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Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Casino at ocean downs

A few days ago a security guard posted a letter to the editor. As an employee of the casino I would like to set the record straight. 

The things the security officer said was 100% true. Hard as it is to believe. 

Ceiling tiles soaked and moldy due to rain leakage. Managers that have no idea what they're doing. As I read through the comments of the posting I couldn't believe people were blasting this guy or woman. 

Come on you have no idea what it's like to work in extreme heat. I weigh 176 pounds but I guess I may need to lose some weight also. Former and current employees know what it's like to work for this circus. Clown wages and an atmosphere of a joke shop. The hr open door policy is never any help. Course the door is open for them hr bimbos to throw you through it. Them two are the most two faced, conniving, and back stabbers I've ever seen. 

As for the things they write someone up over I could write a novel. I've went to the labor dept with my complaints and they won't touch the place. BBB wasn't any better either. The morale in the place isn't much better either. It would kill someone to give a hard working employee a compliment. Thank you still goes a long way. Don't make a mistake though, they'll never let you live it down. 

As for the high rollers they're the Gods of the casino for they can never do no wrong. They can do anything they please and we just turn a blind eye. After all that's where the most revenue is coming from. 

Every department in this place needs a raise. They have no idea the people and the attitudes we deal with on a daily basis. Big bosses get nice plush chairs to sit their butts in and do nothing all day but dictate what the little people should do. When will we have a say on how things operate and come to a mutual understanding? Probably never. 

Thanks again to the guard for having the guts and the courage to stand up against the machine and all the dimwits within it.


  1. Omg, who cares? If it is so bad to work there, why do you? You call your bosses dimwits, but as long as they have people like you to work for them, even if under such bad circumstances as you claim, who are the real dimwits?

    I've worked for some crappy companies in my life. I tolerated it, changed what I could and moved on to things better. I suggest you do the same.

  2. I agree totally with 1:03. I also realize that jobs are hard to come by in this day and time, but what is worse, working for the "Dimwits" or getting fired?? Not too hard to figure out.

  3. Another whinner. If you are fortunate enough to become the boss someday, you will be the " Big boss with a nice plush chair to sit your butt in and do nothing all day but dictate what the little people should do.

    Here is a clue.
    Everyone thinks they deserve a raise, All the little people think the boss does nothing
    Many know what it is to work in extreme temperatures (such as farmers and watermen)
    Anyone dealing with the public (like store clerks and waiter) know all about people with attitudes

    If you are dissatisfied, just do your job stop bellyaching to everyone , while looking for a better suited job.

    The leaking roof is of concern if it is as you stated.

  4. The problem with these casinos is that not only are they given huge tax breaks, but the agreed upon percentage of revenue they pay to the state continues to be lowered by the politicians. Then on top of it all a lot of their employees are receiving some form of welfare benefit, again coming out of tax payers pockets.

  5. Casino hell, it is a glorified arcade. Insert money, push button, watch the lights flash and lose money. And then do it all over again.

  6. Get a life and stop bitching. I work picking watermelons and crops all summer. Hard work low pay. And I am great flu as a hIgh school drop out this is what I get.

  7. I say to the author, do not listen to the raunchy commenters.

    They are too stupid to see the bigger picture and read between the lines, as they spout off their typical meaningless rhetoric of "get another job".

    I say good for both of you. For standing up and saying; "this isn't right, this isn't fair".

    You have to start somewhere, and although in the time you are employed there, I am sure little will change.

    The only truth the haters may spew, is the sad fact that, no one care. Not the owners, not the agencies meant to oversee your safety and not those above you.

    Company culture trickles down. So if its bad at the bottom, it sure is stinking at the top.

    Good luck with your job search. The haters are too stupid to realize that both you and the other author are most likely good employees. Because you care not only about your safety and welfare but of your coworkers.

  8. 2:01 my boss does nothing all day. How do I know? I can see his computer from my desk. He surfs most of the day.
    He makes more than me to do that.
    Do I deserve a raise, yes, I don't THINK so , I KNOW so.

    Take your hostility and clueless attitude elsewhere.

  9. 2:01 hey d-bag, nice of you to validate what should be his concern.

    I don't know how we all get along without you directing us.

  10. He is right about the "High Rollers", being able to get away with whatever they want. I saw this guy whom was very intoxicated groping and grabbing one of the cocktail waitresses, he even tore her blouse and exposed a breast, and he was just escorted to the lounge area to sober up for a while!

  11. These stories while amusing are not close to the truth. The last post was the best bs I've read in a while. I have personally seen many employees at the ocean pines Mc Donalds on a break. Looks like. A sour grape employee who would rather cry about a job then just work it. There are no high rollers in there just locals and a few tourists . That isn't a real casino....AC and Vegas get the real gamblers not the ocean downs arcade.

  12. Good luck with your job search. The haters are too stupid to realize that both you and the other author are most likely good employees. Because you care not only about your safety and welfare but of your coworkers.

    April 14, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    Yeah, you two are such exceptional workers, not. You two don't care about safety, co-workers or anyone else besides yourselves.

    You're jealous of your boss. You're envious of his/her position and salary. You two have delusions about yourselves and your over-valued self-worth.

    Nobody cares because we have all been there, done that and MOVED ON. Without whining to a captive audience while not having much to offer the workforce.

    You are also envious of the 'high-rollers' and your perception of their wealth and privileges. In your minds you see them as above you, both financially and socially and it bugs the hell out of you.

    You can't even use your 'authority' to control them, or pretty much anyone, and that bugs you too, AND makes you feel inadequate.

    So what do you two do? You put down your boss, you rail against other co-workers, customers, even the building itself.

    You two are not some whistle blowing heroes. You are two malcontents who are stuck in a miserable job, (according to you), with little to none education or experience to better your position.

    The 'haters' you decry are realists. You don't want to hear that, you want somebody to agree with you, coddle you, inflate your self-worth, and basically lie to you.

    Sorry Charlies, not gonna happen. Unless you get even more of your like minded co-workers, friends and sympathetic family members to pretend to support you on here.

    Grow up for Christs sake.

  13. Head em up and move em out!Get all new employees.

  14. 4:49 --whatever your Boss does and doesn't do all day has nothing to do with your Job Description--
    It's comical that you think it does--

  15. I work there and like it.those I work with all get along and our boss talks to us everyday.likes our work and tells us.i don't always agree with him.but I listen,he also knows what we can do and lets us.if you dont like it leave,i left jobs before to find better

  16. 9:47 has a side job in hate.

    It only takes one to make a change.
    I am sure everyone and anyone who has ever taken a stand has heard the same worn out old tired hate filled rhetoric that 9:47 is spewing.

    We did not get where we are today by listening to people like him.

  17. 6:51 what he does or doesn't do all day actually does have influence as to what I get accomplished, which in fact has a lot to do with my job description.

    It's even more comical that you think you have a clue. Thanks for the laugh.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:47 has a side job in hate.

    It only takes one to make a change.
    I am sure everyone and anyone who has ever taken a stand has heard the same worn out old tired hate filled rhetoric that 9:47 is spewing.

    We did not get where we are today by listening to people like him.

    April 20, 2014 at 1:12 PM

    It's not hate, it's called reason. You two are not taking a stand, you are whining. You think one of you can make a change when you admitted that you cannot do anything without a manager telling you what to do?

    Regardless, go for it. Formulate a plan and implement it. Coming on here and whining then attacking others who disagree with you is not much of a plan.

    You were hired as a security guard, the other areas you whine about are not your concern. But go ahead super hero. Iron your cape and fight for truth, justice and the American way.

    Let us know how it works out for you, if you can still afford internet after they fire your butts.


  19. It's even more comical that you think you have a clue. Thanks for the laugh.

    April 20, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    And thank you for all the other laughs. Actually, you are the only ones being laughed at, you just don't know it. lol


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