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Sunday, April 20, 2014

NAACP President Mary Ashonte Calls For Overview Board With Subpoena Powers

"How did an unarmed man end up dead". Mary was referencing the recent MSP shooting in Salisbury.

Mary stated that she is receiving calls from concerned citizens from Baltimore, Worcester County and Delaware referencing too many African Americans and Latinos being charged and locked up too often. In many cases they are being harassed even after being arrested. She mentioned one person from Delmar in which law enforcement allegedly went to the suspects business clients to discuss the suspect. 

Mary suggests the Police need better training especially after the latest shooting death. She believes we need to bring in the U.S. Department of Justice or the FBI to investigate these cases and added that she would like to see an Overview Board with subpoena powers.


  1. Discretion cannot be taught.There is no training that can compensate for a lack of discretion.Right now he's wishing he had signed the SRO and sent him on his way.

  2. I don't call it unarmed when he used his vehicle to try to run over an officer!! Maybe if he hadn't done that and run from the police, he would be alive today. Always defending the wrong-doers and playing the race card!! Has anyone ever thought that maybe blacks and Latinos commit more crimes in general??

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 15, 2014 at 11:42 AM


  4. This is unbelievable and core to what is wrong with this country today... Smoking pot right before going into a police station (which I guess is Ok after Oct. thanks to the idiots in Annapolis) and then using the car to almost kill a police officer is ok.. really

  5. The President and his attouney general play the race card regularly, followed by the Dems NAACP and many black Representatives. Most of the media are also glad to pile on.
    We have the most devisive government in over a hundred years.

  6. Actually she's talking about it because NO ONE ELSE WAS.Weeks have passed without a word.11:42 is absolutely right on all counts,but not a word from anyone?That in itself is a problem,because in spite of what anyone thinks,time is not the great healer.This issue will not just go away so it may as well be addressed.

  7. NAACP needs to be compelled to take sensitivity seminars...

    because they are so myopic in their rhetoric and so cliched that they fail to see who is the real criminal in almost every equation..

    National Association for Advancement of Criminals (trying to kill) Policemen?

  8. Ms. Ashanti, might I suggest that rather than more training for law enforcement that more and better training for African-Americans and Latinos might bring better results????

  9. 4-15-14
    Mary Ashonte flys the same skies as OweBama and the Chief liar Holder does. NONE of the policy they have instituted has had a POSITIVE effect on this United States. One of which is the total and wholesale dissregard for the law. Ashonte should teach a class on what to do when you get STUPID in the presence of a police officer. Had the suspect (I say suspect because the CDS was in plain sight)had the good sense to at least HIDE it when he went to the police barrack he`d been alive today. I`m wondering if her rant would be the same if a BLACK trooper had shot him? So, it seems to me when good sense FAILS the solution is to play the race card and claim racial profiling. If the same had happened when I was a police officer and I was being dragged by an automobile I would have shot him myself. Bob Aswell

  10. And this group is the first to point fingers.....useless if you ask me.

  11. The NAACP needs to be shelved. This group serves no useful purpose as it just tries to intimidate people to show it has power. In the eyes of the people that support this group its always someone else's problem and never an African American at fault. Its a total sham.

  12. From what I know at this point in time, I believe the Trooper was justified. This may seem a bit hypocritical to some, but I also think Mary Ashanti is right on the mark. An outside agency should investigate. This is exactly what the Justice Dept should be doing and not arming our enemies in debacles such as Fast and Furious.
    The problem becomes though, a recent look back shows this current Justice Dept isn't exactly what anyone can call truthful.

  13. lmao, I personally could care less about mary and her merry band of useful idiots. but she is on to something here. It's way past time for citizen review boards to review any and all allegations of police misconduct! They have proven time and time again they can not be trusted to truthfully and fully vet themselves and come up with anything more then support for the criminals in their ranks! Time to clean house! Not everyone who wants to be a Kop should be allowed to wear the badge and carry a gun!

  14. "Anonymous said...
    Ms. Ashanti, might I suggest that rather than more training for law enforcement that more and better training for African-Americans and Latinos might bring better results????

    April 15, 2014 at 12:04 PM"

    You've hit the nail directly on it's head with this one 12:04. Only when and until the black communities gets honest with themselves and admit the total breakdown of the black community is the one and only cause of their problems, will things ever improve for them. It's like alcoholism. First you have to admit the problem, which they have done to some extent. Step 2 take responsibility and stop blaming others. You admit those 2 facts and you on your way to recovery.

  15. 12:00 is on the mark....

    That entire group needs civility training....

    Try to inform them about right and wrong is asking for confrontation....parking in no parking zones, handicap zones, rudeness, cutting people off on the road, improper language!

    Equal rights comes with equal responsibilities....take care of your family, get a job, don't live off the state, don't "game" the system, be polite - just starts the list...

  16. Oh no I smoke pot I must be evil. I got a gun I would shot back. Nobody lives forever.

  17. Wait til whitey gets shot/killed by the cops, then it will be a different story on here….

  18. Bring in the FBI & Dept of justice?? That's where they learned all their "Training."

  19. What would rc cordrey say hummm

  20. Hey Mary,

    Choking someone is deadly force as is hitting someone with a baseball bat or a crowbar in their head.
    Throwing someone off a cliff is deadly force. And attempting to run over a person with a two ton vehicle is deadly force. A gun is not needed for deadly force to occur.
    Your comments only make you look very in uninformed, foolish and uneducated, not to mention possessing a complete lack of common sense. Try thinking things out before you speak.

  21. "Wait til whitey gets shot/killed by the cops, then it will be a different story on here…"

    And that is exactly where you are wrong. If a stoned-out, waste of skin, white-trash moron tries to run over a cop and eats a bullet for it, most of the white community doesn't really care. However, let that same moron be a brother, and the black community "comes together in support, blah, blah, blah". Your NAACP is, by definition, a racist organization.

  22. You are right 4:22. Whites are equal opportunity bashers and don't hold back when it's one of their own. They tell it like it is and not inclined to have a million excuses for bad behaviors. This is the reason more civility does exist in the white communities as opposed to the black ones where crime and poverty are rampant.

  23. You need to be careful Mary, Its hard to pull a splinter out of your friends eye, When you have a log in your own!

  24. PROVE he used his vehicle as a weapon. PROVE he endangered the officer. PROVE the officer didn't endanger himself then kill the man for his mistake. PROVE there was marijuana in the car (that was not planted as evidence to justify the killing)
    If the NAACP wasn't a racist organization I'd support them on this one.
    The review board for these cases needs to be civilian based or ALL police shootings should be reviewed by a grand jury to keep cops honest.

  25. you folks make me laugh, wait until it's one of your family members the government thugs beat and kill and then clear themselves with their own internal investigation. See how you like eating that sh!t sandwich!

  26. First of all the thug in this case was incredibly stupid and paid the price for being just that. Lets just stop the crap about planted crap and cover-up stuff....it simply isn't true. As a civilian employee for five plus years of the MSP I can tell you nothing like that ever happens. These men hold themselves to a high standard and the last thing they ever want to do is kill someone. That is something you carry for the rest of your life. To bash someone simply because you don't have the stones to do their job is wrong. The person who died in this case brought it on himself. Case closed...get a life folks

  27. Maybe us WHITE people should organize a group The NAAWP. We'll show our weight..
    Because we are becoming the minority. I know if this guy was White No One would have give a Damn!

  28. yeah right 7:11 I've seen some of the higher standards you speak of. What's wrong with a citizen review board? Why are all the police agencies against such a move? Maybe something about a blue wall or some other bs like that? If they were truly above board and beyond reproach then I would think they would be begging for that type of support! Guess not! huh? wonder why?

  29. 10:26 why dont you invite the police into your house and allow them to review what you do on a dialy basis. I support review boards as long as the board covers the demographics of the whole county.

    Ashanti has proven in the past she is no fan of any police. The NCAAP is an out dated franternity no longer needed. The Presidentr of the United States is African (literally) so why the hue and cry of the NCAAP. Mary has made her living off of race card. Nice lady but is it really needed anymore.

    If this was broached by Mary Ashanti citizen I would have supported it. The NCAAP thing takes all crediabilty from this topic.

  30. 11:31 PM, Well said and I totally agree with you!

  31. Anonymous said...
    This is unbelievable and core to what is wrong with this country today... Smoking pot right before going into a police station (which I guess is Ok after Oct. thanks to the idiots in Annapolis) and then using the car to almost kill a police officer is ok.. really

    April 15, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    No it is not ok. It will still be a crime, but different penalties.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Actually she's talking about it because NO ONE ELSE WAS.Weeks have passed without a word.11:42 is absolutely right on all counts,but not a word from anyone?That in itself is a problem,because in spite of what anyone thinks,time is not the great healer.This issue will not just go away so it may as well be addressed.

    April 15, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    Hey Moron, Donnie Mariner was murdered almost a week ago by black thugs and no one is talking about it today. It will be forgotten and ignored because it was a crime committed by a black thug in a Hoodie! Go crawl under your little cop hating racist rock.

  33. Anonymous said...
    lmao, I personally could care less about mary and her merry band of useful idiots. but she is on to something here. It's way past time for citizen review boards to review any and all allegations of police misconduct! They have proven time and time again they can not be trusted to truthfully and fully vet themselves and come up with anything more then support for the criminals in their ranks! Time to clean house! Not everyone who wants to be a Kop should be allowed to wear the badge and carry a gun!

    April 15, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Our resident cop hater has woken up from his drug induced coma. Take another qualude and crawl back into your coma.

  34. COP HATER said...

    PROVE he used his vehicle as a weapon. PROVE he endangered the officer. PROVE the officer didn't endanger himself then kill the man for his mistake. PROVE there was marijuana in the car (that was not planted as evidence to justify the killing)
    If the NAACP wasn't a racist organization I'd support them on this one.
    The review board for these cases needs to be civilian based or ALL police shootings should be reviewed by a grand jury to keep cops honest.

    April 15, 2014 at 11:31 PM

  35. Mary this Youtube video was all over the web and even posted by Sbynews not to long ago showing an unarmed white man being shot by a cop in South Carolina. Where were you on this shooting. Guess what it was a black cop shooting an old white man and no where on the news or the internet did anyone mention that it was a black cop shooting an old handicapped white man who happened to be a Viet Nam veteran.

    Joe please accept this link so the viewers can see for themselves that it was a black cop shooting a white man.



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