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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT

The recent audit of the Board Of Ed and the County Executive's proposal of a tax increase has prompted Salisbury News to do a weekly report on some of the so called cost of doing business. 

7/13/12 UNO'S CHICACO GRILLE $20.53 
7/13/12 PATS PIZZERIA $56.57 
7/13/12 WAWA $7.76 
7/27/12 STARBUCKS $6.34 
7/27/12 STARBUCKS $6.42 
7/27/12 DIAMOND MARKET BAR $19.63 
7/31/12 VIVA ESPRESSO $8.17 
7/31/12 RT 12 PIZZA $26.56 
7/31/12 BACK STREET GRILLE $42.44 
7/31/12 GOIN NUTS CAFE $41.98 
7/31/12 DOMINO'S $28. 99 
7/31/12 GOIN NUTS CAFE $38.10 
7/31/12 MARKET STREET INN $37.00 

12/12/11 McDONALD'S $30.00 
4/29/11 GOIN NUTS CAFE $575.00 
3/28/11 TAYLOR'S BBQ $558.00 
4/11/11 WRIGHT'S MARKET $6.69 
12/8/11 TAYLOR'S BBQ $406.00 
4/3/11 ZIA'S $217.65 
4/3/13 PANERA BREAD $114.43 
2/17/13 PANERA BREAD $74.70 
3/5/13 GOIN NUT'S CAFE $286.20 
3/5/13 VINNY'S LAROMA $496.00 
3/8/12 RISE UP COFFEE $13.14 

This is just a small sample of how your tax dollars are being spent in the following weeks much more will be exposed.

Originally published at 9:00 AM


  1. If you have had any dealings with any of these people, you know they are arrogant and have a sense of entitlement. It is truly disgusting that they charge coffee to the taxpayers - not to mention the bigger charges. Who the H#LL do they think they are? WE PAY THEIR SALARIES. There is a sick mentality in our government. I hope with posts like these, the people will realize the need to clean house at the top. Bob Culver may have his issues, but could he truly be any worse than Pollitt? I don't think so and a growing number of people agree with me.

  2. I don't see this spending as coming from someone with a sense of entitlement and arrogance but more of someone who was raised by parents who didn't value morals, integrity and principles. It's stealing plain and simple. These people were brought up with a taker's attitude and it's continued into their adulthood. It's all a reflection of what is instilled in a person starting in childhood.

  3. Pollitt needs to raise taxes so he can eat more.

  4. The Wrights Market purchase bothers me the girl that owns that served on the BOE at that time

  5. These people are pure a#@holes there should be charges filed against them. Go buy your own coffee.

  6. These numbers mean nothing without facts such as who and why.

  7. The excuse is that this is for Pizza for the kids and special events. Ok so I can see that with Dominos but do you really think they took kids or had a parental event at Going Nuts Cafe ?

    In some way its the smaller charges that bother me. It's pretty clear that $20.53 at Uno's is for one person to eat so there is no reason for that to be biiled to the County unless it's for a selfish reason.

    The coffee really pisses me off. How can you justify the tax paying paying for your coffee break.

    Yes they are smaller purchases but there is no way to justify those as County business related.

  8. I am a libtard that you people like to bash, but even I have a hard time with Starbucks on an expense account. I would like to know a specific person from whose account this came. Their boss should monitor their expense account more closely. But don't start with the "Pollitt should monitor all this stuff" crap. I bet even Joe would understand that there is a chain of command with whom oversite responsibility lies. I would wager that Culver wouldn't know about individual expense accounts either. This isn't about politics; it's about a certain employee who is abusing an expense account.

  9. " Anonymous said...
    These numbers mean nothing without facts such as who and why.

    April 14, 2014 at 9:49 AM"

    This is why the country new website with it's supposed transparency portal or whatever they call it is a complete farce, meant to appease the easily fooled people but does nothing to satisfy the curiosity of those more intellectually superior.

  10. Conflicts of interests are involved because contacts are being made in advance.Phone records prove that.Advance notice given to any business of intended arrival Vs first come first serve constitutes a conflict of interest.

  11. why are we buying food and drink for these people? please answer this...

  12. Why can't they buy their own meals?

  13. I can tell you from experience with corporate (Fortune 500 company) expense accounts, everything must be itemized and must be done so within a reasonable amount of time, generally 24 hours of timestamp on actual receipt.
    Even business related travel per diems are scrutinized and limited to food and not alcoholic beverages. If you are taking a client on a luncheon or dinner the alcohol bill better not exceed the food bill. I've had on occasion to pay out of pocket when a client ordered a $200+ bottle of wine to balance out the food alcohol ratio allowed.

  14. Why no chow from Back Street Grill, also know as "Wayne's Watering Hole"

  15. Wow eating high on the hog so to speak. No wonder politician's are so fat. And some of these guys have the nerve to complain about welfare when in fact if you are lucky enough to be elected into any office around here it seems that's exactly what you are living off of. Hmmm let see you get elected in some cases you get a new car let's not forget the ole mighty debit card that seems to come with a few local government jobs. You can even get insurance even if the job is part time. What the hell? Let's not forget all the Lil perks and gift received oh wait that doesn't happen or should we say at least its never spoken about.

  16. Why doesn't the BOE utilize the school cafeteria's for food. If it's good enough for our children it should be good enough for them.

  17. My God, who's eating all this food? Now I want a government job so I can get an expense card.

  18. Off topic slightly, Anyone know when Fratellis is opening again...if ever?

  19. Isn't it funny how many more people are concerned with an old guy being carded at Food Lion than with these numbers? Maybe they would like to see where these numbers actually come from and as somebody above said, the where and the why.

  20. could you please show items purchased in 2013

  21. 11;14 -

    There is a small tab from Back Street. Probably just for Wayne and Dr. Freddy.

  22. Taylor's BBQ must be pretty good to spend nearly $1000 on their food within a week.

  23. Next time I go to PTA they better have catered grub.

  24. 4:41 --

    Guess Freddy likes BBQ.

  25. 2 decades plus L.G.employeeApril 14, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    This happens in most county depts but it is mostly the uppercrust.The run of the mill hourly slave does not even get the crumbs of the uppercrust.I wonder if sharon is using her county taxpayer funded automobile to pick up rics and tamaras coffee ? The tide of problems is to strong in wico now! All we can do is buy expensive cop tahoes and chargers to ride in circles.There is crime, mostly committed on foot or bicycle and these 40 k vehicles and 40 plus k cops do not have a clue to catch them.The B.O.E. has more food going out the back of the cafeteria than served at the front.Pizza and hotwings for every non american speaking hatian family in wicomico along with a few x-boxes too.The roads are falling apart and all our leaders want to do is build a new 100 mill plus inciderator to burn waste which bankrupted a town upnorth.But we can still give 10 k raises at the whim of a second vote even after it was nulled the first time.Rick Pollitt you have real nerve to run for a 3rd term seeing what fiscal distress you have put this county in.

  26. An occasional thank you lunch or event for volunteers (who are saving the County thousands in some cases by their volunteer efforts) is acceptable in my view...but they need to prove that is what it is for. Going to Starbucks on your way to work doesn't cut it. That is just abuse of County credit card.

  27. Taylor's is expensive. Cheaper food that is still good is available.

  28. Taylor's is great! Wonderful food, nice people. You get a lot for your money. Don't be knocking Taylors.

  29. 6:19, this county is in fiscal distress because uninformed voters voted for a revenue cap that is strangling county operations. It's that simple whether you want to believe it or not.

  30. Its one thing to eat on the taxpayer dime but what there eating and feeding kids is trash. I have eaten at taylors several times and it SUCKED ALWAYSAND WAY OVERPRICED AND REHEATED.If you really want to save money give them salad works coupons and see how many do not even get redeemed

  31. 6.40!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. 6:40 i dont beleive it...im tired of these outragious tax increase in EVERYTHING...only thing not going up is my pay..shove it..they need to really Cut this type crap out...FIND MORE CUTS...revenue cap stays....

  33. They probably have a coffee pot in their offices, but still have to stop at Starbucks and buy "fancy" coffee drinks. If you're too good to drink normal office coffee, then spend your own cash on it!

  34. Wayne -

    Freddy and me will be at Back Street later tonight -- wanna join us?

  35. All you people care about is money. How about we celebrate the accomplishments of our schools instead of nitpicking over things like this? I bet most of you haven't stepped into a school in years.

  36. I just looked at the county website, lots of stuff there that is hard to understand what it is spent on. Joe I hope you keep on reporting this there is a lot more there to tell.

  37. Did you know that commenting with caps lock on makes you right?

  38. even more obscene is the "leader" of the BOE even attempting to defend these items despite the direct violation of the law they represent.

    they were WRONG and can't even admit it. these were not for parents or students they were for BOE employees. it's an abuse and misuse of the funds they waste at the expense of the students they claim to serve. who was fired for these charges? who is going to repay the stolen money?

  39. Michelle Wright (WCBOE President)= 4/11/11 WRIGHT'S MARKET $6.69

  40. Does anyone know where these Board of Education employees live? Do you know that Margo Handy the Assistant Superintendent makes so much money she can afford to live in Nithsdale? She can afford a brand new Corvette. Not only that she has a take home car and free gas at the tax payers expense.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Why doesn't the BOE utilize the school cafeteria's for food. If it's good enough for our children it should be good enough for them.

    April 14, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    That is an excellent point. I am sure they know how to make pizza.

  42. nymous said...
    Taylor's is great! Wonderful food, nice people. You get a lot for your money. Don't be knocking Taylors.

    April 14, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    Seriously? You mean that precooked meat wrapped in plastic. Why don't they cook to order. That dried out crap is worse than Homel Microwaveable meals.

    Now get back to work Rick and Jeanette.

  43. Anonymous said...
    All you people care about is money. How about we celebrate the accomplishments of our schools instead of nitpicking over things like this? I bet most of you haven't stepped into a school in years.

    April 14, 2014 at 8:03 PM

    This must be one of the high paid BOE Central Office employees. What accomplishments? All the schools failing AYP except one?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Michelle Wright (WCBOE President)= 4/11/11 WRIGHT'S MARKET $6.69
    April 14, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    Just because Michelle & her husband own Wright's Market does not mean she made the charge!

    Michelle & her family donate a lot of time, money and things to MMHS children and staff! And they never expect anything in return. I appreciate everything they do. She is a very fair and sweet person.

  45. Looks like they got their hands caught in the cookie jar all the way up to their armpits. They are common thieves. No one of any class takes advantage and this is clearly what is going on.

  46. Michelle has made her decree regarding Brown Bag Lunches-- seems the Wicomico County Government is taking her serious..

    Bravo at least Vinny got a piece of the pie...

    Daily Designer Coffee is a telltale sign of them having no respect at all for who pays the bills for their waste.. time for these people to be back-billed for their arrogance

  47. Wayne Pollit... "Put a two dollar tip on that will you Ms Starbucks Barrista...and while you are at it ..put another buck on there for the Whales"

  48. I can understand travel expense for food but these places they eat at are within blocks of their work. Shame on you educators , you suck!

  49. Why complain about something you can't change.


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