoppes make such a stupid statement and then have an entire facility burn to the ground right behind your own building.

    I guess you could say it was only one room though, eh?

    We need more law enforcement. I believe, (by now) we have proven day by day your BS excuses for more Firefighters is FALSE with information from your own Website.

  42. You'll find out, this was not just a random home invasion. There was a reason this home was hit. If you or someone in your family (household) have dealings with drug dealers and thugs, your house is always in danger.... this was not random

  43. its time...we all need to start armed neighborhood watches..Crime is rampid...too bad dumbocrats in maryland would never make this possible.

  44. In a given day salisbury has around 5 uniformed cops working the streets..We really do need more Cops.

  45. re: anonymous 6:01 pm
    That's what I was wondering, is this a random act of violence or was this house a target for "other" reasons? The news never likes to clue us in in that but that is info we need to know!!! Every time I hear about a home invasion I get freaked out! This makes me concerned for our safety especially if it is random. We deserve the entire truth on these matters not bits and pieces.

  46. I would give up the fire fighters no matter what and I would happily cut the police force in half in exchange for having our 2nd amendment rights reinstated.

  47. Everyone needs to do what I did April 5th. I packed everything I own and moved away! Now I am in a nice little town 200 miles away from the stinking chicken manure and crime on the shore!

  48. So crime is down according too..Memo Diriker he sez so! The guy could not run a lemonade stand..did he ask for more funding to conduct another study to tell us his progressive liberal approach is obviously failing us?

  49. so crime is because of affordable housing ??? and why don't the police do their job and patrol where it is needed and not sit around waiting for people running stop signs ?? violent crimes will always exist because people in general are scumbags .. all races and colors and wealth ranges !!

  50. Folks I hate to burst bubbles we live in a dung heap. Per capita it is one of the worst in the nation !! I is not the state but the nation. I dont feel safe at night in Salisbury period. I used to sleep with windows open in the spring. I do not feel safe doing that any longer. It really is breaking my heart. I love the Eastern Shore but lets face it the crime is out of control. I have family in Baltimore County they are aware of the crime and changed where they want to retire. They are moving to North Carolina. This is truly sad.

    I dont know what will fix it. The cops can only be so many places at once. I do have a dog and purchased a gun years ago. I will not stay here in my golden years trust me. We all thought E.C.I. was great for the economy it is a curse. Poplar Hill a curse. Bank Robberies,murders,armed robberies. No one ever gets arrested for murder in the city and only half in the county are solved WTF is going on. Speed by a school it is your ass. Kill someone and never get caught anyone else have a problem with this.

    Disgusted In Salisbury

  51. The police chief is a joke. She makes sure her officers do what they are told about the "numbers" and calls for service. She's done NOTHING good since she's been here.

  52. "We hear the Fire Chief stating how proud he is that the 12 new Firefighters are helping to save properties by not allowing fires to spread more than ONE ROOM. Then, (right in their very back yard) an entire building on Lake Street burned to the ground, HELLO!"

    LMAO!! Rick Hoppes is a P.O.S. and the worst fire chief Salisbury has ever had in the history of the fire department. That paid crew with 2 full paid fire crews and a paid assistant chief and an ambulance crew were sitting right their in the fire station and they saw the fire and knew about it before it was even dispatched. They were on top of it and let it burn to the ground. Rick Hoppes even responded from Parsonsburg in his own City provided, white, unmarked, undercover, $100,000 fully equipped Ford Explorer SUV and the building still burnt to the ground. Shows you what kind of leader Rick Hoppes is. With all his so called knowledge and education and he still let the building burn to the ground. They even tried to deploy that $1 Million Fire Boat and that building still burnt to the ground. Then they had the nerve to call the volunteers from all around the County to help them and stand by for them. What nerve as much as they hate the volunteers.

    Rick Hoppes needs to resign for allowing this boondoggle to take place and Jim Ireton needs to resign for appointing Rick Hoppes.

    The paid firemen and the majority of the volunteers who know Rick Hoppes can't stand him and know what kind of person he is.

  53. Anonymous said...
    I am thankful for the hard work that the mayor and police chief have invested in Salisbury. Safe streets initiatives, partnering with other non-profits in order to promote care for at-risk youth, downtown development, and many other initiates have resulted in lower crime despite the increase in population.

    Anyone who denies the results of such work even in the midst of financial crisis are not a part of the solution. As a young professional, I feel better about living in Salisbury than ever before.

    April 16, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    Since you are so proud and feel so safe then why didn't you sign your name?

  54. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury's own mayor promotes gang/thug lingo (the 'bury) so what else is to be expected. There's no sugar coating it-it's gang/thug lingo. It's not cute, it's not clever, it's not cool. It's despicable and it's nauseating that a grown man "a school teacher" no less would promote such nonsense.

    April 16, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    That small paragraph speaks volumes.

  55. Anonymous said...
    the thug that went on the run after he tried to run over the police car downtown was living in Nithsdale at the time of his arrest. go figure

    April 16, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    WCBOE Assistant Superintendent of Schools Margo Handy lives in Nithsdale.

  56. Anonymous said...
    2:06, I'm not an avid fan of any drugs, but I do appreciate the new thriving businesses (just enjoyed a fine lunch at Sushi De Kampai), the increased non-profit success the Op-Shop, photos of 100s of children and young families participating in downtown events such as the recent Easter egg hunt and New Year's celebration, and as you mentioned the arts initiatives which you should actually try to attend on the 3rd Friday of each month.

    I also disagree with the assessment that 'Bury is "thug lingo" as it is more reminiscent of college students and Eastern Shore dialects than "thugs".

    April 16, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    The majority of people frequenting these so called events are freeloaders. Call it what you want, but that is a fact. The "arts" crowd is just that freeloaders. They are low income people and that is why the condo's on the river are going to be for them(supposedly) and that is for people with low incomes. They call it affordable housing. Sugar coat da Bury all you want. I received several degrees there over many years and taught there part time and I have never ever heard it call da Bury.

    Which Jim Ireton friend are you? I bet you also voted for Same-sex Marriage and Obama! Yep, just what this city needs!

  57. Anonymous said...
    6:57 'rampid'??

    April 19, 2014 at 5:39 PM

    I'm sure you get the point MORON!! You must be one of those Democrats they mentioned.

  58. This is a good article Joe and the mention of affordable housing is the truth. It is really not affordable housing, but it sounds good that way. What makes it affordable is the fact that the renters are receiving rental vouchers. Just ask any slum lord what is making them rich. Have you noticed all the Addison Court Apartments signs up and down East Naylor Mill Road lately. Why hasn't code and compliance taken these illegal signs down. If I was the owner or manager of Mill Pond Village I would take them down myself. The businesses that the signs have been posted on needs to take them down as well. What are they thinking?

  59. The people need to form their own law enforcement at least for security and public safety. If we want a safe community it's up to the men of the community to do it.

  60. The eastern shore is finished folks the economy is not coming back not now or ever. You born here's should welcome the new come here's from eci and poplar......I'm sure they will happily take what little you have left. .....

  61. Now that SU is providing more student housing, the slumlords need renters, this is where the home subsidies line their pockets with low income/low intelligent crime infested people to occupy their crumbling empire.


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