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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Increasing Desperation of Democrats

Slanders and lies may be part of a deliberate strategy to drive up turnout in November.

Harry Reid isn’t backing down from his claim that rancher Cliven Bundy’s supporters are “domestic terrorists.”

It’s astonishing rhetoric given the White House’s characterization of the mass shooting by a genuine terrorist, Major Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 Americans at the Fort Hood Army base after yelling “Allahu Akbar!” (God is great.) Rather than labeling Hasan’s actions “domestic terrorism,” the Obama administration is prosecuting him for having committed “workplace violence.”



  1. "Slanders and lies may be part of a deliberate strategy to drive up turnout in November"

    Yes, this is such a democrat thing. You buffoons actually have the nerve to believe crud like this. Until you stop toting water for this corrupt two-party system and actually start demanding policies based on hard analysis of the facts from all politicians, you deserve the results that you get.

  2. Desperation? No, more like calling it like it is. These idiots are nothing more than armchair warrior cowards. Much like doomsday preppers tht like to play army and build thier little forts they are more dangerous to themselves and their families than they are to anyone else. 99.9% of them would piss themselves with fear at the first sign of armed canflict.

  3. If I heard Reid was diagnosed with rectal cancer or something I would throw a party.
    What the democrats call "leaders" is funny. They had the "got to pass it before we know what's in it", slave girl, who would eat a turd if a man told her to.
    Now we have this abomination stirring the pot, instead of stepping up, and taking a leadership position and attempting to come to a diplomatic solutions.
    Seriously what does a democrat have to be proud of?

  4. The pot calling the kettle black....domestic terrorists....Harry and his band of socialists have done more to harm this country than any and all attackers before him!

  5. This is to be expected. Democrats ARE of the lower classes of society.
    I don't mean in the socio-economic sense because someone can still be in the low income bracket but have refinement, class and decorum.

  6. And the Ft. Hood shooter has not been to trial yet and it's been 5 years. Yes, Obama protects the Brotherhood because he is one.

  7. Wow 10:29! You are low class. Someone is a leadership position should always take the higher road and show restraint and attempt to solve the problem, not continue to make it grow. That how it works in the corporate world. 10:29's not been out of their trailer park much.

  8. Harry Reid is a domestic terrorist. There is no better definition for him.


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