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Sunday, April 20, 2014

County Council Will NOT Revisit RFP Lease With Board of Elections and E.S. Adkins

While John Hall wanted to, (and suggested) the Council revisit this location, the majority of the Council just decided to not bring it back for consideration.

Prettyman expressed her disgust that the people visiting today did not bring such passion during the public hearing on this matter, she also claimed she didn't have the proper information they learned today back when they voted on it two weeks ago. Lack of communication and information is a problem she said. She'd like to hold another public hearing on this matter. Council needs FOUR votes. There were NOT enough votes but Prettyman, (once again) tried to bring yet another vote back to the Council again. Incredible!

You should know that a few other business developers were present offering their support on this location. 


  1. Who were the stooges (business developers) who supported that absurd location for the Board of Election office?

  2. Not like it once was when Stanton and Henry ran the County -- good old boys from the good old days.

  3. I'll bet George Chevelier could do a good story about some of the "business" that's been done in that area over the years. Anyone remember the "East Side Mens's Club"?

  4. Good thing Prettyman will be gone from here soon. Too bad Hall will remain on the Council.

  5. 11:55 - Brad Gillis on behalf of Palmer Gillis

  6. Matt Holloway dodged a bullet, if you know what I mean (if you don't, just ask him).

  7. And what of the FY 2015 budget?

  8. This whole thing was a cluster from start to finish. They should have started again from scratch, this time with all of the information in front of them.
    Look forward to this costing us more money and embarrassment.

  9. 2:15, You are nuts. IF this is by chance a County Council Member, DO YOUR HOMEWORK LIKE YOUR PAID TO DO.


  10. If at first you don't suceed, just as for a re-vote to try and get it passed. NOT.

  11. This is incredible. The County Council is becoming the laughing stock of the east coast. How many flips and flops can this county accept.

  12. off with the liberal heads. away with them. NOW

  13. Hopefully Boda can bring some common sense to the Council. Holloway needs some help.


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