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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Md. Spent $90 Million On Health Exchange Technology, According To Cost Breakdown

Of the nearly $130 million that Maryland has spent on its troubled health insurance exchange, more than $90 million went toward technology expenses, according to a breakdown of costs released Friday.

Maryland’s highly anticipated insurance marketplace crashed on its first day and struggled through the first enrollment period, which ran Oct. 1 to March 31. State officials have said the exchange is so structurally flawed that it would be cheaper to replace the system than continue to fix it.

Maryland hired Deloitte Consulting this month to oversee that replacement, which is expected to cost at least $40 million to $50 million, plus software and hardware costs. Maryland is using code from Connecticut’s exchange, which has had one of the highest enrollment rates in the country.


  1. Another example of the lowest price bidder and gimme jobs to less than qualified individuals.

  2. 10:48 - There would have had to have been a bid. This was a dirty deal from the get go.

  3. I'd like to see a complete audit of where that money went. I'm sure a vast majority went into re-elect democrat coffers.

  4. There are some people walking around with some FAT pockets off this clusterF.

  5. The company that implemented the system to start with should have to refund the state for the crappy product they produced.


  6. OweMalley gave one specific job to OweBrown in the expectation he'd be riding a winner to the finish line. That job was leading MD's OweBamacare program.

    Under OweMalley's and OweBrown's 'leadership' and 'management' the horse never left the gate. It's too fat with pork to even qualify for inclusion in one of Moochie's school lunches.

    Shame, Shame, Shame!!

  7. Bye bye Maryland...not soon enough...this WILL come back on the already overburdened middleclass..i plan to be gone...the fiscal responsibilty of MD democrats is crimminal


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