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Sunday, April 20, 2014

So Where Is Salisbury City Government Heading?

Last night I got a text message telling me that WBOC had implied that the City Council and Mayor still want a raise, this is not true.

Last night Council President Jake Day asked that this agenda item be tabled. Of course Shanie Shields and Laura Mitchell wanted to move forward with a raise but Day and Spies said NO and gave a multitude of reasons why it shouldn't move forward.

Here's the deal. There is much to consider. Jake wants to look into a possible full time Mayor position. He is not saying he wants that to happen for Salisbury but in all fairness he wants to look into it as an option.

The other option is going back to a position in which the Council President would act as Mayor. Since Jake knows he wants to continue a political career down the road, there's no way he will vote in favor of ANY of these options as he does not want the public to ever be under the impression he is/was looking to pad additional income for himself. This, (to me) is quite honorable. 

Jake has NO intention of EVER bringing this item back to the agenda while he is Council President. Now you have the TRUTH behind last nights decision to table this item. There will be NO RAISES for the Council or Mayor. 


  1. He just made a big mistake crossing Jimboy. His head will be on the chopping block. He will soon get the Campbell/Cohen/Spies treatment from the boy mayor.

  2. A glimmer of common sense from a local politician.

    There may be hope remaining!

  3. "Of course Shanie Shields and Laura Mitchell wanted to move forward with a raise"

    What are they Welfare Queens or something? If they don't like the pay then resign. There's an a$$ for ever seat. The sooner people like this learn it the better off they will be. Shanie last election has 2 opponents last election. Since she doesn't like the pay she needs to immediately turn in her resignation and then the next highest vote getter can get appointed.

  4. Now's the time to change to the council-city manager form of government -- and the manager could be someone other than Stevenson, possible, but we don't need a mayor at any price.

  5. Simple question and a simple answer --

    We are going down the tubes with the likes of Jimbeau and Fakey in charge. They deserve each other, but we don't deserve either of them.

  6. Joe:

    I watched the circus on PAC14 and it looks like Day wants to at least double the pay for mayor, but nothing for the Council. You gotta wonder why!

  7. I was under the impression that we were in a Democracy! That would indicate that there would be a vote! By Mr. Day tabling this this way - he is showing his view of politics is not democratic until it suits him!

  8. 10:23-I'm not positive but I believe the council can, does and will vote to table an issue but the vote has to be called by someone. If the opposition feels the votes aren't there to not table, then they don't bother calling for a vote to not table.
    This is then where behind the scenes talks go on.

  9. It was funny to hear Shanie fumble around trying to sound like she was voting for a pay raise for somebody else instead of herself. She even went as far as telling the world that she loved her job so much that she didn't live in the house she owns in the county.

  10. The only one who made sense was Mr. Spies -- also the only one who has any significant life experience.

    The others are bozos or a-holes (or both).

  11. Jake Day, are next mare.

  12. Where is Terry Cohen? She seldom shows up anymore.

  13. I must have watched a different City Council meeting on PAC 14 last night.

    Day wants to have a full time mayor position at a much higher "stipend" as he calls it than now ($25,000/year -- it was raised from $10,000 in 2005).


  14. IIRC Dover changed it's mayor from P/T to F/T some years back. Consensus afterward was that it was an expensive mistake.

    How many folks think OwePollitt earns his pay?

    F/T Mare will be nearly as costly, and about as effective. Just a transparent ploy to carve out a cushy living for current or future political operator.

    Raises will eventually come via 'if we don't vote against it' scam just like MD Legislature.

    Citizens, don't take the bait; they'll 'bury you in debt.

  15. Repeal the City of Salisbury Charter and disolve the City . It has out lived its usefulness

  16. Anonymous said...
    He just made a big mistake crossing Jimboy. His head will be on the chopping block. He will soon get the Campbell/Cohen/Spies treatment from the boy mayor.

    April 15, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Good, then maybe more people will see the real Jim Ireton.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Now's the time to change to the council-city manager form of government -- and the manager could be someone other than Stevenson, possible, but we don't need a mayor at any price.

    April 15, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    That is a good option. The citizens wanted in a non binding election several years ago.

  18. I can tell you this much. I can't stand Jim Ireton, but the city needs a full time mayor with better pay. The city also needs better pay for the council members. Then and only then will you see decent people running for these positions. You Get What You Pay For!!

  19. Anonymous said...
    I was under the impression that we were in a Democracy! That would indicate that there would be a vote! By Mr. Day tabling this this way - he is showing his view of politics is not democratic until it suits him!

    April 15, 2014 at 10:23 AM


  20. Anonymous said...
    It was funny to hear Shanie fumble around trying to sound like she was voting for a pay raise for somebody else instead of herself. She even went as far as telling the world that she loved her job so much that she didn't live in the house she owns in the county.

    April 15, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    She doesn't own her house. She was kicked to the curb, evicted, foreclosure. Last I heard she was living free of charge in a rental owned by a slum lord.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Repeal the City of Salisbury Charter and disolve the City . It has out lived its usefulness

    April 16, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    That is the best comment I have read so far.

    Think about it, less taxes, one police force with less top brass, less council members to pay, cut out the middle man in every department. The savings to the tax payers would be astronomical.


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